The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Five hundred and ninetieth chapters retreat

Seeing Emperor Jing Ming's movements, the prince's eyes shrank, and the conditioned reflex covered his face with his hands.

Emperor Jing Ming stroked the cool white jade paperweight, his heart was cooler than the paperweight.

This beast is actually pretending!

Re-instruction, prudence and sensible, all are bullshit, but this beast is fooling him in order to avoid punishment.

Emperor Jing Ming looked at the prince coldly, his anger grew stronger and stronger, and the newly exchanged white jade paperweight came out of his hand.

Although the prince had a rare chance to come up with a method for amnesia, and successfully disguised it for several days, once he was in danger, he immediately revealed his true identity.

He was so frightened that his legs fell to his knees, and he shouted in a panic, "Father, the son is wrong—"

The white jade paperweight flew in a direction far away from the prince, smashed into the wall near the door, and then bounced to the ground with a loud noise, which startled King Lu who had just arrived at the door.

This time, Emperor Jing Ming had no intention of hitting the prince with a paperweight. Disappointed, and unable to even punish.

Seeing the prince who didn't make a fool of himself, Emperor Jing Ming was heartbroken.

Either don't pretend, since you are pretending, but you can't hold back your breath, a little fright will reveal the stuff, and the big Zhou Jiangshan will not die if you hand it over to this beast?

An An's position as a guarding ruler is probably just an extravagant wish he took for granted.

The Crown Prince noticed that Emperor Jing Ming was silent, and quickly raised his eyes to glance.

This look made him fall into an ice cave.

What's your father's look?

Compared with anger, such eyes made him more flustered...

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at Yu Jin and King Lu who were standing at the door. He didn't say anything to let them in, and continued to stare at the prince: "How did you come up with a way to pretend to have amnesia?"

The prince knew that he couldn't hide it any longer, so he said bravely, "My son is just... a flash of inspiration..."

King Lu twitched the corners of his mouth.

It turns out that the flash of inspiration can still be used like this, which is a long experience.

Emperor Jing Ming took a deep breath and pointed to the door: "Go out."


"I let you out!"

The prince shrank his head in fright, didn't dare to say more, got up and ran out.

On the stone steps outside the door of the imperial study, a big dog was lying, looking innocently at the prince who ran out in a hurry.

Seeing Er Niu, the prince's expression changed, and the thought of appropriating the god dog for himself faded, replaced by killing.

It's all to blame for this beast, otherwise he can continue to pretend, no one will find out.

Seeing the prince's face change, Er Niu still maintained his obedient appearance, and swept his tail lazily.

Such a person, it can kill one in one bite, hum!

The prince didn't dare to stay any longer and left in a hurry.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced blankly at Yu Jin and King Lu, and spit out two words: "Come in."

The two walked in.

The atmosphere in the room was almost breathless.

"Father, we—" King Lu said dryly.

Emperor Jing Ming glanced at him and said coldly, "Who asked you to follow?"

King Lu: ? ?

He looked at Yu Jin subconsciously, and there was only one thought in his mind: I was trapped by Lao Qi!

Yu Jin opened his mouth and said nonsense: "My son was afraid that you would be angry, so I came here."

King Lu: ? ?

It was agreed that the father and emperor did not name the name, so why do you want to come over?

At this moment, King Lu had the urge to hack Yu Jin with a big knife.

Emperor Jing Ming's deep eyes never left Yu Jin, and after a long while, he slowly asked, "So, did you see that the prince was pretending to have amnesia?"

This question was a bit broad, but of course Yu Jin wouldn't put himself in it, so he said solemnly, "Er Niu greeted the second brother, and seeing the second brother's reaction, my son vaguely guessed it..."

"What about before?"

"Before?" The innocent expression on Yu Jin's face was flawless.

Emperor Jing Ming frowned and said, "Why did you bring Er Niu to visit the Crown Prince today?"

In normal times, even if he had doubts in his heart, he would not ask them so directly. In particular, he was asked by a son in front of another son.

But now he was so annoyed that he couldn't care less.

Hearing what Emperor Jingming said,

King Lu looked at Yu Jin in surprise.

No way, Lao Qi is so bold, how dare he plot against the prince?

Yu Jin said without changing his face: "I don't know what the royal father does. On the day of Ah Huan's full moon banquet, the second brother asked for two cattle in person, but the son was reluctant and did not agree. Thinking about what happened to the second brother, the son regretted that he was too stingy that day, so he brought Er Niu into the palace to visit the second brother. I thought that if the second brother met Er Niu and liked it, he would give Er Niu to the second brother. Well, although my son is very reluctant, after all, brotherhood is more important..."

Er Niu, who was lying on the stone steps outside the door, changed his lazy posture and raised his ears alertly.

Always feel dangerous!

Inside the house, Yu Jin calmly stated the reason for bringing Er Niu into the palace, and finally said ashamed: "I didn't expect to do something bad with good intentions, and the second brother was frightened—"

"What kind of good intentions do bad things?" Emperor Jing Ming interrupted Yu Jin's words and said coldly, "If it weren't for Erniu, would it be a good thing to let the prince pretend to be?"

When it was really investigated, the prince committed the crime of deceiving the king.

It's just that Emperor Jing Ming hasn't figured out what punishment he should give the prince for a while.

Some decisions can be made impulsively in a fit of rage, and some can't.

For example, the abolished prince, who has been abolished and re-established, should be abolished a second time?

Emperor Jing Ming looked at Yu Jin deeply, saw that his eyes were clear and his expression calm, and he believed the reason given by Yu Jin seven or eight points.

Being stared at by him like this without changing his face, there should be no guilty conscience.

Besides, even he didn't realize that the prince was pretending. The seventh son had almost no contact with the prince, and he probably wouldn't have noticed. Today's incident is probably a coincidence.

Even luck is not on the Prince's side - thinking about this, Emperor Jing Ming feels more and more desperate.

After trying Yu Jin but not aware of the problem, Emperor Jing Ming didn't want to talk nonsense with his two sons, he waved his hands and said, "Okay, you can go out of the palace."

After walking out of the palace gate, King Lu wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, and said with lingering fear: "I thought the father was going to open the crown of the crown prince."

Although he hated the prince, his scalp would go numb when he watched his father beat the prince to death with his own eyes.

They are all sons. If the father can kill the prince, he can kill him.

Seeing Yu Jin's indifferent expression, King Lu whispered, "Lao Qi, you really didn't mean it today?"

Yu Jin smiled: "The fifth brother is joking, can I know in advance that the prince is pretending to have amnesia, or can I expect the prince's reaction to see Er Niu in advance? How can I have the ability to predict such things like God, today is really true. I just want to give Er Niu to the prince."

King Lu scratched his head and believed it: "That's right, don't say anything that predicts things like God, if it's really intentional, how can you not feel guilty in the face of the father's interrogation."

With him, it is estimated that the tongue is knotted, how can he be as calm and calm as the seventh.

Yu Jin chuckled in his heart: Who ruled that speaking nonsense would lead to a guilty conscience? He is not such a person.

Er Niu who followed behind stared at the master's buttocks with deep eyes: Give it away? ?

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