The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 128: Reorganized family oil bottle (23)

  Chapter 128 Reorganizing the family's drag oil bottle (23)

  Since he came to the town, the village chief took Xu Yin to the demolition transitional house provided by Mingyu Group, which was in the second phase of the new village and had not yet been sold.

  Xu Yin only recently heard that the ancient street in the town and the new village apartments connected to the first phase and second phase behind it were also developed by a subsidiary of Mingyu Group.

   Therefore, the unsold houses were taken out to resettle the demolished villagers.

  Of course, there is a choice between this benefit and the "turnover compensation fee". If other villagers choose the turnover compensation fee, they have to rent their own accommodation during the transition period.

  Xu Yin originally wanted to use the money to rent it by herself, and rent it near Yigao.

  With the two special prize competition medals, she easily got the stepping stone to recommend high schools, but she didn't choose the key high schools in the city, but chose the county high school, just to take care of Grandma Xu conveniently.

  Because she was sent on recommendation, she didn't have to go to school, so she had time to soak in the private plot, otherwise she wouldn't be able to find the melon thief, or the acre of watermelons would have already suffered when she found out.

   Closer to home, if you rent a house near Yigao, will Grandma Xu get used to the completely unfamiliar environment?

   At that time, I have to go to school and have no time to accompany me. The old man is lonely, so I chose a transitional house in the town like the village head.

  It would be best if the high school can be run as a commuter, and if it is necessary to live on campus, Grandma Xu has a village head in the new village and a fellow from Danhe Village who moved to the town in the early days to take care of her, so she can rest assured.

   Now that Grandma Xu's eyes are better and her legs and feet are sharper, it won't be inconvenient for the grandparents and grandson to get a second-floor sunny two-bedroom apartment.

   It's really lucky, the set she got was actually a well-decorated model house, except for some soft furnishings, there is no need to buy anything else, they are all ready-made.

"I've inquired that there are only three model houses in the second phase, and the other two are reserved. The only one that was released was drawn by a lottery. Yinyin, you're lucky! You can move in and live in it. Not to mention, I saved a lot of money!" Every time the village chief came to the new village, he would praise her good luck.

  Xu Yin also felt that she had gotten lucky.

  Can't help but wonder if the "Blood Gallbladder Golden Lotus" that Yan Kejin gave her at the beginning can really bring koi luck to people?

"Yinyin, this is the Uncle Chen I mentioned. You can just call him Grandpa Chen. His son is the owner of this fruit shop. Didn't you grow a lot of watermelons this year? If you have no other way, just bring him to the shop." Here, he sells it for you."

   Arriving in the new village, the village chief took her to a fruit shop of an acquaintance on the way to check the door.

   This is because she is worried that the watermelons in her field will not be sold, so she needs to find a way.

  Xu Yin was a little dumbfounded.

   Although the yield of six thousand catties of melons per mu is quite a lot, but because of their size, there are only about three hundred in total.

   During Qingming, Liu Yan learned that she had planted an acre of watermelon, and ordered a thousand catties in advance.

  On May 1st, I heard Xu Yin say that this batch of melons can grow to about 20 catties a piece, so if I calculate it, there are only 50 melons in a thousand catties? So he quickly added another fifty. I'm afraid it's not enough like the strawberries last time.

  Equivalent to two thousand catties of watermelons ordered out before they ripen.

   She has other arrangements for the remaining melons.

  The tree hole live broadcast has been gaining popularity recently, and it has broken through the 20 million mark in the past two days.

  Xu Yin thought about whether to follow the example of other podcasters and organize a decent lottery to reward fans and friends who have always supported her, so she asked the fans if they want sunscreen, lipstick, or anything else, depending on what they like.

   Unexpectedly, fans asked to eat the watermelon she grew.

  [The cloud has been raised for so long, I really want to try one! ]

  [Approve lottery to draw watermelon! ]

  [No lottery, just sell me a few! ]

  Xu Yin: "..."

  It's rare for a sister to be serious, and you must force her to be down-to-earth.

  Watermelon, can it be mailed?

  However, after some inquiries, there are indeed courier stations that undertake the business of delivering watermelons, so let watermelons be a benefit.

  It was the first time for other netizens to hear that watermelon was used as a fan benefit, and the broadcaster planted it himself.

  Liu Yan bought 100, the fans drew a lottery for 100, and kept a few for himself to eat and give away, there are really not many left.

   Zhou Yang's family only remembered the taste of last year's batch of watermelons after receiving the watermelons sent by Xu Yin.

"Oh! How did I forget!" Zhou Yang's mother slapped her forehead and said angrily, "The procurement department told me earlier this year that the unit's cold drink fee would not be paid, and watermelon would be given instead. Last year's watermelon was not enough for them to eat. I see Yinyin, you said at the beginning of the year that you would plant an acre this year, so you didn't rush to contact you, but you completely forgot about it! Is it too late to order now?"

   Zhou Yang’s father also hurriedly placed an order for his friend who opened the restaurant: "Yinyin, Lao Zhao said that as long as it tastes as good as last year, he wants as much as he wants. This guy thinks I gave away less than 30 last year."

  Xu Yin shook her head with a smile: "There are not many left, the two companies must not be divided enough, why don't you discuss it?"

   "The melons for an acre of land are almost ordered so quickly?"

  The couple were taken aback, and reacted quickly to place an order:

   "Me me me! I want it!"

   "I want it! Wife, don't rob me!"

   "Don't rob me! The procurement department asked me to do it early in the morning. If I can't finish it, I'll have to hang up!"

   "Then how many will be divided among me, there is no one, Lao Zhao must scold me to death!"

   "Okay, I'll give you one."

   "..." If I knew it, I would have said a few more.

  Zhou Yang's mother was afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, and the remaining hundred melons would be lost, so she called a small truck to take the watermelon to the unit that day.

   Zhou Yang's father tried his best to help, but in the end he couldn't ask for more. He took the single seedling melon that was allotted to him, and looked at his back pitifully.

  But Zhou Yang's mother said that Xu Yin still had some at home. If he wanted to be willing, he would give his share to Lao Zhao. Zhou Yang's father was not willing.

  Lao Zhao: Twenty years of friendship was paid by mistake after all.


   Fans who won the lottery received watermelons from Xu Yin one after another a few days later.

   One by one, the live broadcast unpacking and live broadcast cutting melons and eating melons were carried out with a sense of ceremony.

   After I finished, I went to the bib to post a comment to thank them, and thank their fans. The watermelon they planted by themselves is so delicious, it is one of the best watermelons they have ever eaten in their life.

  #This year’s summer best watermelon# rushed to the top three of the hot list.

  Xu Yinshudong's inbox is full.

Some netizens asked her to buy watermelons out of their own pockets for courier fees; Watermelon, and even asked Xu Yin if she wanted to sign with a company to enter the entertainment industry...

  Xu Yin has no time to read these letters. She finished harvesting the last batch of melons, ushering in the harvest season of spring wheat.

   After harvesting the wheat, it is midsummer, which is a good time for wine making.

  In one go, she bought enough wine-making tools and accessories, and spent 1,000 energy points in the system to mix a rare-grade wine-making formula. First, she made wheat into koji, and when the sorghum matured in September, she could make wine. I vow to brew a jar of wine that will amaze the world!

  (end of this chapter)

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