The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1024: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a blessed girl from the farm (19)

  Chapter 1024 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (19)

The women who live next door to Cui's house complained unhappily when they met Mrs. Cui: "Qiuhua, your eldest daughter-in-law is not as delicious as you said, lazy and useless. This is not the fat she came up with, which increases the rice production. Quite a lot. I estimate that your eldest son's two acres of paddy fields can at least yield a stone more than in previous years."


  Ms. Cui didn’t go to the end of the village recently, so she didn’t pass by the two acres of paddy fields, and she still stayed at the green and yellow growth. It’s quite plump, but it’s impossible to add as much as a stone!

  She waved her hand, not believing it at all: "What she said is all nonsense, do you all believe it?"

  No one in Lao Cui's family believed.

   But reality gave them a solid slap in the face...

  In the hot summer, more than 90% of the rice in the paddy field has matured and is ready to be harvested.

  Xu Yin made some calculations: two acres of rice, ordinary strong laborers need to get up early in the dark and spend a whole day to harvest, but is she an ordinary strong laborer? She is Xu Perpetual Motion Machine Yin who is blessed with eternal divine power! It will take half a day to harvest, and in the afternoon, we can go to the dry land to harvest the rapeseed.

  Wait for all to be taken home, then slowly thresh and turn them in the sun, so that even if there is a heavy rain, you will not be afraid.

   The most urgent task is to take it home!

"I will go with you."

  After two months of recuperation, Cui Mengjin felt healed up, and wanted to go to cut rice with his wife.

  Let him lie at home like a big man, and his wife go to the ground alone under the hot sun, he can't do it.

   "Your leg injury hasn't healed yet, so don't go!"

  Xu Yin crossed her hips and stared at her pretty eyes:

"It's only two acres of paddy fields and one acre of dry land. I can handle it! Besides, our house is far away from the county seat, and we got injured again after bumping into it. How inconvenient is it to go to the county seat to see the old imperial doctor? Are you really free? Can't stop, just help me boil water and cool a pot of herbal tea. It's hot, and I don't want to drink hot water when I come back at noon."

  Xu Yin cut two pieces of hardwood for him to use as crutches, trying not to let the injured leg bear the weight.

   "I'll put the tea bags on the table, just boil a pot of water, and I'll make lunch when I come back."

  It was a hot day, and she didn't really want to eat steaming firewood rice. When cooking noodles in the morning, she rolled out some buckwheat noodles and ate them with cold noodles at noon.

  Buckwheat is one of the local coarse grains. You will miss white noodles and rice every time you eat it. It is very appetizing to make a hot and sour cold noodle once in a while.

   There is one hundred taels left over from the sale of ginseng, and the family is now considered to be small and thin.

   It’s been more than four months since I’ve worn it, and the system hasn’t “stinged” her or issued additional tasks for her. I don’t plan to buy land and real estate for the time being, mainly because I don’t know what kind of tasks the dog system will release.

  Furthermore, few people in Dawa Village dug ginseng in the mountains, and my sister-in-law brought koi to her, and the ginseng she dug was also young, so I didn't want to be the focus of the whole village.

  So with the money on hand, it is still enough to secretly exchange some fine grains for the couple to hide and eat secretly.

  In addition, she has confidence in her family's two mu of paddy fields and one mu of dry land. Although it can't compare with the hybrid rice yield of two thousand catties per mu in later generations, under the same seed conditions, her family's harvest this year will definitely not be bad.

By going to the latrine, Xu Yin sprayed herself with the P++++ sunscreen spray that lasts for eight hours and has a perfect effect. She **** the cuffs and trouser legs of her long-sleeved trousers with string, carried a simple herbal teapot made of bamboo tubes, and held a sickle Went down to cut rice.

   "Meng Jin's family, are you here to cut rice alone? How is Meng Jin's leg injury?"

   "Meng Jin's family, I will ask my two sons to help you pick up millet later."

   Along the way, the women you meet will greet her.

  Some of the family members often ran to collect firewood for Xu Yin, send pigweed, and exchange a better breakfast than their own;

  Some of them bought the wild pork she beat;

  Some people also want to learn after seeing the Goudan and Tiewa families making new-style fat with her.

  Xu Yin smiled and greeted them one by one:

   "His legs are much better, but the doctor said that it is best to rest for a hundred days if the muscles and bones are injured, so as not to be completely injured again and leave sequelae."

   "Okay, thank you, auntie!"

  The women exchanged a few words with her, then went to their respective rice fields, chatting with their families:

   "It's really not the right time for the old Cui's family to divide... If there is no separation, Meng Jin's family would not have to work so hard. They have to take care of the men, and they have to cut rice and harvest **** alone."

   "Old Cui's family has no one to help?"

   "I saw Cui Er came back in the morning. He should be harvesting his own rice. He should come over to help his elder brother after harvesting."

"If he has a conscience, he should come to help. Although he was exempted from corvee by paying in advance for several months and buying three zhang silk, it is reasonable to hand over the wages he earned before the separation of the family to the public. Not his own."

   "Who says no! I think Cui's heart is quite biased. If it were me, both sons should either not go, and if they have no money to buy silk, they will both go!"

   "Cui Er's mouth is sweet, otherwise he can get a job in the accounting office? Meng Jin has been honest since she was a child, and she can only work hard."


While cutting the rice, the villagers chattered about family affairs. They worked for half a day. They were so tired that their waists ached and their backs ached. They dragged their feet and carried bundles of morning harvests back to the field. They suddenly found Meng Jin's house The rice fields in the village have been emptied, leaving a section of rice stubble with almost the same height and smooth incision, and the cut rice ears are neatly stacked on the field ridge.


   Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

   What speed is this?

  The whole family of more than a dozen people, young and old, went out together, and there were six of them alone. They only finished three acres of rice in one morning, and Meng Jin's daughter-in-law finished cutting two acres of rice by herself?

   And the incision is too smooth! Is Meng Jin's sickle so sharp?

  Xu Yin: Learn about Zhang Xiaoquan's whetstone!

   "Meng Jin's daughter-in-law!"

  Xu Yin, who was washing her hands by the small river next to the paddy field, was stopped by Cui Dazhuang.

   "You cut these all by yourself?"



   "Father! Come and have a look! I think Uncle Meng Jin's two acres of rice is more than our three acres of rice!"


  Old man Cui took a closer look, it was not!

  Xu Yin’s rice ears harvested from two acres of land were bundled into a hill, while the rice ears harvested from their family’s three acres of rice fields were so-so.


  Next! This year! This year, ask Meng Jin's wife to learn the unique composting method!

  Unable to bear their fiery eyes, Xu Yin carried a bundle of rice ears in each hand, and moved them onto the wheelbarrow that Carpenter Li entrusted to the village entrance a few days ago, and returned home as if fleeing.

   "Meng Jin's daughter-in-law's physical strength is really good! After a busy morning, she still has the strength to push such a heavy cart of rice back!"

   "Didn't Da Zhuang say that when Meng Jin just came back from the county town to get his leg repaired, his wife carried him out of the carriage and into the house."

   "Blessed is Meng Jin!"

   "Wouldn't it be Meng Jin who was pancaked on the bed?"

   "You are an old man, you dare to say this in front of children, you are not ashamed!"

   "Hey hey hey..."

  Feng is like a conscientious postman, sending the conversation of Cui Dazhuang's family to Xu Yin's ears.

  She staggered and almost slipped into the gutter beside the field.

Fortunately, the rice was harvested, and the rapeseed was planted in the dry land at the foot of the mountain not far from home, so she didn't have to come here these days, otherwise she was really worried that when she saw Cui Dazhuang's family, she couldn't help but see Comrade Xiaojin, who was hugging her family, tossing and turning on the bed Picture of baking pies…

  (end of this chapter)

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