The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 326: The white moonlight of the surgical boss (29)

  Chapter 326 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (29)

   It's nothing for a man to be jealous.

  Obviously she is also very innocent, but in order to coax him, she has paid too much.

   "Hurry up and go back to your school!" She was itchy and wanted to kick him.

  Gu Shen, who was coaxed into joy, hugged her slender waist with a low smile, and put the belt in his arms: "In such a hurry to drive me away? That is also your future school. What are you going to do after the exam?"

   "Hurry up for the thesis! I haven't moved a single word yet." Xu Yin felt a headache thinking about the graduation thesis.

  It's not like this guy, who publishes papers every three days.

  When did it become so easy to publish medical papers? Or SCI of 10 points or more.

   Sure enough, people are different.

  She thought she was pretty good at first, but compared with him... 80% of her highlights are farming skills.

   "I need to find reference materials to write a thesis, do you want to come to our school library to write it?" Gu Xijin followed the temptation, "I can help you find it together."

  Xu Yin looked at him suspiciously, why did she not believe his words so much.

   "I'd better go to BIT, our school library has a lot of books."


   "Stop, stop, don't you still have classes? The final exam is coming soon, don't be distracted by me."

   "I'm easily distracted when you're not around."


  In the end, she couldn't hold him back, so she had to agree that she would go to Huada to find him when he had no classes, and go to the library to write papers together.

  The postgraduate entrance examination group has now changed the group name card to "Bi She Group" and merged with the internship group. People chat in the group every day, and the message records are often 999+.

  Xu Yin is busy sorting out the materials needed for the dissertation, and tends to the flowers and plants and vegetable garden at home when she has free time. She rarely reads group news, unless the class monitor has a few @her.

  After all the chrysanthemums were uprooted, she re-digged the soil, fertilized it, and watered it with spiritual spring water, planting peonies, peony, bamboo crabapple, calendula and saffron that are suitable for autumn sowing and overwintering.

   Needless to say, the medicinal value of saffron is good for beautifying the skin, removing freckles and whitening, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

  Bamboo Begonia and Calendula officinalis also have medicinal value. The former is used as a whole herb to reduce inflammation and pain, invigorate the stomach and hangover.

  In addition to its strong ornamental value, the peony root is called paeonol, which is a famous and precious Chinese herbal medicine.

  In addition to the tuber root of peony, it can relieve pain well when paired with licorice.

  Xu Yin has completely skewed the task of growing flowers released by the system to medicinal value.

  In addition, Su Guan He Ding, who provided Grandpa Xu for the elderly, has also reached a critical period.

  Because the Suguanhe Ding is neither heat-resistant nor cold-resistant, it has extremely high requirements on the environment.

  After winter, Xu Yin cultivated some soft, breathable and well-drained nutritious soil for them, and carried them to her sunny desk.

  Sunlight pours in through the windows, warming the room, which is warm but not too sunny. In this way, their growth did not completely stagnate.

  She is so busy that she doesn't know it. People in the group often mention her:

  [Guo Xiaoli: Our courtyard flower is in love, right? That day I went to Huada to find a classmate, and she was walking with a super handsome boy. ]

  [Fang Zheng: I also walked side by side with Yuanhua, from the classroom to the cafeteria...]

  [Jiang Yuanyuan: What @fangzhengxiaoli said and what you said are two different things. ]

  [Guo Xiaoli: Yes, yes! I mean is she talking about a boyfriend? ]

  [Liu Haihua: Love is not as good as learning! ]

   No one cares about Liu Haihua, everyone is discussing Xu Yin's boyfriend.

   Zhang Qing, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly erupted and sent a photo.

   It was at the movie theater on Christmas Day that Qin Siyu secretly photographed Gu Xijin pressing Xu Yinqin.

  Everyone take a look—

  The first reaction is to take a screenshot, for fear of being withdrawn.

   Then there was a lot of talk:

  [Jiang Yuanyuan: So sweet! ]

  [Guo Xiaoli: Why is no one chasing me, I also want to fall in love. ]

  [Lu Rongrong: Ah! Speaking of photos, I also saw them on the Tongcheng News. ]

  She copied and saved the newsletter on the final day of the postgraduate entrance examination with photos and sent it to the group.

  Everyone said that the match is too good, so beautiful that they all want to fall in love.

  Even Liu Haihua, who is dedicated to learning, boasted "right".

   Zhang Qing was very upset when he heard it.

  She posted the photo to let everyone feel that Xu Yin was indiscreet. In the past, almost the whole school knew that she was chasing Wen Heting, but now, she has been flirting with other men in the movie theater, and she is not ashamed.

   I didn't expect to be messed up by the press photo sent by the squad leader.

  Everyone just thought they were sweet and right, and no one said anything bad about Xu Yin.

  After thinking about it, she sent Qin Siyu a message:

  [Siyu, doesn’t your boyfriend have many high school classmates at Huada? Ask them to borrow a Huada forum account, and you can send the photos to Huada! I heard that Xu Yin changed her major and took the postgraduate entrance examination of Huada University. She was not the best in the examination, but she became famous if she was admitted. ]

  Qin Siyu heard that it made sense, so when her boyfriend came to eat with her, she mentioned it to him. In her opinion, this is just a small thing.

  Unexpectedly, when Wang Zhuoxing heard that he was going to Huada Forum to post this kind of candid photos, he immediately refused: "He is serious about dating, and it is wrong for you to take sneak photos. You still want to post them to their school. Are you sick?"

  Qin Siyu was so angry that he hit him: "Are you still my boyfriend? I would not be happy to ask you to do a little favor! If something happens in the future, can I count on you? You can't be relied on at all!"

   "Yes! I can't be trusted! Then go find someone you can trust!"

  After such a quarrel, what else is there to eat? Wang Zhuoxing was so full of anger that he turned around and left.

  After being stunned, Qin Siyu cried and went back to the dormitory.

  Here, Xu Yin was taken to Huada by her boyfriend.

  Tonight, Chen Kejie invited the two of them to dinner, and everyone from the same dormitory as Gu Xijin came.

Except for Sun Shuming and Chen Kejie, the others either went back to their hometowns or took internships in other district hospitals. They heard that Gu Xijin had a girlfriend in the group, and they all wanted to get to know each other. What kind of woman has won the three-year reelection in a short period of time" The college's coldest "Gu Daxue".

  Seeing Xu Yin, everyone realized: Sure enough, handsome men are only worthy of being with beautiful women.

"Hi brother and sister, I am half a year older than Lao Gu, so I have the cheek to call you brother and sister, my name is Bai Yipan, but everyone tells me that I am not easy to get fat, my body is really not easy to get fat, but I also have my troubles... "

  Gu Xijin kicked him: "Long story short."

   "Okay, okay, I just want to ask my siblings, do you still have the chrysanthemum tea you gave Lao Chen?"

  Xu Yin looked at her boyfriend, thinking that he would reply directly with the word "no more", but she didn't expect him to ask the other party after pondering: "What's the relationship between your family and Landi?"

"Ah? Oh! Landi was opened by my third grandfather from scratch. Why do you ask this? Want to buy a wedding house? But Landi doesn't seem to have acquired land in Yanjing to build a house. I know there is a real estate outside Beijing. Not bad, I can get you an internal discount..."

   This is going too far.

  Xu Yin tugged at her boyfriend's sleeve.

  Gu Xijin chuckled, turned her head to look at her, her eyes were tender: "He didn't say that I haven't remembered yet, but I should buy a wedding house earlier. I heard that the longer the ventilation time after decoration, the better."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Is now the time to talk about this?

  You turn your head to look at your classmates, what kind of eyes are there—

  Slack eyes full of dog food, o(╯□╰)o

  (end of this chapter)

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