The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 186: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (37)

  Chapter 186 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (37)

   "Daughter, I heard from your Uncle Zhao that Ah Jin will have several overseas competitions in the future. We are fine anyway, and we plan to follow. Remember to book tickets for us." Mother Xu turned her head and said to her.

  Xu Yin blinked: "You guys? Is dad going too?"

   "Of course, your dad mentioned it first."


   Well, her dad has really become a fan of her boyfriend.

   Refreshing the circle of friends, I really saw the video uploaded by Xu's father.

  A group of acquaintances asked him from the bottom: Lao Xu, have you changed recently? Instead of talking about investing, watch sports instead?

  Look at what Comrade Xu said?

  —This is my son-in-law! Two gold medals in one night! The lad is amazing! He will play tomorrow! Come whenever you are free, I will reserve a seat for you.

   Then many people asked him: Lao Xu, when did you have a son-in-law? Isn't your daughter still in college?

  Old Comrade Xu: Is my future son-in-law not good? The university doesn't stipulate that it can't deal with objects.

  Xu Yin on the spy screen: "..."

  Quietly quit the circle of friends, happy in my heart.

   "Mom, then you can help me ask for leave from the counselor, and I will go to watch his game with you."

  Xu asked jokingly in her native language: "If I don't ask for leave, aren't you planning to go?"


   Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu!

  Mother Xu is also very happy these days.

  She reposted the video that Xu’s father had put in Moments. Although she didn’t say with much fanfare like her husband: the winner in the video was the future son-in-law, but she also revealed that it was her daughter’s boyfriend.

When her distant cousin saw it, she made a phone call and said, thinking she understood: "The young people nowadays like to call their idols husband and wife, if you don't believe me, go online and see, many people call them that. Is the champion you're talking about Yin Yin's idol?"

Xu's mother smiled and said: "I don't know about others, Xiao Zhao is indeed Yin Yin's boyfriend. The two have been dating for a while, and the in-laws have also had dinner together. Speaking of which, you Kui Kui are still dating, right? Kui Kui is older than Yin Yin, right? Why are you in no hurry?"

  After that, her cousin, who always likes to show off her daughter in Moments, blocked her.

  Xu's mother shrugged: It's as if I like watching your Moments very much. I don't think my future son-in-law is enough, how can I have time to watch your fake poses.


  Due to the hot searches that exploded that day and the live broadcasts launched on various platforms, the Short Track Speed ​​Skating World Cup has attracted more and more attention from netizens.

  The tickets for the last day of the capital station are the ordinary seats in the corner, and they are sold to 800 tickets by scalpers.

  Students from the University of Chinese Language and Culture who have a free Class 1 ticket for a prime location express how lucky and happy they are.

  At first, the employees of the Xu Group, who thought there was something interesting about this kind of competition and didn't go to the front desk to collect the tickets, beat their chests, as if they had missed a hundred million.

  The family members of the young male employee chased and wanted to beat him up: "You are stupid! You don't get the free ticket! Otherwise, I can go to see my husband on the spot!"

   "..." Isn't your husband in front of you? When did you love someone else behind my back?

  Families of female employees realize for the first time that the benefits of their wives/girlfriends are so good? The 1st and 2nd category tickets for the World Cup finals are actually free? In the future, I have to be better to my wife/girlfriend, lest she won't tell me this good opportunity.

  The topic of free tickets from the Xu Group quietly became a trending search as more and more people commented. Although it was at the bottom of the list, it did not affect the soaring stock market the next day.

  Father Xu smiled happily from ear to ear, and immediately stated that he would pay for all the expenses of going abroad to watch the game, and deducted from his private money.

   "Old Zhao, let's go together! Come back just to celebrate the New Year, don't go back to your hometown, spend it in the capital, let's open a bottle of good wine and have a few sips."

  Father Zhao really wanted to watch his son's competition, but the other five races were all abroad, and it would cost a lot to go to all of them.

Father Xu patted him on the shoulder: "I'll be the host when you come to the capital, and next time I go to Yachun, it's fine if you come to entertain me! Give me face, ah! Otherwise, next time you invite me to Yachun, I won't go gone."

  Father Zhao was persuaded.

  So, before the capital sub-station was completely over, Xu Yin booked all the tickets for the next sub-station and the next sub-station, including the five-star hotels that were relatively close to the competition venue.


   On the final day of the finals, the capital stadium ushered in the record of full house for the first time in history.

  In the dark auditorium, fluorescent cheering sticks were waved from time to time.

  When Zhao Xujin came out, the atmosphere reached a climax.

  He will participate in two individual finals of 500 meters and 3,000 meters today, and a 5,000-meter team relay final.

  3000 meters is a must for athletes who sign up for the all-around event.

  The 500-meter race will complete all the rounds from the preliminary round to the final within one day.

  So, today is the moment to really test his endurance and perseverance, which is much more difficult than the previous two days.

Fortunately, Xu Yin chatted with him last night before going to bed, and learned that massage essential oil and wound medicine are very effective. Massage every half a day, the meridians are unblocked, muscle pain is relieved, and the body recovers quickly, which has greatly reduced his weight. Press less.

  The 500 meters advanced smoothly all the way. When they won the championship, although the audience still applauded enthusiastically, they were not surprised.

   Including the 3000-meter champion.

  Zhao Xujin skated so beautifully, he was in the leading position from beginning to end, and he was an echelon by himself.

   But the contestants behind, you squeeze me, I hit you, a lot of situations.

  The most enjoyable part of the final night was the 5,000-meter team relay.

  Teammates were repeatedly overtaken by players from other countries, and Zhao Xujin overtook them back many times.

  The audience cheered and shouted until their voices became hoarse. I'm afraid that Zhao Xujin won't be able to surpass her if she calls herself too young.

  Thirty laps of this cycle.

  With 10 laps left, the teammate in third place accidentally scratched against the overtaking Maple Leaf player. The opponent staggered and fell off the track. Although the teammate steadied himself, he fell behind by a large margin.

   Zhao Xujin's physical strength has actually reached its limit at this time.

   But he is still chasing desperately.

  When the audience felt "Forget it, give up, it must be a dead end", he was still shortening the distance with the front team little by little.

   On the seventh-to-last lap, he led his teammates from fourth to third.

   On the third to last lap, he caught up to the second place.

  In the second-to-last lap, Kimchiguo, who is temporarily number one, deliberately lured him to overtake, and then squeezed in again the moment he overtook.

  If Zhao Xujin hadn't reacted quickly, he must have committed a foul.

   In the last lap of the sprint stick, after Zhao Xujin handed over to his teammates, he directly exerted force and accelerated from the outer lane. At the last moment, he was only 0.01 seconds faster than the Kimchi country player, and narrowly won the gold medal in the team relay.

So far, Zhao Xujin has helped the Hua Guo team win five gold medals in the 500-meter, 1,000-meter, 1,500-meter, 5,000-meter team relay and the men's all-around event in the capital sub-station by herself (the 3,000-meter event is only a supplementary event for the all-around event, and there is no gold medal. ), the well-deserved Almighty King!

  Kimchi Kingdom, who was full of confidence when he came, left sadly.

  In the Huaguo sub-station of this World Cup, they didn't get a single gold medal.

  Although there are quite a few silver medals and bronze medals, this is their country's strength. They cannot get gold medals in their strengths.

  As soon as the news came out, the sports world exploded, the hot searches became popular, and the school website of the University of Physical Education exploded, and all the posts became popular.

  Although Zhao Xujin hasn't shown his face a few times since the beginning of school, this does not prevent him from being a student of the University of Physical Education and the pride of the teachers and students of the University of Physical Education!

  Tonight is the night when the Hua Guo team made a breakthrough in history and won the hardware for the first time.

  Countless people are cheering for this feast.

  The hot search comments are all thumbs up and praise Zhao Xujin as "a cow".

  Occasionally, a few yin and yang grotesques appeared and said, "Beware of exaggerating too much and hurting Zhongyong", which was suppressed by the fiery netizens one by one, without any splash.

  What nonsense are you talking about!

  You have just won five gold medals for the country and won the highest honor. Before your blood cools down, you pour cold water on it?

  (end of this chapter)

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