The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 353: Jiangzhi Female Supporting Wild Star Farming (12) (Third Watch, please

  Chapter 353 Jiang Zhi's female supporting star farming (12) (three shifts, please ask for a monthly pass!)

   "Wow! Brother Hero, your guess is really accurate, the cabbage is really ripe! The eggplant and pepper are also ripe!"

  As soon as Kahn returned to the base camp, he couldn't wait to see the vegetable field, and ran back happily to report after watching it.

   "Kan, are those really natural ingredients?"

  Pieri grabbed Kahn and asked in a low voice.

   "Hey, Lao Pi, are you here too?" Kahn discovered him only then, "Yes, yes, they are all natural ingredients, grown by Brother Hero, they are delicious!"

   "Cough, Kahn," Pierre rubbed his hands, and said cheekily, "Shall we be friends? Can, can..."

   "Old Pi, do you want to trade? No problem! Brother Hero originally planned to wait for this batch of natural ingredients to mature, and trade them at the fair. You are lucky!"

   "Trade...?" Pieri was stunned for a while. He originally wanted to ask for a taste, but his eyes lit up immediately, "Can you really trade? Can you trade anything?"

   "It depends on what deal you are offering. Don't bring over worn-out prison uniforms and rotten shoes." Kahn said with disgust, pinching his nose.

   "Of course not!" Pierre rubbed his hands and smiled, "I'll go back and get it."

  Other people heard that natural ingredients can be traded with ordinary materials, and they didn't care about touching the giant beasts, and rushed back to the settlement to get idle materials.

   Unexpectedly, the natural ingredients that they had never seen in the first half of their lives, let alone tasted them, were lucky enough to be able to exchange them for ordinary materials after they came to the exile star.

   What are you waiting for!

   Except for the newcomers who have been here for less than a year, the others have more or less saved up some nutrient solution, medicine, insect meat and miscellaneous things.

   As a result, supplies piled up like a hill in front of Xu Yin's house.

"Brother Hero, how do you plan to change it?" Kahn looked like the little shopkeeper of the recycling bin, sorting Xu Yin into categories, and happily came to ask for her opinion, "How about changing ten nutrient solutions for one cabbage?" ? Or fifteen?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Ten bottles of nutrient solution can last for ten days, but how long does it take to carry a cabbage? Really won't be sacked?

   Unexpectedly, those people rushed to say: "Fifteen is fine! Fifteen is good! Just change it like this!"

   Fifteen nutrient solutions for a cabbage, fifteen nutrient solutions for an eggplant, fifteen nutrient solutions for a pepper...

  Xu Yin received the nutrient solution and became numb.

  People without nutrient solution traded medicines, disinfectants, insect meat or other materials.

  Xu Yin saw that they brought a large pile of things, but some only brought back a cabbage, while others brought back an eggplant.

   What's more, I only took one chili... I wonder if I will be so hot that I doubt my life when I go back...

  I always feel a bit deceitful. Xu Yin, who doesn't want to be labeled as a "profiteer", said after a little thought:

   "For those who trade with me this time, I will give you two more sweet potatoes and potatoes when they are cooked. If you think it is delicious, you can grow it with me after the cold season."

What? Can we grow together?

  Can they also grow natural ingredients?

  The surprise came so suddenly!

   As for what is sweet potato and what is potato? does it matter

   One by one, they responded happily:

   "Okay! Thank you so much!"

   "Thank you hero! If you have anything to do in the future, just tell me!"

   "Just tell me!"

  Those who saw that natural ingredients were so expensive, temporarily hesitated, and were reluctant to exchange nutrient solution or insect meat, no longer hesitated at this time, and traded one after another.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   No, I am not a marketing strategy, you don't have to!

  After switching to natural ingredients, I didn’t know how to eat them, so I stayed and watched Xu Yin’s cooking.

   It happened that the giant beast meat was processed by Kaxiu, Simon and others, so we decided to cook it together.

  Xu Yin originally thought that the meat of the giant beast would not be too tasty, but unexpectedly... Well, her face has been hurting from time to time since she came to this planet.

  Maybe it’s because the giant beast is too big and does not exercise as much as those small insect beasts. Except for the extremely low fat content of the legs, its meat is almost all lean meat, which is extremely chewy; other parts are as tender and juicy as snowflake beef.

  But unlike beef and mutton, which has a strong fishy smell, seasoning is needed to remove the fishy smell. Giant beast meat is not only not fishy, ​​but also has a natural fragrance. Without any seasoning, the light stew will make people's taste buds exciting.

  Xu Yin demonstrated to those who had obtained natural ingredients but were at a loss what to do, how to quickly stir-fry cabbage, stir-fry animal meat with pepper, and stew eggplant in oil.

  The oil used is extracted from suet that looks like cow meat, similar to lard, and the refined oil is bright yellow in color and rich in fragrance.

  The domineering aroma of the hot pot made everyone salivate, and they all expressed that they would follow suit when they got home.

  When everyone left contentedly with the natural ingredients they had traded, Andrew shrank his neck and lowered his head, and walked up to Xu Yin bit by bit, handing over the wealth he had accumulated over the years.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Do you think that if you lower your head, sister will not recognize who you are?

  Miss is tall, you can see your face when you look up...

  However, since the other party showed weakness, Xu Yin didn't hold on anymore.

  Ask him which ingredient he would like to change.

   "No, no need, just to apologize to you, last time I..."

   "Let's just let it go, I didn't suffer anyway."


yes! He is the one who suffers, why should he pay, what apology?

   But when he looked up and saw the meat of the giant beast that had been chopped into pieces, Andrew swallowed deeply, put down the apology supplies, turned and ran away.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   When did she become a scourge?

   Dumbfounded, he beckoned in exchange for Kahn, and asked him to take two Chinese cabbages, eggplants, and peppers to Andrew.

  Kan carefully counted the supplies Andrew brought, and after conversion, he only took one Chinese cabbage, one eggplant, and one pepper, and said to Xu Yin:

   "Brother Hero, these are enough! These people can't be too polite to them, it's easy to push their feet."


  Taught my brother!


   After dinner, Xu Yin took Mrs. Simon to make ham from four giant animal legs smoked with red branches.

  The other parts of the meat are reluctant to be roasted into jerky or made into meat floss, so they decide to keep them in her system warehouse. If you want to eat them, you can take them out and stew them.

  She vaguely felt that since she revealed that her "space button" had a vacuum function, Mrs. Simon seemed to regard her as a mobile refrigerator.

   "Hero, hurry up! Put this in the space button, or it will stink."

   "Hero, this is fresh and delicious, put it away!"

   "Hero, someone else exchanged it with me. It might not be fresh until the cold season. Put it away."


  Not only Mrs. Simon, but the Kaxiu brothers also gave her any good things they found.

  Xu Yin: Aren't you afraid that your sister will run away with her goods?

  (end of this chapter)

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