The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 352: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (11)

  Chapter 352 Jiangzhi Female Supporting Desolate Star Farming (11)

  From this moment on, Kaxiu really regarded Xu Yin as a brother of life and death, and they fought a giant beast together to the death, so they are not brothers of life and death?

   Regardless of whether he came to inspect or plant, anyway, he didn't have any malice towards them. On the contrary, he also saved him and Kahn, which is worthy of his heart and soul.

   Whatever Xu Yin says, the two brothers will do.

  I used to ask "why", but from now on, "why" is superfluous.

  Listen to the words of the hero brothers: just roll up your sleeves and work hard!

  Xu Yin's punch used the strength of breastfeeding. It can be said to be the most powerful punch I have tried since I activated [Eternal Divine Power].

   Behemoth died on the spot.

   This one end alone is enough to reach the hunting results of Simon and others for ten days and half a month.

   Then what else is there! Dragging this giant beast back would be enough for their family to survive the entire cold season.

   Clovis supported his injured companion, and went back to seek treatment from Pierre.

  Xu Yin can only provide some wound medicine, but stitches can't.

   It is the old Pierre that Kahn often talks about—Pieri, who was once a top student of the Imperial Medical College, but he is a dissolute man by nature, and he was thrown here because he offended someone who shouldn't be offended by a woman. But his medical skills are still very good.

   "We'll come to thank you when Vic gets better." Before leaving, Clovis said to Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin waved her hand: "I was saving myself, you don't have to take it to heart."

  Clovis smiled and said: "I always hear Monkey say that you are a good person. To be honest, I don't believe it. Except for the wronged Mrs. Simon who was thrown here, what kind of good person can it be?"

   "Hey, hey!" Ka Xiu said unconvinced, "Apart from my star thief identity, what else is broken?"

   "The star thief is the original sin." Clovis gave him a deep look.

  Kashus lowered his head in frustration.

Xu Yin said: "Different growth environments and families of origin have created some helpless choices. Let the past be the past. Now on this planet, everyone is equal. We should abandon prejudices, live in harmony, and help each other. "

   "Well said!" Simon took the lead in applauding.

  Clovis nodded: "I've decided, we will move when Vic gets better. Simon, I heard you will build a house? Can you help me then?"

   "It's easy to say."

  After Clovis and the others left, Xu Yin was also thinking about the food and vegetables in the field, so after resting all night, everyone dragged their spoils and set foot on the way back.

  The other exiled prisoners who came to hunt in the Zongshou Forest were so surprised that their eyeballs almost fell to the ground when they saw this scene.

   "Si, Simon, have you hunted a giant beast?"

   "Simon, just a few of you rounded up a giant beast? Are you still unscathed?"

   "Simon, you are too good!"


  Simon: It's not me, but the skinny guy next to me. And it's not a roundup, it's a punch.

  But because they were a little far away and were in a hurry, Simon didn't explain to them much. Anyway, there will be more opportunities after returning.

   Seeing that Simon didn't speak, the others thought it was acquiescence, and they all sighed in their hearts: Simon, it's terrible to be crazy! Even giant beasts can be hunted.

  One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, Xu Yin and his party have not yet returned to the base camp, and almost everyone on the Exile Planet has heard that Simon has hunted a giant beast that can shake the mountains and shake the mountains.

   This made everyone even more afraid of Simon.

   In the past, when he went crazy, he could pick up thirty strong men at most, but now it is even more terrifying, even giant beasts are ready to hunt.

  The fear is the fear, but who doesn't want to see the giant beast.

  The living monster dare not look at it, let alone touch it, so why should the dead monster be afraid of it!

  So, these people came to the residence of Simon and others together.

   In this way, you can see houses lined up side by side and a variety of vegetable fields.

   "Hey! Why has this place changed so much?"

   "Is this a house? Why is there only one floor? The most shabby garbage street in Bianwuxing has ten floors, right?"

   "You still hate it? Can you build it? If you can build it, who wants to live in a hole."

   "That's right, if anyone builds me a house like this, I'm willing to pay him two material packages."

   "I would give five!"

   "You guys! How many supply packages have you secretly hidden?"

   "Hey hey hey! So this house was built by Simon? This guy is hiding something!"

   "I'm afraid not! How many years has Simon been here, why haven't I seen him cover before? I suspect it's the new kid."

   "The kid who knocked Andrew down with one move?"

   "Pei Keqi! I heard it!"

  Andrew, who challenged Xu Yin twice and lost quickly, stared angrily at the speaker with his face blackened to ashes.

"Hahahaha! Andrew, are you there too?" Pei Keqi, who complained about him behind his back, laughed a few times, changed the subject, and pointed at the vegetables in surprise, "Don't say it, the new kid is really good. Could it be that these natural ingredients are also Are they all planted by him?"

  Many people are most interested in the house, and they are not eager to grab it.

  But natural ingredients are too tempting for them, and they all show wolf-like eyes, ready to wait for an opportunity.

  Mrs. Simon stood in front of the vegetable field with her hips akimbo: "I advise you to think about the consequences, and don't ruin your life for a bite of food!"

   This made them restrain themselves a little.

  However, they are really greedy for natural ingredients, although they can't figure out how the new kid with a short stature and scarred face has seeds of natural ingredients.

   Even if there are, we will plant them.

  Let's not talk about planting, the seeds of natural ingredients are placed in front of them, and they probably don't know them.

   This is a natural ingredient, which is highly respected by Emperor Star.

   Is this person unusual? How could someone with an unusual status come to the Exile Star?

   Before they could figure it out, Xu Yin and his team arrived dragging the giant beast.

  These people temporarily forget about natural ingredients and swarm up to touch the giant beast.

   "Simon, is this really what you hunted?"

   "It's not me." Simon said truthfully.

   "It wasn't you? Could it be that this stupid big man jumped into the trap and died?" Everyone laughed.

  Simon also laughed, showing two rows of big white teeth: "It was punched to death by the hero brother."


   The laughter stopped abruptly.


   Killing the giant beast with one punch?


  Andrew in the crowd was extremely thankful that he only challenged the opponent twice:

   The first time he was punched to the ground by the opponent, the second time he was pushed by the opponent, and he sat down on his buttocks.

   Fortunately, I did not continue to challenge.

   Fortunately, the other party was still polite to me at the time.

   If you beat yourself like a monster... Sigh! Andrew gasped, feeling that he was so lucky to have escaped from death.

  Others couldn't help but be thankful that they didn't grab the natural ingredients just now, otherwise wouldn't they be superseded on the spot like a giant beast?

  Thinking of this, the eyes that look at Xu Yin are all cautious.

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows: Why are you looking at her like that? She won't hit anyone casually.

  (end of this chapter)

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