The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 327: White Moonlight of the Surgeon (30)

  Chapter 327 The white moonlight of the surgical boss (30)

  After the meal, the student who is not easy to fat was pulled aside by Gu Xijin to talk.

  Of course, Gu Daxue did not forget to take his girlfriend away.

other people:"…"

  Defending against them is like guarding against wolves.

  Xu Yin heard her boyfriend ask about Lan Di just now, so she guessed what he was thinking.

  Therefore, quietly listen to him and Bo Yipan inquiring about Lan Di's recent developments.

   "Shijingfang Lane? I don't seem to have heard my dad mention it, what? Are you looking forward to relocation?"

   "On the contrary." Gu Xijin patted him on the shoulder, "Anyway, if you have any news, please contact me. You are indispensable for chrysanthemum tea."

"Hey...then I won't be polite! Oh, that's right!" Before parting, Bai Yipan remembered something, "My third grandpa likes orchids very much. I went to his house before returning to school. There was a pot of orchids that was dying. He I'm not very energetic, and I'm probably in a bad mood recently. If you really don't want that piece of land to be demolished, you can give me orchids."


  Xu Yin's eyes lit up, and she looked at Gu Xijin suddenly.

  But his face was stinky: "No! One pot of grandpa's, three pots of mine."

   Don't even think about sending him away!

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing: "I didn't say I would give it away. Didn't his third grandfather have a pot of orchids and he was dying? I'll see if I can save him."

  This is fine.

  So Gu Xijin made an appointment with Bai Yipan to bring the orchid over as soon as possible, the sooner the better.

  Just like people get sick, the sooner the treatment, the better.

  Bai Yipan heard that Gu Shen’s girlfriend is good at growing flowers, and combined with her planted chrysanthemum, which has miraculous effects on acne, what are you waiting for, the next day happened to be Saturday, so he went to his third grandfather’s house early in the morning.

   As a result, Mr. Bai didn't believe it at all: "No one can be saved!"

   "Third Grandpa, she is really good at growing flowers. If you don't believe me, I will show you her flowers and plants."

  He clicked on the photo of flowers and plants sent by Gu Xijin and showed it to Mr. Bai.

  Mr. Bai didn’t even want to look at the photos at first. For his beloved orchid these days, he couldn’t eat well, sleep well, and was in no mood at all until he glanced at a frame of orchid sketch...

   "Wait! That photo just now... not this one, not this one... oops, I'll do it myself!"

  He snatched his nephew's cell phone, and flipped forward by himself, until the photo came into view again: the sun shines through the window on the bluegrass, and the golden sunlight blends with the lush green leaves.

   That's right! that's it!

   "Su Guan He Ding! You can't go wrong! This is Su Guan He Ding! You said it was planted by your classmate?"

   "No, it's my classmate's girlfriend."

   "It's the same, go! Take me there!"


   "What are you doing in a daze! Take me to your classmate's girlfriend's house!"


  A pot of orchids deceived the people in power in Landi... Cough, Xu Yin really didn't expect to be invited to the house.

  Grandpa Xu heard that the other party came to see the orchids, so he couldn't help but wonder: "A lot of people came to our house to see the chrysanthemums, but the orchids...don't bloom, what's so good about it!"

   "It looks good! Why is it not good-looking!"

  That is Su Guan He Ding!

  Master Bai said in his heart.

  The visitor was a guest, so Grandpa Xu entered the house and took out the orchid that his granddaughter raised for him:

"Here, Yinyin planted it for me. She said it could be sold at a high price, but I didn't see it. Fortunately, it was planted in a flower pot. If it was planted in the ground, it might be a weed when it is pulled out... "

  Hearing what he said, Mr. Bai trembled his hands, and finally held his chest unbearably: "Oh, big brother, don't say it! It hurts my heart."

   "Ah? Distressed? Is there something wrong with your heart? Come on, sit down, have you brought your medicine?"


  Who has a heart problem! You old man cursed me, didn't you?

  Bai Yipan twitched the corner of his mouth and explained: "Grandpa Xu, don't worry, my third grandfather has nothing wrong with his heart, he just likes orchids too much."

   "Oh? That's the way it is! Hahaha! If you like it, I'll sell you a pot! My granddaughter has several pots! If she says she can sell it at a high price, she can give it to you."

  Gu Xijin: "..."

   Xin said that the other three pots belonged to him! his! his!

  Seeing this, Xu Yin turned her face away and held back a smile with shaking shoulders.

  Master Bai was overjoyed: "Can you really sell me a pot?"

   "Ah!" Grandpa Xu turned to look at his granddaughter, "Yinyin, how much do you sell for these flowers? You only said that you can sell them at a high price, but you didn't say how many pots..."

  Xu Yin bit the bullet: "This orchid is actually..."

"I know, I know." Mr. Bai said, taking out a checkbook from the breast pocket of his jacket, "I know this is the Su Guan He Ding, I like orchids for nothing else, I have studied it for dozens of years It’s been a year, and you’ve been growing very well. According to this appearance, you can bloom in spring. As for the price... oh, it’s going to be ten years ago, this flower is incredible! In this way, I will pay you the deposit according to the highest price in the market last year , if it blooms in the future, if the quality exceeds that of last year's pot, I will make up the difference. Don't worry! I, Bai Zhiming, can still afford this little money."

  He wrote the check and stuffed it into Xu Yin's hand, then carefully took the orchid, and said to Grandpa Xu: "Big brother, I'm leaving first! I'll come to you for tea later!"

   Then he walked like flying, muttering as he walked: "It's so cold, we can't let it freeze..."

   "Third Grandpa! Wait for me!"

  Bai Yipan gestured to Gu Xijin to "call back" and chased after his third grandfather.

  Grandpa Xu was still a little puzzled: "Why does he buy potted flowers and write a check?"

  Although I have never touched a check, I have seen this thing in my work before I retired.

  Xu Yin handed the check to Grandpa Xu with a smile: "Grandpa, your pension money has arrived!"

  Grandpa Xu put on reading glasses, saw the numbers on the check clearly, his eyes were as big as copper bells.

1.2 million! !

   Read that right?

   Look carefully again, yes! Really 1.2 million!

   "Yin, Yinyin..."

   "Grandpa, I was lucky. I found a rare orchid variety called Suguan Heding. But this kind of orchid is not easy to raise, so the market price is very high."

  Grandpa Xu swallowed while listening.

  He had heard from her that the flowers could be sold at a high price, but he really didn't expect such a high price, and thought it would cost a thousand dollars at most.

  After all, Huang Yanyan's dragon claw chrysanthemum was so good that it only sold for one hundred and one pots.

   Never expected... 1.2 million... Oh my goodness!

  Grandpa Xu's footsteps were flimsy, and he returned to the room carefully holding the check that seemed to weigh a thousand catties.

After a while, I thought of something, opened the door and shouted to my granddaughter: "Hey! Yinyin, you have to look after the three pots in your room! Don't be stolen by thieves! Such expensive flowers... Ouch, my heart can't take it anymore It's..."

  Xu Yin raised her head to look at someone, and tried her best not to laugh out loud.

  Gu Xijin rubbed her hair helplessly, looking at the only three pots of orchid babies left: "It seems that I have to save money as soon as possible to fully own their ownership."

   "Didn't you already give it to me?"

"Are you embarrassing me?" He raised his handsome eyebrows, "Bai Yipan's third grandfather bought one pot for 1.2 million, and I took three pots for 500,000. Broken leg."

   "Pfft...hahahaha!" Xu Yin couldn't hold back anymore, and fell into his arms laughing.

  (end of this chapter)

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