The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 1026: The lazy and bad sister-in-law of a lucky girl from the farm (21)

  Chapter 1026 The Lazy and Bad Sister-in-Law of the Blessed Nongmen (21)

  Xu Yin did some calculations. Her family’s one-acre field of rapeseed finally weighed 250 to 60 kilograms of rapeseed. This was the result of missing the base fertilizer and one top dressing.

  But compared to the output of other people's two hundred catties or even less than a little, they still got a lot of hot and admiring eyes.

  All the 250 catties of rapeseed were pressed for oil, and only 50 catties were obtained. Xu Yin wanted to get back the cake residue, so he had to pay an extra seven catties of oil as a processing fee.

   Goudanniang and the others all advised her not to do this: "It's too bad! Take seven catties of oil to sell outside, and you can exchange two catties of meat. It's useless to take your cake crumbs back."

   "I'm useful." Xu Yin said with a smile.

   There are two wild boar cubs in her house, rapeseed cake residue is such a good feed for pigs!

  Take it back and dry it in the sun, put a spoonful of it every time you cook pigweed, and if the pig can't finish eating, you can feed it to chickens and ducks to make fat.

  Vegetable cake residue retting new type of fat, she is too familiar with this! How many small worlds have been used!

  With vegetable cake residue, her obsession with searching for castor beans and hemp seeds all over the mountain is not as strong as before.

  Next year, the fertility of her family's two mu of paddy fields and one mu of dry land will increase a lot.

   It's just that her family has too little cake crumbs.

   "Sisters-in-law, bring back your cake crumbs, too! I'll pay the processing fee for you. Meng Jin and I are the only ones in my family, and we can't eat so much oil."

   "If you can't eat, you can exchange for meat! I'm tired of farming and shed a layer of skin. After squeezing the oil, it's time to cut some meat back to feed the whole family."

  Xu Yin: My wife and I are making love every day.

  Comrade Xiaojin has recently become obsessed with fishing. She uses her homemade bait, and every catch is accurate.

  Although the catches are basically small fish and shrimps, there is always something to gain every time, and occasionally eels and loaches are caught.

   These two have a lot of meat, and they are both high in protein. I didn’t know how to cook them before, and I thought they tasted fishy. Now there is Xu Yin, a culinary expert who is not a chef but is better than a chef. He can make them more delicious than fish and shrimp.

  So that every morning after she went to the ground, he took a small bench to go fishing by the lake and pond, and when the sunrise came back, he cleaned the house, dried the millet, and made lunch.

River fresh fish is eaten on the same day, and they are never kept overnight, so that after a busy farming season, the couple in the whole village probably did not lose weight... Oh, Xu Yin lost a few pounds, but she actually took a bath every day to soak in medicinal baths, But her man doesn't know, he thinks it's tired, every day he finds ways to make meat to nourish her body, which makes her rosy complexion and vigorous, and at night she wants to have a loving exercise with her comrade Xiao Jin in his arms.

"Sisters-in-law, you can leave it to me! To tell you the truth, I took it back to feed the pigs. You have also seen that the cake residue after pressing the oil is fragrant and oily. If it is not for people who can't eat it, everyone must Want to keep it for yourself, right? So I figured pigs might like it."

  As for fattening, I’d better wait for the effect to come out before telling everyone.

   Can't see the effect, they may not be willing to give up oil for cake dregs.

  Seeing the results, even if she doesn't take the initiative to promote, everyone will come to her to learn from her.

  As soon as she heard that she was taking her back to feed the pigs, Goudanniang and the others didn't persuade her anymore, and readily agreed.

  After the rapeseeds were delivered to the oil mill, they could leave after receiving a wooden number plate. It was said that there were a lot of people queuing up, and it was her turn to get there early, and she would have to wait at least a month.

  Goudanniang said: "It's not bad if it can be squeezed in a month. I waited until the Chinese New Year last year."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Her family’s wild boar cub, you won’t wait until the end of the year to kill the unscented rapeseed cake, right?

  After the oil mill came out, the men went home first, and there was still a lot of aftermath work waiting for them in the field, while the women went to the town to sell and buy things together.

  Xu Yin pushed the empty trolley, and went to the butcher shop with Goudanniang first, afraid that they might not be able to pick good meat if they went late.

  Pig offal is cheap, but there are many people robbing it. If you can’t afford meat, it’s better to buy some offal and go back to satisfy your hunger. Therefore, when Xu Yin arrived, there were no more.

  She asked for two pieces of suet, and went back to refine lard; a piece of pork belly stewed in red;

  Although the big stick bone has no meat, it can be used as a broth.

  The ancient pigs are the real native pigs. The meat is firm and elastic, not greasy, not thin, rich in gelatinous texture, and even the bones are mellow.

  The soup noodles and gnocchi cooked in the broth that hang out of such big stick bones are fresh.

   Spread a few cooked small rapeseed, mushrooms, and river prawns. If you can still find bamboo shoots, then this three-fresh noodles or three-fresh noodles can freshen your tongue.

  The big stick bone after hanging the broth is dried and ground into powder, which is an excellent material for fertilization.

  So every time she comes to town, she does not need to buy meat, but she will never forget to buy bones, unless there are no bones for her to buy at the stall.

   Goudanniang and the others were puzzled when they saw that she had bought so many bones. Then they thought that Meng Jin had hurt her leg. Maybe it was something to eat to make up for it, so she didn't say much.

  Bought the meat, went to Xiulou to hand over the handkerchief, sold the eggs to the restaurants in the town, and went back to Dawa Village talking and laughing together.

   "Sanya, isn't that your second sister?"

  When passing a bridge, I met a group of girls and young wives from Meihua Village.

   The little girl next to Xu Sanya bumped her elbow, her tone full of surprise:

   "Your second sister has lost a lot of weight! Could it be that life is not going well in her in-law's house? She was tortured? Be good! Someone can torture her? Her mother-in-law is so tough!"

  Hearing these words, Xu Yin raised her head and looked over, and happened to meet her own sister with this body.


  Although Xu Sanya had never been beaten by Erya, she had seen her beat up those who robbed her of food in the village more than once—one punch after another, that was a real beating to death!

  Because she fought so fiercely that no one was her opponent, no one dared to covet the food she picked up from the mountains, and she successfully fed herself into a big fat man.

   It's just that I didn't expect to become so thin after less than half a year of marriage.

  Xu Sanya felt sour: It seems that she is not doing well in her husband's house. Then why don't you go home and complain, and let your parents and brothers come to seek justice for her?

  But she didn't dare to ask this question, for fear of making Er Ya become angry and jump up to beat herself violently.

   Not only dare not ask, but also dare not look at each other for a few more seconds.

  Xu Sanya pursed her lips tightly, and quickly looked away.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Miss what did you do? Scared a little girl like this?

  After thinking for a while, he opened the linen cloth covering the bamboo basket, took a piece of lard suet and a big stick bone, strung them with straw ropes and handed them to Xu Sanya: "Take them back to make up for your grandparents."

  If she hadn't met Sanya, she wouldn't have thought of her natal family in Meihua Village.

  The main reason is that the original body never went back after getting married, and there is no explanation about her natal family in the original plot.

   But I met my natal family on the way, and she is still a direct sister, so I can't pretend that I don't know her.

   Fortunately, she bought two pieces of lard suet, and there were a lot of bones, so it was nothing to share with her.

   I only bought one piece of pork belly, so I didn't divide it, and kept it for Comrade Xiaojin to replenish his body.

  (end of this chapter)

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