The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 304: The White Moonlight of the Surgeon (7) (3rd watch, ask for the moon

  Chapter 304 The White Moonlight of the Surgical Boss (7)

  Xu Yin didn't bother to pay attention to him, since the door was opened by him, she might as well not close it, just leave it open.

  She walked back to the living room and continued to pack her things.

   "Hey, did you pack your luggage? It seems that the strategy was very successful last night, and they moved in together so soon? Don't you think you are cheap? Or did you pretend to show me on purpose? You want me to be jealous? Huh?"

Xu Yin folded her clothes slowly: "You think I'm you, you don't like someone, you insist on hanging on to him. I've finished what I should have said yesterday. From now on, you'd better pretend that you don't know me. Who do you like? Who! If you dare to get my idea, I don't mind talking to your elder brother about your affairs with yours."

   "You!" Wen Heting stood up straight, his eyes were as cold as a sharp arrow, "Xu Yin, don't go too far!"

"Who is too much?" Xu Yin raised her eyebrows, looked into his dark eyes coldly, and said neither humble nor overbearing, "Have you heard a saying? If someone offends me, give me three points; if someone offends me again, I will return the needle; Offend me, cut grass and roots!"

   When it came to "removing the roots", her eyes seemed to sweep across the center of his legs.

  Wen Heting couldn't help taking a step back, his handsome face turned blue and red with anger, and he said angrily, " woman, why have you become like this now!"

"What's wrong with me? I have clear grievances and grievances. It is true that I once liked you, but since you don't like me, the twisted melon is not sweet, so I take it back and I quit. I don't like you anymore since yesterday. After the two of us The best distance is to be like strangers, and to keep in touch with each other. You chase after your sweetheart, and I live my life, isn't that good?"

Is it not good?

  Of course!

  He has long been tired of this **** girl.

  All day long, she either asks him where he is, has he eaten, and has he slept, or that she misses him very much, making it as annoying as his wife Chagang.

But sometimes Xinya sees the messages she sent by accident, and he can clearly feel that Xinya cares about him, cares about him, and even gets jealous when other women send him messages, and he is reluctant to give up Drop such a good ready-made tool man.

  So after a while, he would respond to the nymphomaniac, teasing her when he felt like it, and watching her foolishly intoxicated and crazy about him, it was not interesting.

  He didn't take it seriously when there was such a commotion last night.

   It's not like I haven't seen her act or make trouble before. She will make the trouble when she makes a fuss, and when she calms down, she will coax her casually. After all these years, she still chased after him all the way.

   Unexpectedly, this time it was beyond his expectation. Not only did he not go to the internship, but he even had to move his house.

  He felt a little uncomfortable.

  It’s like a canary that feeds a few grains of feed on a whim, and suddenly one day pecks through the cage and is about to fly away.

   "What did Gu Xijin promise you? You moved away in such a stupid way? Be his girlfriend? Or marry you? Tsk! Will he fall in love with you? Don't be so naive!"

  Wen Heting suppressed the discomfort in his heart, and sneered at Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin sneered: "Does the sea belong to your family?"

   "..." Wen Heting was stunned, "What do you mean?"

   "You say you are lenient!" Xu Yin rolled her eyes, "It seems that your handsome facial features can't hide your simple IQ."


  If he still doesn't understand this sentence, he will be in vain.

  Wen Heting kicked the door twice angrily, gritted his teeth and said, "Xu Yin, you..."

  Before he finished speaking, Xu Yin picked up the phone, found out the landlord's number and dialed it:

"Landlord, I don't want to rent your house anymore. A psychopath came and kicked the door twice in one minute. I feel that I am under great threat. Yes! Huh? There is no way to refund the rent? That's all right! That's the only way to go ..."

  She originally thought that the deposit would not be refunded, but the landlord promised to return the deposit in fear that she would gossip about it and affect the subsequent rental. But this month's rent was sublet from the previous tenant, so the landlord will not refund it.

   This is way better than she expected, oh yeah!

   "Thank you for your cooperation in the performance." She cupped her hands towards Wen.

  Wen Heting was so angry that his handsome face was distorted, and he pointed at her angrily: "Do you want to move or not! Don't regret it in the future!"

   After finishing speaking, he returned to the next door angrily.


  The door slammed loudly.

  Xu Yin shrugged, it wasn't her door that slammed down anyway.

  However, after such a face-to-face meeting, Wen's surname is not as scary as she thought.

  She hasn't even used her trump card—permanent divine power!

  Winning the first battle against cannon fodder, Xu Yin was in a good mood, humming the tune of running away and continuing to pack her luggage.

   Fortunately, Yuanshen rarely cooks. After moving in, she almost eats out food and has not bought any kitchen supplies. This reduces her burden a lot. In addition to seasonal clothes and shoes, the luggage only has small items such as toiletries and skin care products.

  When the original body moved in, there were two suitcases, one large and one small, plus a checkered travel bag of the same style as the tote bag, and it was still the same when it moved out.

  Xu Yin pushed a suitcase with each hand, and the travel bag was hanging on her arm. She didn't see the elevator coming up for a long time, so she simply picked up the suitcase and went down the stairs.

  Wen Heting, waiting to see her crying through the cat's eyes: "..."

   Reluctantly opened the door and came out to see, the elevator was indeed blocked by the security guard on the first floor, how did she get down?

  Xu Yin took a taxi and went home.

  Grandpa Xu saw that she really brought the luggage here, and smiled from ear to ear: "Okay, okay, I will live at home from now on, and grandpa will cook delicious food for you every day."

   "Grandpa, this flower should be able to save lives."

  Xu Yin went home to check the purple iris that had been watered with rooting water last night, and found that the flowers and leaves did not wilt, which meant that the rooting water was absorbed by the roots, and the flowers and branches were not affected.

   "Okay, okay!" Grandpa Xu raised his mustache happily when he heard that, "Now the old Maotou doesn't have to worry about being scolded by his wife. Then move back and return it to him now?"

   "Wait a little longer, I'll give it some fat."

  Having not received the reward from the system, Xu Yin dare not promise it.

   After applying some ecological fertilizer to Zi Yuanwei, she still put it back in the cool hall.

   "Grandpa, I want to plant some flowers. Where can I sell flower seeds near us?"

  The system warehouse has the lily seeds she wants to plant, so she is too lazy to go to the flower and bird market, it is too far away.

   "What kind of flowers do you want to plant? I asked the old Maotou. His wife also likes to grow flowers. The wall is full of flower pots. Maybe there are the seeds you want."

   "I want to grow lilies."

  Xu Yin was talking, and suddenly remembered that online shopping is also possible.

   In the modern age, why worry about shopping!

   "Grandpa, don't ask Grandpa Mao, I'll buy it online."

   It's been a long time since I visited an online store. After Xu Yin logged in, she couldn't stop.

  In addition to flower seeds, we also bought a lot of herbal seeds.

  Even if you don’t grow it now, you might use it later if you stock it up.

  In addition to the seeds, I saw a herbal tea shop selling dried lilies, so I also ordered a can, and I will exchange it with my own stock, and make water for my grandpa.

  I also went to shops selling various fabrics, and I wanted to go back to my old business again with itchy hands.

   Just in time, Grandpa Xu will celebrate his birthday soon, so we will make him a silk Tang suit.

  (end of this chapter)

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