The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 187: World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (38)

  Chapter 187 World Champion's Ex-Girlfriend (38)

  For a while, short track speed skating became the favorite topic of conversation among people.

   Zhao Xujin is also familiar to the majority of netizens.

  Those who went to the scene and those who didn't, either called him "Xushen" or "husband".

  After the awards were presented on the night of the final, a reporter from National TV interviewed him. He raised his handsome eyebrows noncommittally, and shook his head helplessly.

  The reporter asked again: "After you crossed the line for the first time in the 1500-meter final, you glanced at the auditorium and smiled softly. Are you greeting your family or friends? Did your family come to watch your competition?"

  He nodded: "Well, here we come."

  The reporter thought he was interacting with his family at that time.

  So I asked another topic that thousands of netizens are concerned about: "Does Xiaojin have a girlfriend?"

   "Well, yes." He laughed.

  The smile is as eye-catching as before.

  The reporter was in a daze for a moment before realizing that he had affirmed the topic of "girlfriend". He was pleasantly surprised: "So, Xiao Jin was interacting with his girlfriend at that time?"

   "Yes, she's cute."


  That night, the topic of #徐神女友very cute# not only rushed to the top of the hot search list with lightning speed, but also exploded.

  Girls leave a message: Ahhh! who is it! Who stole my boyfriend!

  Boys leave a message: How cute is a woman who Xushen praises cute?

  Boys and boys fought in the comment area.

  At that time, Xu Yin who finally met her boyfriend poked his hard chest:

   "Why do you admit it in front of the reporter? Are you not afraid that your fans will lose your fans?"


  He hugged her tightly, feeling unprecedented satisfaction.


  In the next few races, Xu Yin accompanied the two elders to form a luxurious free group, and followed him to watch the games everywhere.

  A total of 24 individual event gold medals were determined in six sub-stations.

   Except for two 500-meter finals where Zhao Xujin slipped off the track due to malicious fouls by competitors from other countries, and missed the medals, the rest were all in the bag.

  With his help, the team relay won three golds, two silvers and one bronze.

  Whether he is an individual or the entire group, the season is full of rewards and the scenery is boundless.

  At that time, the international and domestic sports circles were full of news about Zhao Xujin.

  The World Cup can be regarded as his debut as an adult, and he handed over such an impressive report card, becoming the best MVP of the season, which attracted the attention of the global sports world.

  New stars rise every year, and he is the most shining one.

  However, the person involved seemed to have nothing to do. It was time to train, to relax, to talk on the phone with his girlfriend when the time came, and to go to bed obediently when the lights were turned off. Whether it was a good schedule or a good performance, it was the same as before.

  Rao Lu Chengfeng, who has seen many big scenes, came back this time with a happy face and walked with wind. Seeing Zhao Xujin like this, I really admire his determination.

   "Xiao Jin, after discussion, I will give you a big holiday for the Chinese New Year this year. You have worked hard during this period, so take a good rest during the Chinese New Year, and you will have another task after the new year."

   With nearly full points this season, he will have a place in the World Championships in the spring without selection.

  Zhao Xujin's eyes lit up when she heard about the Chinese New Year holiday.

   Immediately took out his mobile phone and sent a message to his girlfriend.

  Xu Yin bit her pen and was preparing for the final exam.

She took nearly two months of leave back and forth. Although the college leaders and teachers knew what she was doing and granted the leave, she had to come for the final exam by herself. If she didn’t get 60 points, they wouldn’t Give her a passing grade on the report card.

  No, after returning to school, I go to the library during the day, and use the "scene simulation" to make up for myself at night, and work hard, hoping that the final exam score will not be so ugly.

  The phone vibrated, and I saw that it was sent by my boyfriend. I clicked to read it, and I enjoyed watching it:

   "Give you a holiday during the Chinese New Year? That's great! Then you can celebrate the New Year with your uncle. Why don't you and your uncle come to my house for a holiday? There are so many people."

   "Anything will do."

   Both families now live in Yipin Huating.

   After watching the last match of the World Cup and returning to China, Xu Yin suggested that Zhao's father move to the capital. In this way, Zhao Xujin will be on vacation, and the father and son will be able to meet each other.

   But in Yachun, I don't see her once a year.

  Father Zhao was quite moved to tell the truth, but when he inquired about the housing prices in the capital, be good! too expensive! Even if he sold Yachun's old house and took out all the wife's savings that his son had entrusted to him, it would not be enough to buy a small two-bedroom house in the capital.

  Father Xu said what kind of house to buy! He still has two houses in Yipin Huating. When he bought them at the beginning, he wanted to buy them cheaply, and he didn't like strangers coming and going around his house, so he bought three houses at once. The villas on the left and right belonged to his family. The difference is that the area is so small.

  Father Zhao didn’t know much about housing prices in the capital, so he was led astray by Father Xu, thinking that it was really cheap when he bought it back then, thinking that his son could win a lot of prize money in this competition, so he gritted his teeth and bought it!

  Father Xu transferred the set on the left to Zhao Xujin.

He used to secretly want his daughter to dump this kid and change to a better one. After watching the World Cup, he has completely changed his view of Zhao Xujin, and he is very satisfied with him. He went out to eat and drink tea with friends, and kept his mouth shut." My son-in-law."

  His friends in the business circle were so calloused.

  The bosses who also have rich families snorted and hummed: as if no one has a son-in-law.

   Later, the organization stopped calling him, at least for the past six months. Let's wait until the limelight of the "champion son-in-law" has passed.

   Xu's father was born with the stubbornness of "love wants to live, and evil wants to die". Once he changes his mind about Zhao Xujin, he can't wait to be treated as his own son.

  Don't say that Zhao's father insisted on paying, even if he gave him a set, so what.

  Father Xu thinks that if there are too many houses, it is actually useless. If you don’t bring it with you when you die, you can give it to the junior he likes, and he is very happy.

   Turning around, I heard from my daughter-in-law that the boy's salary card has already been held by the daughter, and I am even more satisfied with this son-in-law.

   After completing the household transfer, Zhao's father moved to Yipin Huating, and went to accompany Xu's father and Xu's mother.

  Thinking of being able to spend the New Year with family and partners this year, Xu Yin couldn't help being happy.

   "It's a pity that I haven't finished the exam, otherwise I could go home with you." Thinking of the final exam, Xu Yin felt extremely resentful.

   Except that the ancient small world did not require exams, there is no modern small world that does not take exams. The roommates complained of suffering every time they took the exam. Is it as painful as her? Has she taken many exams?

   "I have to go back to school for the exam." Zhao Xujin said.

   After a pause, another one came: "Review with you."

   "Don't! Now that everyone in our college knows you, if you come to accompany me, can I still read quietly?"

  Seeing that her boyfriend was silent, Xu Yin sighed and made a concession: "Okay, okay, come if you want."

  The answer was really fast this time—


  Xu Yin: "..." Just rely on me to spoil you!

  The next day, Zhao Xujin asked the coach to confirm the holiday time, went back to the dormitory to pack a few changes of clothes, took the electric toothbrush and razor from his girlfriend, and went downstairs with a backpack.

  At the corner of the stairs, I met Han Cheng.

  The other party's yin and yang said strangely: "Hey, is the world champion on vacation? It's cool or you are cool, it's up to you to be a human being."

  Unlike them, they have to compete for the remaining two places for the World Championships in spring, day and night training, team selection.

  Zhao Xujin didn't even bother to give him one.

  Han Cheng was so angry that he cursed, turned his head and shouted at him:

"Don't be too happy! You think that if you have a rich girlfriend, you will be a winner in life. She is just trying to make you look good, just to play with you. Do you think she really likes you? Pull it down! Believe it or not It won't be long before she dumps you and falls in love with someone else. Rich girls like them, what kind of fresh meat do you want around..."

  Zhao Xujin glanced back at him, her eyes were as cold as millennia.

   "Do you know what you look like?"

   "What, what?"

  In the past, no matter what he said, Zhao Xujin was as silent as a mute, but now he spoke suddenly, which surprised Han Cheng.

   "The fox who can't eat grapes and says grapes are sour."

  Zhao Xujin dropped this sentence, threw her schoolbag over her shoulder, and strode away.

  Han Cheng: "..." Fuck!

  (end of this chapter)

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