The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 305: The white moonlight of the surgeon (8)

  Chapter 305 The White Moonlight of the Surgical Boss (8)

   "Yinyin, Yinyin, come and see."

  Grandpa Xu brought back potted flowers from Mao's house.

   "Is this pot pretty? Your grandma Mao planted several pots of flowers like this. I asked old Maotou to ask for a pot. It's pretty. I think it's the most beautiful of those flowers."

  Xu Yin saw that it was an impatiens flower, and was inexplicably pleased with her grandfather's aesthetics.

   "I don't have the lily you want, Lao Mao said that his wife probably doesn't know how to plant it."

  Xu Yin nodded: "It's okay, I bought the seeds online, and they will arrive in two days."

   In this way, her small backyard has to be tidied up.

   "Grandpa, do you mind if I plan the backyard?"

   "What do you mind!"

  Grandpa Xu was too happy to be happy.

  The granddaughter likes to take care of the flowers and plants at home, which shows that she is willing to stay at home more, so he will not object, but actively wants to help.

   "Pick off these vegetables when they are cooked. I'll dig the ground and find out what you like to grow. At that time, just leave a small slip in the corner and order food. Anyway, the two of us can't eat much."

  Xu Yin snatched the iron rake in his hand: "Oh, Grandpa, I'll do it myself."

  You can chat with Grandpa Mao or Grandpa Gu! Go home after dinner, I'll make dinner tonight, don't be in a hurry. "

  Grandpa Xu said, "You can make dinner for me, wait for me to make it when I come back." Holding the Luo Han Guo tea made for him by his granddaughter, he strolled happily to the old Gu's house.

"Yinyin is so filial, she told me to just hang out and eat ready-made ones at home after dinner. She also said that she would make them for me in the future. How could she do that? Since she wants to plant lilies for me, let me I drink tea to nourish the lungs and relieve cough, and I have to study for the postgraduate entrance examination, of course I disagree!"

  Old Gu had a sullen expression on his face: "You old fellow, did you come here to show off on purpose?"

   "Why is this showing off? That's what Yinyin said."


  Elder Gu felt that since Old Xu's granddaughter moved back home, this old guy has gone too far.

   "What are you drinking? It's like drinking wine."

   "Medicinal tea, Yinyin made it for me, and said it is good for the lungs."


   Gu Lao felt sour in his heart.

  In the past, I didn’t think that Xu’s granddaughter was so filial. On the contrary, I thought it was not very sensible. This time, the changes are really big. It can be seen that the old saying "female college has changed eighteen times" is reasonable.

   "Pour me a glass."

  Old Gu drank the tea in the cup and handed it to Grandpa Xu.

  Grandpa Xu was a little bit reluctant: "I only have such a pot in total."

   "I'm afraid this pot of yours has three liters. Can you drink it all by yourself? Pour me a glass and let me have a taste. Catch Ming Xixi to bring me good wine, and I'll share it with you."

   "That's what you said, here, a glass! It's almost full, and you have to do the same next time, you know? Otherwise, you're taking advantage!"

   "..." This old guy!


  Gu Xijin walked into the yard carrying a box of Moutai.

"Hey, this man just doesn't read!" Grandpa Xu laughed when he saw the wine in his hand, "You said it just now, Xixi brought you wine and shared a glass with me! It seems that tonight There is good wine to drink!"

   Gu Lao looked at Moutai, and twitched the corners of his mouth in pain: "All right, all right, if you don't be so stingy, invite me to your house for a meal, and give you half a bottle to drink!"

   "Is this what you said? Medium!"

   "...No, old Xu, you were not so generous before!"

  Old Gu was a little dumbfounded, he just blurted out the words in a hurry.

  Grandpa Xu laughed loudly: "When I came back from the hospital today, Yinyin bought a lot of vegetables, and I was worried that the weather would not last long. Your suggestion touched my heart. It's worth it haha!"

  Gu Lao: "..."

   Checked his eyes, he is still a stingy old Xu!

  Gu Xijin raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

   In front of the two of them, he opened the Moutai box and took out a can of tea.

  Tea, tea leaves?

  The two old men looked at each other, pale with shock.

   "You brat! What are you doing with the tea in the wine box?" Old Gu was so angry that he wanted to kick him.

   "I don't have anything to pack, and I just have a box at hand." Gu Xijin explained lightly, "Grandpa, with your blood pressure, you still want to drink? Grandpa Xu, did you get antibiotics today? Alcohol and antibiotics can't be taken together."


   "Oh, Yinyin should be cooking, I'm going home to eat!" Grandpa Xu picked up the thermos and ran home. Or the granddaughter is caring and sensible.

   "Hey—where's my meal!" Gu Lao shouted at his back.

   "There is no wine, what food to eat!"


   It's all your fault!

  Old Gu turned his head and glared at his grandson, "You caused me to miss dinner, you pay for it!"

  Gu Xijin touched her nose: "Okay, I will pay, and I will do it for you."

   "I want to eat exactly the same dishes as Lao Xutou's."


   It’s good to eat some, why not choose?


  Xu Yin finished digging, took a shower and started making dinner.

  When I came back from the hospital, I passed by the small vegetable shop at the entrance of the alley, and saw that the river seafood there was good. I weighed a catty of river prawns with scallops, a few small crucian carp, and two catties of green-shelled snails.

  I also picked a pig heart and a pig lung. There are ginseng and polygonatum in the system warehouse, and I plan to make a soup of ginseng and polygonatum for Grandpa Xu to moisten the lungs.

  When Grandpa Xu came back, she had just boiled the herbal soup.

   I am preparing to make a seared river prawn in salt water.

   Crucian carp and snails are kept in the water tank and can be eaten tomorrow.

   As a result, when I heard about this oolong incident, I almost burst into tears from laughing.

   "Grandpa, there are a lot of food at home, so it's okay for Grandpa Gu to come to have a meal."

   Just in time, she still owes Gu Xijin a meal, and with his help in the hospital this morning, let alone one meal, she should pay for two or three meals.

  Although the food at home today is all home-cooked dishes, which cannot be called rich, but it can be used as interest first, so I called him.

   "Grandpa Gu hasn't cooked yet, right? Don't do it, come to my house to eat. I wanted to thank you and treat you to dinner, but they are all home-cooked dishes. Just don't dislike you and Grandpa Gu..."

   Before Gu Xijin could speak, the phone was snatched by Gu Lao:

   "Girl Yin, do you really invite Grandpa Gu to your house for dinner? Good, good! Only home-cooked dishes taste good! Then Grandpa Gu is welcome, come over here!"

  Hung up the phone, threw the phone back to his grandson, and waved his hand: "Let's go! Go to the old Xutou's house for dinner!"

  Gu Xijin: "..."

  You're rubbing her debt to your grandson, you know that?

  Since we want to treat guests, crucian carp and snails will not stay until tomorrow.

  The snails that have been raised for a long time spit out the mud, and fried the snails with sauce.

  Little crucian carp originally planned to stew tofu soup, but there is already a herbal soup, so I made a pan-fried crucian carp, sprinkled with green sweet beans, the color and flavor are delicious!

  Seeing that there is a piece of salty pork belly pickled by Grandpa Xu a few days ago at home, I picked it and fried it with garlic sprouts to make a fragrant pork belly.

  Vegetarian dishes are Malan head mixed with sesame oil, cucumber and sugar tomato.

"Girl Yin's cooking is really good!" Gu Lao looked at the dishes on the table, gave Xu Yin a thumbs up, and then envied Grandpa Xu, "Looking at it this way, it's better to be a granddaughter, what's the use of a grandson! Rare Seeing that he came over with a bottle of wine, it turned out to be an empty shell, just kidding me!"


  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing, raised her eyes, and met Gu Xijin's faint eyes...

  (end of this chapter)

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