The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter five hundred and ninetieth exposed

After hearing Yu Jin's words, Emperor Jing Ming glanced at the prince.

At the full moon banquet with the Princess Shu, the crown prince went out to the palace to celebrate, but he was bitten by two oxen in the garden of Prince Yan's Mansion. He knew about it.

The prince teasing Er Niu for a long time is out of liking, not idle.

Thinking of this, Emperor Jing Ming was slightly relieved.

Although the results are the same shame, but the reasons are different, I feel more comfortable.

The crown prince was quite aggrieved by Emperor Jing Ming's eyes: What kind of person did the emperor take him as, if he didn't like Er Niu, would he be able to tease the dog when he was full?

"If you like a dog, you can have one, but don't be discouraged." Thinking about the prince's performance in the past two days, Emperor Jing Ming felt that he couldn't be stern, and maybe he would perform better if he gave him some encouragement.

The prince suddenly opened his eyes, and had the urge to pluck his ears.

Did he hear it wrong? The father actually took the initiative to say that he could keep a dog if he liked it. He didn't have this kind of treatment before.

Sure enough, pretending to have amnesia has many benefits.

At this moment, the prince was once again grateful for his wit.

He looked at Er Niu with a curious look: "I just heard that Er Niu is the senior Xiaotian General of the fourth rank. I'm still curious, but unfortunately I don't remember seeing Er Niu before."

Erniu may not like it too eagerly, so he started over and slowly figured it out. After a long time, he might be able to make Erniu like it.

The prince thought happily.

Yu Jin gave the prince a meaningful look, and smiled slightly: "Second brother, don't worry if you don't remember, the two cattle are here today, so I've seen them before."

He said, patted the big dog's head: "Come on, Erniu, say hello to the prince."

Er Niu, who was sitting next to Yu Jin like a good baby, stood up and took two steps forward slowly, wagging his tail.

When the prince saw Er Ox's tail wagging and his expression was close, he immediately relaxed his vigilance.

The house attendant who had a dog in the house said that if the dog wagged its tail at a person, it means that it has a good impression of that person.

Sure enough, that day was too urgent. Now it seems that Er Niu is really obedient and obedient, and he must still remember the package of braised beef.

This thought only flashed, and the big dog in front of him suddenly changed his face.

The docile and well-behaved turned into a ferocious face, revealing a set of terrifying fangs, and the two front legs were suddenly raised.

The scene of being bitten by two oxen that day suddenly flashed through the prince's mind.

The crown prince has a noble status. Although he was scolded and scolded by the emperor Laozi since childhood, his spirit was devastated, but his body was delicate and precious.

In front of Taimiao, the flagpole smashed his back once due to the ground movement, Yu Jin and King Lu each beat him once, Emperor Jing Ming smashed him once with a white jade paperweight, and then he was bitten by Er Niu.

In addition, for so many years, there have been almost no bumps.

And in the prince's subconscious, no matter how terrible the father and brothers are, there will still be reason. Er Niu is different. No matter how spiritual it is, it is still a beast. Once it goes crazy, it can really kill people.

It can be seen from this that Er Niu bit the prince's buttocks and left a psychological shadow on the prince.

Seeing that Er Niu's reaction was the same as before biting him that day, the crown prince covered his buttocks in a conditioned reflex, and Empress Cang stepped back and shouted, "Get Er Niu away, it's going to bite my butt again—"

The big dog stood on only two hind legs, stretched out one front paw in a beckoning motion, and turned to look at its owner innocently.

Yu Jin's face was full of surprise: "Second brother, Erniu just wanted to say hello to you, what are you running for?"

The prince had not recovered from his nervousness, and blurted out: "What to say hello, it just wanted to bite me, just like in your home that day-"

Shouting here, the prince suddenly stopped as if he had been immobilized by a god, and then his expression changed greatly and he looked at Emperor Jing Ming.

At this moment, Emperor Jing Ming's face was sinking like water, his eyes were staring at the prince like a knife.

The prince's legs softened and he almost knelt down.

He... is he exposed?

It's over, it's over, the emperor will definitely kill him!

King Lu's surprised voice sounded: "Second brother, do you remember?"

These words seemed to hand the prince a life-saving straw, which made him suddenly wake up and said with a dry smile: "Being so frightened by Erniu,

I suddenly remembered something—"

"Enough!" Emperor Jing Ming shouted angrily, turning around with his sleeves turned, "Go to the imperial study."

"Imperial Father—" the Crown Prince shouted with a white face, seeing that Emperor Jing Ming didn't turn his head and walked away, so he could only bite the bullet and chase after him.

King Lu looked at Yu Jin: "Seventh brother, what should we do?"

Just now, the father said to go to the imperial study, it should be just the prince.

At this moment, King Lu just wanted to leave quickly.

The hilarity is good-looking, but the father's expression is too scary, and now is not a good time to watch the hilarity.

Yu Jin squinted at King Lu, wishing to kick this idiot away.

It's really a thing that has more than enough success and more than failure. If it wasn't for the old fifth to remind him, the Crown Prince would probably have directly admitted that he pretended to have amnesia.

When Yu Jin was angry, it was naturally impossible to please King Lu, so he said sternly, "Didn't fifth brother hear that the royal father asked us to go to the imperial study, let's go."

On the way to the imperial study, Queen Lu reacted after realizing it and whispered, "Seventh brother, should the royal father just let the crown prince go there?"

Yu Jin didn't lift his eyelids, and said lightly: "My father didn't name me to thank you. What if I called us and saw that we didn't follow us in the imperial study? You know that the father is angry..."

When King Lu heard this, he didn't dare to hold on to luck any longer, so he had to follow up honestly.

Emperor Jing Ming strode back to the imperial study, and when he turned around, he saw the prince standing at the door dawdling, roaring, "Get in!"

The prince was accustomed to slumping his head, but King Lu's reminder gave him a glimmer of hope, and he forced him to walk in calmly.

After being bitten to death, it is said that he was frightened to restore his memory, so it should be fine, right?

The prince was apprehensive and had the urge to cry.

Standing in front of Emperor Jingming, the crown prince said embarrassingly, "Father—"

Emperor Jing Ming raised his eyebrows: "Why, have your memory recovered?"

The prince did not dare to look into Emperor Jing Ming's eyes, so he lowered his eyes and said, "I suddenly remembered a little..."

"How much do you remember?" Emperor Jing Ming said calmly.

The prince was overjoyed: Father, did you believe it?

In this way, he became a little bolder and said, "I was scared by Er Niu, and I remembered being bitten by Er Niu at the Seventh Brother's Mansion..."

Anyway, no one can cut his head open to see, neither can the father.

"Do you remember anything else?"

"not yet……"

"Look up and look me in the eyes."

The prince raised his eyes and looked at Emperor Jing Ming.

Emperor Jing Ming stared at the prince, his eyes unnervingly calm: "Did you really remember just now, not that you haven't lost your memory all the time?"

The prince couldn't help but look away.

"I said, look into my eyes!" Emperor Jing Ming increased his tone.

The prince secretly clenched his fists, his palms wet with sweat.

"How dare my son lie to you, I really just remembered-"

Emperor Jing Ming took the newly replaced white jade paperweight on the case.

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