The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 137: Reorganized family oil bottle (32)

  Chapter 137 Reorganized family oil bottle (32)

  After Xu Yin moved into her new home, she spent two days cleaning and arranging it, but she always felt that something was missing.

Grandma Xu came back from a stroll and said, "Yinyin, when are we going to move those flowers and plants? I asked Aunt Zhou to help you buy a flower pot stand with wheels in the county seat. It will be delivered in the afternoon. I don't know where to put it. Check it out."

  Xu Yin patted her forehead, forgetting that there are still many flowers and plants in the villa's greenhouse.

   "Grandma, I'm going to move back now."

   "Why are you moving alone? Why don't you hire someone to help? I'll go to the village head's house and ask."

   "Grandma who doesn't need it, there is an electric three-wheeler in the greenhouse, I'll borrow it for two trips and it will be done."

  The busy gardener in the flower garden guessed that she would come, and had already helped her repot the flowers and plants in advance, so she could just put them on the tricycle and take them away.

  Xu Yin counted, but she didn't expect that there were so many flowers and plants in the greenhouse.

  Fortunately, there are three rounds, otherwise it would be nothing but strength.

   "Master Fan, then I will take you away!"

   "Okay, if there are fancy ones in the flower garden, you can move them. Secretary Zheng said, you are the number one student in our city's college entrance examination, and other rewards are not easy to give, so you can choose flowers and plants at will."

  Xu Yin didn't want it.

   The flowers in the Wan Guo Garden may not look very eye-catching, but they are all famous products collected from all over the world, and any pot is not cheap.

   Besides, her family has a lot of pots of flowers and plants. Under the careful care of several masters in the past three years, the former rural natives have cultivated the rich and delicate flowers of today, and the quality has been raised by more than one level.

  Especially the Suguan Heding, which has a super-excellent conservation environment in Wanguo Flower Garden.

  She felt like she had made a lot of money.

  So I picked the pot that grew the best and I liked the most, and asked Secretary Zheng to deliver it to Director Song.

   Without his original decision, the old Xu's house could not be preserved in its entirety, so the fate of these flowers and plants would be difficult to say.

  Song Mingjin was a little surprised when she received the flowers, and at the same time, a little throbbing and hope rose in her heart.

   Secretary Zheng said with a smile: "Xiao Xu is a child who understands etiquette."

   Song Mingjin glanced at him.

Secretary Zheng thought he had forgotten, and specially reminded: "Just three years ago, wasn't her old house going to be demolished? You said it was changed to the Wanguo Flower Garden, so it was preserved. The flowers and plants in her house can also continue to be raised in the garden." There."

   Song Dong: "..."

   So it's just a courtesy? Instead of sending him off?

  Suddenly felt unhappy.

  Secretary Zheng didn't understand the uncertain face of her boss, could it be also have those few days of bad mood every month? Women are menstruating, men are menstruating?

  Song Mingjin waved his hand and asked the secretary to go out.

  Continue to talk, his mood may be even worse.

  Secretary Zheng left, and he was the only one in the office facing the plain lotus cauldron.

  He was busy with work for a while, raised his head to look at the flowers for a while, was busy with work for a while, and looked at the flowers for a while.

  One afternoon, the work efficiency was unprecedentedly high.

  He felt that this was the strength she gave him.

  No matter what the reason is for her to send herself flowers, there is always a heart in it.

   Reciprocity is a gift, and he also carefully selected a gift.

  I wanted Secretary Zheng to go to Danhe Village to give it to her on his behalf, but after thinking about it, I decided to come in person.

  Xu Yin will go out every day for the past two days, live broadcast by the way, and show fans the beauty of the sanatorium.

  Just strolling home that day, the doorbell rang, and she came out with her slippers on to open the door.

  Seeing that it was him, I was a little surprised, but not very surprised.

  She had a premonition that Song Mingjin was probably Yan Kejin's reincarnation, but he didn't have the memory of the last small world.

   "I like the flowers you sent me very much."

  Song Mingjin fixed her gaze on her charming face, and said seriously:

   "In addition, thank you for your live broadcast. I gave the villa the most intuitive free publicity. It's the first time I came to the door, I didn't know what to give, so I picked a small thing, I hope you will like it."

  Xu Yin saw the brocade box he handed over, it was as big as a slap, and she vaguely guessed what was inside before opening it.

   "The store said that young girls all like this color. See if you like it. If you don't like it, I'll go back and change it."

  Under his expectant eyes, Xu Yin opened the box, and sure enough...

  A lotus root pink Hetian jade bracelet lies quietly on the golden suede.

  Yan Kejin also liked to give her jewelry carved from jade at that time. Every time a piece of jade mine was opened, he would make several sets of heads for her.

  Compared with jadeite such as jadeite, she prefers nephrite such as Hotan and mutton fat.

  Yan Kejin pays special attention to this kind of jade, and once he finds out where there is and the quality is good, he will send someone to search for it and give it to her.

  When the interest came, I also learned jade carving for a while, and personally carved jade ornaments for her, and it was still the same after ascending the throne.

   Later, jewelry alone occupied a large warehouse.

  The jade ornaments carved by him are still lying in Xu Yin's system warehouse.

  The gift full of his heart, she is not willing to leave it there, even if it is left to future generations.

  When a flood of memories flooded her mind one after another, Xu Yin was stunned for a moment.

  Come back to your senses, meet his anxious eyes, and smile:

   "I like it very much, thank you."

  Song Mingjin seemed to be relieved, Qingjun's face also showed a smile, and a pear dimple loomed at the corner of his mouth:

"nice! You love it."

   "Stay for a light meal before leaving?"


  A good start is half the battle, he happily followed her into the house.


  Since eating a simple meal at Xu's house, Song Mingjin has completely started chasing his wife.

  Before Xu Yin reported to the capital, he would come to Xu's house every week.

  Sometimes it’s in the name of a research project, sometimes it’s a passing meeting, and I’m out of gas and come to town to refuel.

  This kind of obviously lame excuse, probably only Grandma Xu would believe it.

  Every time I come here, I don’t come empty-handed. There are special products I picked when I went to meetings in other places, and there are imported fruits and seafood sent by friends.

  Grandma Xu was a little strange at the beginning, but as she got to know each other more often, she regarded him as an ordinary junior.

   When you come, eat a light meal before leaving, and pick up some mushrooms, dried bamboo shoots, wild camellia and the like for him to eat.

  Xu Yin originally thought that in his capacity, he might despise these worthless mountain goods.

   Unexpectedly, he not only accepted it happily, but also customized a high-end locker to store these after returning home.

  On this day, his cousin and aunt brought some fruits to visit him in the old house. The intention was to introduce him to someone.

  My aunt smiled shyly and said, "Is Xiaojin dissatisfied with the woman's conditions? That's right. Of course, it can't compare with your worth! It's okay, it's okay, I don't like this, next time my aunt will find you a better one."

   After finishing speaking, Song Mingjin didn't wait for Song Mingjin to decline, and went into the kitchen: "Xiaojin, my cousin and aunt come here so rarely, I'll cook you a meal. The nanny's craftsmanship is very strict, and it's not as delicious as our hometown's specialties."

After finishing speaking, I opened the ingredients cabinet in the kitchen and looked one by one. When I saw the cabinet carefully storing mountain treasures, my cousin thought it was some treasure. When I turned it out, I saw that it was just some bulk mountain goods. She pouted contemptuously and grabbed it I took a handful and made a soup.

  But the quality of these mountain products is really good.

   Without the permission of the owner, she piled up the rest and the seafood and steaks brought in by air and prepared to take them home.

  Ever since Song's mother passed away, every time I come here, I will exchange a bag of cheap fruits for large bags of high-end ingredients, and I am used to it over the years.

  However, this time, Song Mingjin got angry, and asked the butler to see the guests off with a cold face, and she was not allowed to visit without his permission in the future.

  The cousin and aunt refused to leave at the door:

   "I'm your mother's cousin, your elder, how could you treat me like this? I came here to introduce you to someone with good intentions, and it's fine if you don't appreciate it, why are you kicking her out..."

  Secretary Zheng went to deliver documents to the boss. After watching such a play, he felt that the boss also had excellent relatives, and he immediately felt balanced.

  Seeing the boss squatting in front of a pile of ingredients, carefully picking up those few bags of mountain goods, I can’t help but wonder:

  The seafood and steaks brought in by air are not as good as a few packs of bulk mountain products?

  Could it be that this is a top-quality mountain treasure comparable to Tianshan snow lotus, produced on the top of the plateau snow mountain, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon?

   But the outer packaging looks familiar.

  When he got home that day, his wife said that she didn’t buy any vegetables, so why not soak some dried mushrooms and bamboo shoots, cook a soup, and serve it with white flour steamed buns for a simple meal.

  So he found out that the mountain bag that his boss treasured in his hand two hours ago, his family also has it, and the big one is big.

   Isn’t that a gift from the grandparents of the Xu family?


   It seems that he has glimpsed some great secret.

  (end of this chapter)

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