The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1025: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of the lucky girl in the farm (20)

  Chapter 1025 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (20)

   Fortunately, Cui Dazhuang was just joking, and after being twisted by his wife's ears, he left it behind. At this moment, what he is more fond of talking about is Meng Jin's family's rice yield per mu.

   "Meng Jin's two-acre field of rice is worth as much as my family's three-acre field. The yield per mu is probably four stones!"

   This news, like a pair of wings, spread throughout Dawa Village in just one meal.

  When Cui heard about it, she almost broke her job.

   "It turned out to be true? How is this possible!"

  She muttered, her face full of disbelief.

  Cui Qiaoqiao frowned, she couldn't believe it, she still felt it was impossible.

  If you are not diligent in farming, can you have a good harvest?

   So, that woman has really become diligent?

  But in her previous life, she was sold to the Wang family as a child bride by that woman early, and she never had the chance to go back to her mother's house until she died.

I only vaguely heard that the elder brother injured his leg while serving in the army, and the woman thought he was a burden, so she took away the family's money and ran away; the second brother became the son-in-law of the shopkeeper of the paper making shop in the town, and she never heard of the separation until she died .

   Could it be that in this life she insisted on separating the family as soon as she was reborn, driving that woman out of Lao Cui's house, instead forcing her to work harder?

  No matter what the reason is, she will never trust that woman again.

   "Mother, it's only four stones, it's just one stone more than in previous years. This year is a good year, so there's nothing to make a fuss about. Anyway, I won't come to ask her for advice."

  Now she has money in hand, and has the money to sell delicacies, game, and medicinal materials. Not to mention a stone of grain, she can afford it for a hundred and eighty stones!

   She will never forget the grudges in her previous life. In this life, that woman should be lucky that she didn't try to sell her, otherwise she would definitely make her look good!


   On the contrary, Xu Yin is in a very good mood recently.

  Comrade Xiaojin from her family is too hardworking, even with a cane she keeps the house clean and tidy.

  She came back from the field with herbal tea to drink and ready-made meals to eat; she went to the dry land to harvest rapeseed, and he sat under the eaves with a stone mill to thresh the sun-dried rice.

  By the time she gets home, everything has been packed.

  As soon as she came back, dinner was served, and the washbasin and face towels were all ready.

  Xu Yin took the towel twisted from the cool well water and wiped her face, feeling very comfortable: Comrade Xiao Jin in this life is very much like Mr. Snail.

  The rapeseeds are smashed and dried in the sun, and they are waiting in line to go to the oil mill to squeeze the oil.

  However, Dawa Village does not have its own oil mill. The set of equipment seems simple, and it costs a lot of money to buy it. Everyone carries rapeseed oil to the oil mill in the town to line up for oil extraction.

  Xu Yin wanted to go with the villagers, mainly because she wanted to recognize the door of the oil mill.

   "I'll go when my legs get better. There's still enough oil in the house." Cui Mengjin felt sorry for his wife and didn't let her run around town with a wheelbarrow alone.

  Xu Yin pointed to the main room: "There is almost no place to pile up."

  There is only one thatched hut in the family, and a bamboo curtain is hung to form a room and a living room. There is no warehouse.

  Rapeseeds are squeezed into oil, saving some space.

  But she plans to bring back the rapeseed cake residue after oil extraction, and even wants to ask several familiar companies to buy their vegetable cake residue.

Those families have a lot of land, and they grow a lot of rapeseed. They all start with two acres. There are probably several sacks of cake dregs squeezed out. There is still no place to put them when they are pulled back. Don’t want it, and I feel distressed, rapeseed cake dregs What a good pig fattening feed!

   "Ah Jin, it looks like we have to build a house. How about starting construction after your legs are healed?"

  She did the math, and it didn't cost much to build three adobe houses.

It’s not that I don’t want to live in a brick and tile house, but I do as the Romans do. No one lives in a brick and tile house in Dawa Village. Lizheng’s house is in the best condition, and it’s also an adobe house. The houses of the clan elders seem to be built of stones, with yellow mud on both sides. For houses made of earth and stone, most roofs are not thatched but tiles.

  She plans to build a house like Lizheng's house.

  Dawa Village has many rivers and lakes, and the mud in some areas is reddish brown, which is very suitable for adobe.

  The wood is cut casually on the mountain, so adobe and wood do not cost money, and tiles need to be bought.

But if you build a brick and tile house, not only the tiles will cost money, but the green bricks for the three houses will probably cost tens of taels. Now she has less than a hundred taels of silver on the surface, so it's better not to spend so much money. .

  But she plans to find a time to find Lizheng and get the house site in front of the yard approved.

  Homestead is not expensive, much cheaper than fertile dry land, after all, it can only be used for building houses.

   Ming Ming had enough money, so he built a brand new brick house directly in front, and kept the adobe house as a warehouse, surrounded by walls, wouldn't it become an independent compound?

  If you are more affluent, you can buy the wild lake pond in front of you. Whether you want to raise fish and shrimp, or grow lotus root or lotus, you can open the door and you will see your own lake. It will be refreshing to think about it.

  However, it is still too early to achieve these goals. It is practical to build adobe houses first and improve the cramped living environment.

  The lady insisted on extracting oil, and he was not allowed to follow, Cui Mengjin could only obey, who made him a wounded patient!

   Injured patients are not eligible to negotiate conditions.

  However, he was not idle. Since he wanted to build a house, he had to make the adobe as soon as possible.

  So, when Xu Yin went out, he sat in the backyard and knocked the lumps of soil, chopped the straw, smashed the lumps of soil into powder, chopped the straw into pieces, and cleaned out the wild boar hair from the pigsty for easy stirring.

  Xu Yin pushed the wheelbarrow to the entrance of the village to join Goudanniang and her party.

Goudan Dad carried two baskets of rapeseed and other men and walked in front, and Goudan Niang carried eggs and embroidered handkerchiefs to the town to change oil, salt, sauce and vinegar and walked beside Xu Yin. Give it a push.

  It takes more than half an hour to walk from the village to the town, so of course I chatted while walking.

Xu Yin learned from the women's conversations that the oil extraction rate of the oil mill in the town is very low. Rapeseed is an oil crop, and one mu of land can harvest almost two hundred catties of rapeseed. Forty pounds is not bad.

  If you want to take back the leftover cake dregs, the oil mill will take five catties of oil as a processing fee, and it would be good if you can get thirty-five catties in the end.

  No one raises pigs in Dawa Village. One is that piglets are expensive, and the other is that someone has raised pigs before, but the pigs died of diarrhea before the Chinese New Year.

  The investment is high, the risk is high, and unlike chickens and ducks, they can usually lay eggs. Only those who are full are willing to raise pigs, not to mention that they are not full.

  Like this year so far, the weather is generally smooth. After the busy farming season, many people will eat a few full meals to recover their blood. If there is a disaster year, the grass roots and bark will be robbed, and raising pigs is equivalent to robbing people for food, so naturally they don't want to raise them.

  However, even if someone raises pigs, they don’t know that rapeseed cake can be fed to pigs. They think it’s useless to take it back. If they want to squeeze the oil again, they must have oil extraction equipment. It would be better to leave it to the oil mill as a processing fee, so as to save a few catties of oil.

  (end of this chapter)

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