The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 127: Reorganized family oil bottle (22)

  Chapter 127 Reorganizing the family's drag oil bottle (22)

  In that room, Zhang Bingyan looked at the blacked out live broadcast room, and felt a faint sense of pleasure in her heart.

  Knowing that this is wrong, she should help call the police, or tell Liu Meili.

  Flicking the phone, Zhang Bingyan hesitated whether to tell Liu Meili or not. Then she remembered that in the live broadcast room, she seemed to have heard a hooligan yelling, "Your village is going to be demolished soon, and each family can get several houses." She frowned slightly.

   "What a coincidence, my grandmother's house was demolished, and her hometown was also demolished?"

   Thinking that she hadn't contacted her grandma for a long time, and that the progress of the demolition was nowhere to be seen, Zhang Bingyan put aside the matter of her step-sister, found out the phone number of her grandma's house, and called her.

   "Hi, grandma, I'm Yanyan."

   "Yanyan, I just want your uncle to call you to tell you that we won't demolish the place anymore, alas, I'm so happy..."

   "What?" Zhang Bingyan's usually gentle voice soared an octave higher in surprise.

   "Why, grandma? Didn't you say that it will definitely be demolished in the first half of the year?"

   "Who knows! Oh, what a pity, I can't give Yanyan a dowry house..."

   No matter how much she asked, her grandmother couldn't tell the reason, so Zhang Bingyan called her father:

   "Dad, grandma said that the villages in the city will not be demolished? Do you know the reason?"

   "How would I know." Her father was probably busy, and the background was very noisy. "If it doesn't demolish the house, then don't demolish it. It's not like your grandma doesn't have a son. If it's demolished, it won't be our turn. It has nothing to do with us."

   It doesn't matter how!

  Zhang Bingyan couldn't help muttering in her heart: Grandma promised to marry her a house.

   It is true that grandma has a son, but she is her granddaughter after all. After her mother passed away, the only one who really treated her well was grandma. Since grandma said that she would be demolished and married to her with a house, she would definitely not break her promise.

   But why not demolish it?

   "Dad, do you know which real estate company originally planned to develop the village in the city?"

   "I heard from your uncle that it seems to be Mingyu Group or Suhua Real Estate? Oh, I'm busy, so I won't tell you."

  Her dad hung up the phone without saying a few words.

   "Mingyu Group...Suhua Real Estate..."

  Zhang Bingyan repeated the names of these two companies and searched online.

  Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide, and a recent piece of news "Mingyu Group invests heavily, Danhe Village welcomes demolition" came into view.

  Below this piece of news, there is a link dotted with another related piece of news, the content of which is exactly the answer she was looking for—

  [Recently, Mingyu Group ended its investment investigation in Chengzhong Village, South District of Hengcheng, and instead invested in Danhe Village, Mingcheng, which caused criticism in the industry. We interviewed the secretary of the chairman of Mingyu Group. ]

  The current chairman of Mingyu Group never accepts interviews from the outside world. Secretary Zheng answers reporters' questions on his behalf.

  In this interview video, Secretary Zheng gave a very official answer, which means that Mingyu Group invested in Danhe Village, not because they disagreed with the investment value of urban villages, but because they found a better project.

  After watching the interview video, Zhang Bingyan was shocked and angry.

   The developer who was going to demolish the village in the city where the grandmother’s house is located turned around and demolished Tuyouping’s hometown?

how so!

  What kind of existence does Mingyu Group exist? So far, none of the projects it invests in is unpopular.

   Not to mention how Danhe Village will develop in the future, just talking about the demolition is enough for these bumpkins to become rich from poverty.

   The oil bottle is really lucky, so you can pick up the leak.

  Zhang Bingyan was angry and anxious, and was extremely unwilling.

  After thinking about it, she called Liu Meili, her voice full of grievances: "Auntie, why didn't you tell me about such a happy event, Yinyin's hometown is going to be demolished, because you didn't treat me like a family member?"

Liu Meili was very surprised when she heard this: "Huh? Danhe Village is going to be demolished? Impossible? It's so poor there, what is there to invest in? I went back a few years ago, and everyone in the village ran out to work , Who would go there to buy land? I'm not afraid of losing money."

"It's true! I just saw the news. You know Mingyu Group, right? Mingyu Group bought the entire Danhe Village, and the contract was signed. It is said that the villagers of Danhe Village have three sets of houses in the county town. Start off, why didn't Yinyin tell you, auntie?"

   "That **** girl! I don't even care about my mother, I don't care about her!"

   That's what I said, but Zhang Bingyan's call planted a thorn in Liu Meili's heart. Thinking of the benefits brought by the demolition, she couldn't help but feel anxious.

  Thinking about the dead old woman with half of her body buried in the coffin, what's the use of having so many rooms?

  Damn girl too! For such a big matter, he didn't even talk to his own mother.

  Although it is a community house in Pingtan County, it can’t compare with the house price in Hengcheng City, but the three houses can be worth three to five million.

  Thinking that the grandfather and grandson are sitting on three to five million real estate, Liu Meili can't sit still.

  She was the daughter-in-law of the old Xu family for several years, and gave birth to a daughter for the old Xu family. She should have a share in the demolition of the old house. If you want to leave her alone, there is no way!

  So I dug out the address book where I recorded the phone number earlier, found the number of the village committee of Danhe Village, and dialed it. Unexpectedly, there was a busy tone, and I couldn't get through after calling several times.

   Passed 114 again and asked for the phone number of the Shuangli Sub-district Office, and finally got through this time.

  Liu Meili claims to be a relative of the old Xu’s family in Danhe Village. Every year at this time, she calls the village to care about her relatives. This year, she couldn’t get through the phone, worrying that something happened at home.

  When the staff of the sub-district office heard about the situation, they found out the cell phone number of the head of Danhe Village and reported it to her:

   "Danhe Village is about to be demolished, and the village committee has been relocated. The left-behind villagers will be resettled into transitional housing. I don't know exactly where. You should call the village head and ask."

  When Liu Meili called the village head, the village head happened to be at the police station.

  Those gangsters from the neighboring village who were sneaking around were beaten up by Xu Yin, and then they were bundled up like zongzi and sent to the town police station, where they were accused of attempted theft and wanted to blackmail people.

   These people are regular visitors to the police station, and they will come in and be locked up for a few days every now and then because of gambling.

  Xu Yin is a gifted student who won two first places for the county and was recommended to the county's first high school. Just by looking at this, one can guess who is the victim.

   What's more, there is live video evidence.

  Although the attempt was unsuccessful, it was of a bad nature. If Xu Yin didn't know how to protect herself, she wouldn't know how she would have been bullied.

  The police station was about to file a case and received a phone call. After hearing a few words, the director immediately said: "We are following up on this matter. Indeed, the social reaction is too bad, and it is absolutely impossible to tolerate it!"

  It went more smoothly than Xu Yin imagined.

   When she came out of the police station, she went to a nearby milk tea shop and bought 20 cups of iced milk tea, and asked the brother of the milk tea shop to deliver them to the police station after adding errand fees.

  If it’s a hot day, I would trouble them to go to Danhe Village to collect evidence, and invite them to have a cup of milk tea to express their feelings.

  The village chief came to pick her up on a tricycle: "Have you figured it out?"

"Understood, that brother-in-law named Ah Shan is from our village. He came back to sign a few days ago. By the way, he went back to his mother-in-law's natal home and talked about my family growing watermelons on their own land. His brother-in-law just gambled and lost all the money at the bottom of the bag, so he wanted to steal watermelons." Come sell."

   "Ah Shan? That's a delicious and lazy bastard! Fortunately, you are in Guadaly, otherwise they would have succeeded!"

  After the village chief finished speaking, he couldn't help but be thankful that Xu Yin is strong and knows how to punch, otherwise he wouldn't know how to be bullied.

"Well, there have been quite a lot of quarrels recently about the demolition. The houses with more children have not been seen yet, but the brothers are the first to start the quarrel." The village chief shook his head with a headache, "I can't tell. Whether demolition is a good thing or a bad thing.”

   "Money touches people's hearts."

  As soon as Xu Yin finished speaking, the village head’s elderly phone rang. He picked it up and listened: “Hello? Yes, it’s me. Who are you? Beautiful? Which one is beautiful? Oh oh!”

  The village head covered the microphone and said to Xu Yin: "It's Liu Meili, come and ask me for your phone number."

  Xu Yinxiu raised her eyebrows lightly, and immediately thought of the purpose of Liu Meili's call, a mocking smile curled up on the corner of her mouth.

   Money touches people's hearts, is she right? This is not another one.

  The village chief has heard about Liu Meili's various virtues after her second marriage from grandma Xu, so how could she tell her Xu Yin's contact information.

  Even if Xu Yin was by his side at the moment, he still squeezed his lips tightly together and refused to say anything.

  Liu Meili couldn't get Xu Yin's phone number from the village head, so she was very upset.

  When she called the village chief, she had already figured out what to say. She was not greedy. No matter how many apartments Old Xu's family got, she only needed one.

   Turn around and sell the money to buy a small apartment in Hengcheng City or pay a down payment for a large apartment, so that my son will not have to worry about his future wedding house.

  Unexpectedly, the village chief didn't tell her Xu Yin's phone number.

   "Immortal, isn't it just a phone number..."

  Liu Meili cursed and decided to go back to Danhe Village.

   "Damn girl! I don't even know how to call me! Demolition is such a big deal, I never thought of discussing it with me! The developer is so treacherous, old and young, don't be fooled..."

  Liu Meili gave herself a high-sounding name.

  Thinking that the grandparents and grandson might have signed without asking anything, she was in a lot of pain, as if all she lost was her money.

  If Xu Yin hears her thoughts at the moment, he will send her a special sentence: I want to fart!

  (end of this chapter)

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