The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 138: Reorganized family oil bottle (33)

  Chapter 138 Reorganizing the family's drag oil bottle (33)

  Xu Yin booked a hotel online in advance, and one week before Huanong started school, she took Grandma Xu on a trip to the capital.

  She originally planned to buy a house near the school. In the past three years, the advertising revenue of her tree hole live broadcast has been very considerable.

  But I saw several real estate properties on the Internet, but I was not very satisfied.

  She wants to buy a multi-storey community house with a convenient living environment, preferably with a yard. After all, she spends most of her time at school, and Grandma Xu is really comfortable only if she lives comfortably.

  But the elevator rooms listed on the Internet are either high-rise or small high-rise. The building is very new, and the access card is used, and the safety factor is high, but it may not be suitable for the elderly.

  So I decided to watch it later.

   If it doesn’t work, rent a set first, and buy it later when you find a suitable one.

  After Song Mingjin heard about it from Secretary Zheng, he immediately asked his friends in Beijing to help him pay attention to a multi-storey apartment near Huanong. No matter how high it is, because there are old people among the tenants.

  His friend immediately helped him find a set, but the decoration was the aesthetics of more than ten years ago, which was a bit old-fashioned.

   "The decoration is fine, you can change it if you don't like it."

   That is to say, he wants this house.

  His friend asked jokingly: "The one who makes you attach so much importance to Ah Jin, shouldn't it be the future mother-in-law?"

  Song Mingjin smiled at the corner of her mouth: "No." But it's almost the same.


  At the end of August, the grandfather and grandson bid farewell to the neighbors and folks, and set off for the capital. After getting off the plane, they were going to the hotel when they received a call from Secretary Zheng.

"Xiao Xu, weren't you looking for a house near Huanong? You want one with a yard on the first floor, right? Coincidentally! I have a friend who has a house there, which happens to be on the first floor, near the east gate of your Agricultural University. It takes only five minutes to walk.

   Are you interested in going to see it? Anyway, he just let it go. If I am satisfied, I will negotiate the price with him. For my sake, I will definitely give you the best price. "

  Xu Yin asked him which community he was in.

   "Graceful Garden."

  Xu Yin snorted: "I asked the agent before, but the agent said that there are no houses for sale or rent in Shengyi Jiayuan."

  The agent said that the residents of that community were all waiting for demolition, surrounded by either institutions of higher learning or high-rise elevators. Who is so stupid to sell now? There are a few sets for rent, but none of them have expired.

  Secretary Zheng immediately asked for help:

"My friend is not short of money. Didn't you want to find an old house in that area? I asked him to inquire about it. I didn't expect that he happened to have one in his hand. It had been idle for many years. He also said at the beginning that he would not sell it or rent it. We have been friends for many years, so I was persuaded. You go and have a look first, and I will talk to him if you are interested. If you don’t sell it, you can also rent it.”

  Hung up the phone, Secretary Zheng wiped off the sweat from his heart, glanced at the boss secretly, and said to the boss, boss, in order to complete the matter you explained, I don’t even need to write a draft if I lie.

  Song Mingjin glanced at him: "The bonus is doubled this month."

   "Okay! I will definitely take care of this matter for you."

  The boss wants to learn from his domineering wife, so his subordinates will naturally help him with all their money.

  If necessary, I will not hesitate to do anything.

  When the boss succeeds in chasing his wife, will my bonus for assisting the red envelope be less?

  Xu Yin originally wanted to send Grandma Xu to the hotel first, and then go to Shengyi Jiayuan to look at the house, but she didn’t want Grandma Xu to walk like flying after leaving the airport:

   "I feel uncomfortable on the plane, so it's good to take a walk. I'll go with you."

   It was her first time flying by plane, and she was so nervous that her nerves were stretched throughout the whole process. It was useless for Xu Yin to comfort her. It wasn't until the plane landed safely that it seemed to be alive again. It seems that I will have to take the high-speed rail next time.

   Seeing that the old lady was in good spirits, Xu Yin didn't refuse, waited in line for a taxi, and went straight to Shengyi Jiayuan.

  Secretary Zheng said that the key should be left at the property office, and you can just pick it up when you get there.

   Xu said hello in advance, Xu Yin got the key smoothly, and the property staff accompanied them to find the building.

  In the old community, the green coverage rate is far lower than that of the newly built communities in recent years, but it was more popular to build gardens in the center of the community at that time, with cobblestone walking paths, fitness equipment, and an open platform for the elderly to practice Tai Chi.

  Xu Yin was already moved when she saw this small park.

  Looking at the interior of the house, there are complete furniture and home appliances. In addition to a light orange leather sofa, there is also an imported massage chair in the living room. Next to it is a multifunctional cordless vacuum cleaner of a well-known brand. The models are all new this year.

   She raised her eyebrows and sent a message to Secretary Zheng, asking him if this is really a house that has been idle for many years?

   The floors appeared to be freshly waxed, and the ceiling cabinets were clean.

  The washbasins, sinks and shower heads in the bathroom and kitchen are all new, and the movable furniture and living appliances are even the latest styles.

   Secretary Zheng was thoughtful when he received the news. No wonder the boss flew to the capital without making a sound a few days ago. He didn't even know the secretary's office. How dare he act as Mr. Snail?

  But the boss kept it from his favorite person, lest she would not accept it, and he couldn't mess it up.

  So Secretary Zheng replied:

   "What's wrong? Not satisfied? I specifically told him to clean up...I'll find him!"

  Xu Yin: "...No, it's pretty good."

   "It's fine. He has nothing else but a lot of money. Don't worry about it. If you think it's okay, you can settle it. The house is close to your school and it's convenient to live in."

  Xu Yin thought about this reason, looked around again, and felt that this house seemed to be tailor-made for her.

  The kitchen is not only equipped with laser lights, but also wall lamps. When recording food vlogs, turn on all the lights, which is equivalent to having a background light for lighting, so don’t worry about it.

   Immediate decision: rent!

   Even if you buy it, the homeowner didn’t intend to sell it. He offered to buy it. Even if he agreed, it was mostly because of his friendship with Secretary Zheng.

  As soon as Secretary Zheng heard this, she signed a four-year long-term lease agreement for her directly.

  I thought the rent would be a bit more expensive. After all, the furniture and electrical appliances are all new. I didn’t expect it to be similar to what she had heard before, or even a lot lower. It is said that long-term rentals will be cheaper.

   This made her feel like she was picking up a bargain.

   After she settled down, she sent Secretary Zheng a box of capital specialties, thanking him for his help.

   Secretary Zheng didn't dare to accept it, and dedicated it to the boss.

  Song Mingjin raised her eyebrows and smiled. When she got off work, she personally carried the box of special products home, not caring about the strange eyes of the young guys in the secretary's room.

  Secretary Zheng wondered if the boss would store it in the custom-made imported locker, right?

  Do you want to remind the boss that these specialties of the capital are snacks, the biggest one is vacuum-packed roast duck, and the shelf life is not long.

  But after thinking about it, I chose to keep my mouth shut.

  People collect ordinary specialties?

  What people collect is from the heart of his favorite object, even if it is hidden until it becomes moldy, it is still a treasure.

   Wishing all mothers in the world a happy holiday (*^▽^*) we all want to be healthy and beautiful!



  (end of this chapter)

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