The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 185: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (36)

  Chapter 185 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (36)

  The game started, and the audience fell silent.

  The starting gun was fired, and someone rushed away, which raised the hearts of the audience even higher.

  The second shot was fired, and Zhao Xujin once again took the first place with the fastest reaction.

  This time, the contestants from the Kimchi Country and the Bullfighting Country didn’t dare to wait for the next few laps before attempting to overtake them. There was a fierce scene in the first lap.

   During the third lap of the race, players from Boot Country and Maple Leaf Country fell off the track one after another.

  Afterwards, two contestants from the Kimchi Kingdom overtook from the inner lane one after the other. The former elbowed Zhao Xujin and pushed him out of the inner lane.

  The bullfighter took the opportunity to speed up and overtook him.

   It seemed like a matter of breathing, Zhao Xujin fell to fourth, temporarily at the end.

  The audience couldn't sit still, especially those in the back row stood up one after another.

  Some scolded Kimchi Country, some yelled at Zhao Xujin to chase after him, and many others thought it was over.

  The finals are not like the group stage, they can still advance after a penalty is awarded.

  The final was the last match. Even if the Kimchi country player who bumped into him was sent out, there were still two behind him. In order of position, Zhao Xujin would win a bronze medal at most. This is far from expectations.

   With the last two laps left, most of the spectators were cursing other than regretting, scolding that **** Kimchi country player.

  Father Zhao and Father Xu were also at the same moment, and the faces of the two men flushed red with anger.

  But at this moment, the adjusted Zhao Xujin started.

  He didn't overtake from the inner lane at all, but directly accelerated from the outer lane.

  One, two, three...

  A section of straight and curves, he overtook three people in a row and returned to his original number one position.

  In the last lap, with a full 1 second ahead of the second place, he crossed the line steadily and broke the eight-year-long world record.

  The audience was boiling.

  The joy in the hearts of the audience is simply indescribable.

   can only be expressed by shouting, roaring, and laughing wildly.

   "That's amazing! Zhao Xujin is so awesome!"

   "I declare that from now on, Zhao Xujin will be my idol!"

  “I have never seen a game that makes my heart so ups and downs.”

   "Xushen has a big heart! Ahhh! It's so exciting!"

   "It's not in vain!"

   "Xu Shen is doing well!"

   "This is my buddy! We are in the same class!"


  Everyone is raving.

  Including Xu Yin.

  Although she has always believed in his strength, when she saw him being bumped and falling to the end, she was still nervous and distressed.

   Until he surpassed, until he crossed the line, until the big screen showed the new record created by him, at this moment, the hanging heart fell back to the original place.

  She hugged Lisa Wen and Mother Xu.

   "Mom, he made it!"

   "Yes, this kid is amazing!"

  Mother Xu was so excited that tears came out.

  Father Zhao needless to say, the moment his son crossed the finish line, tears welled up in his eyes, and he kept crying until then.

Xu's father kept patting him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Old Zhao, why are you crying! This is a happy event, a happy event that shines on the lintel! You should be happy! I will open a bottle of good wine later, let's have a few drinks to our heart's content ,Celebrate."

   "Hey! It's time to celebrate!" Father Zhao smiled while wiping tears.

  In the field, coaches and teammates are hugging and congratulating each other.

  Lu Chengfeng suppressed his excitement and joy, and when Zhao Xujin came over, he punched him, then hugged him tightly, without saying anything.

  After that, the Hua Guo team seemed to ignite their fighting spirit.

  Next, the women's team achieved unprecedented results in the 1000m final and 3000m team relay.

  When Zhao Xujin entered the arena again, she stood on the 1500-meter track.

  The atmosphere on the field reached an unprecedented climax.

   It was obviously not the final night of the final, but the atmosphere surpassed any previous final night.

   All platforms are broadcasting this exciting event.

  The hot search hit several topics in a row, all related to Zhao Xujin.

  Whether it's live or online, countless pairs of eyes are watching his next game.

  The 1,500-meter final shot was fired, and the contestants seemed very friendly. Unlike the previous 1,000-meter shot that went into intense heat, this time there was no excessive competition after the start.

  Zhao Xujin took the first place smoothly.

  In long-distance races, you usually start to exert force in the middle and late stages.

   Seeing that Zhao Xujin took the lead, leading the runner-up by 1/4 of a lap after two laps, the coaches from Kimchi, Bullfighting and other countries all sneered.

  Rabbit tactics chant, no one can see it.

  What's the use of skating so fast at the beginning, but it will definitely be exhausting later on.

   They glanced at the coach of the Hua Guo team next door from the corner of their eyes. Seeing the old **** Lu Chengfeng staring at the field with his chest on the ground, they faintly felt something was wrong.

  Zhao Xujin continued to lead the skating, caught up with the team after four laps, and followed the skating steadily at the end without seeing her falling behind.

  The coaches from other countries panicked and gestured desperately to the players from their own country.

  Players from other countries began to speed up one after another.

  The audience shouted wildly, hoping that Zhao Xujin would stay steady and not fall off.

  According to this rhythm, there is hope to win gold!

  The contestants from Kimchi Country and Bullfighting Country struggled to catch up all the way.

  When the distance between the second Kimchi country player and Zhao Xujin narrowed to half a circle, Zhao Xujin moved again.

  He looked at the right time, surpassed the inner lane, and inserted himself into the middle of the team.

   During the last two laps, he overtook again and came to the leading position of this echelon.

  The gunshot rang out on the last lap, and he sped up again. He passed the three runners in front of him with a galloping posture. He glanced back at them indifferently and crossed the finish line.

  The rest of the players are all one lap away from finishing their skates.


  The audience was silent for two seconds, and then thunderous applause and cheers broke through the sky.

  Only the players who are still skating and their coaches are full of dissatisfaction.

   "Xu Shen is awesome!"

   "This can be recorded in the annals of history!"

   "Oh my god, I witnessed history!"

   "Leading a full lap, some time to look back at the moon, haha! So cool!"

   "The **** look back killed me!"

   "A new world record is born! Ahhh!"

   "Fuck! In just three hours, two world records have been set!"

  That night, a dark horse named "Zhao Xujin" was born at the capital substation.

  Even people in the industry say that the era of Zhao Xujin has begun, and the country of kimchi can take a break for the time being.

   After Zhao Xujin crossed the finish line, she supported her knees and eased her breathing while looking in the direction of Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin looked at him from the beginning to the end, and when he saw him looking over, she immediately showed him love.

  The corner of his mouth curved up.

  The big screen kept showing him close-ups.

  The new world record creator, and won two consecutive gold medals in one night, no amount of shots is too much.

   Therefore, many viewers saw this laugh.

  It's like melting an iceberg, and the snow is clearing up.

   "Ahh! It's killing me!"

   "In five minutes, I want all the information on this man!"


   Wen Lisha was amused when she saw the news on the Internet, and showed Xu Yin: "Yinyin, your boyfriend is no longer yours alone, he has become a national boyfriend."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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