Chapter 372 The Housewives of the 1970s (3)

  Thinking of this, Xu Yin sighed faintly.

   "Huh? Yinyin, why are you here too?"

  The couple noticed that the second daughter was following behind them.

   "Are you really going to work?"

  Chen Huilan was so surprised that she almost touched Xu Yin's forehead to see if she had a fever.

  There are still people who volunteer to come to work these days? Stupid not stupid!

   How easy it is to paste matchboxes at home. It's a pity that the number of matchboxes that the old man asked someone to receive was not many, otherwise she would have wanted to stay at home, and she could lie on the bed anytime when she was tired, how comfortable it was!

   "Is your matchbox clear?"

   "Then light a matchbox, and it will be ready in a while at night." Xu Yin said.

  Yuan didn't want to go to the ground, so he used the excuse of sticking matchboxes to hide at home all day long.

  Just light the matchbox, and the woman with quick hands and feet can finish it in less than two hours.

  However, it is this relatively small amount of matchboxes, which Grandpa Xu asked his old colleagues transferred to the match factory to help keep. Otherwise, how many housewives in the city are rushing to paste matchboxes to earn extra money, who will get the country people.

  When Chen Huilan heard her daughter say this, she glanced at her in surprise: Is the sun coming out from the west? This girl didn't say that in the past. She used to complain about being tired every day, saying that so many matchboxes made her eyes ache, her hands ached, her waist ached and her back ached.

  Xu Laosan also felt that this daughter was a bit abnormal: "Yinyin, don't you have a crush on a young man from the production team?"

  Xu Yin was expressionless: "It's nothing, I'm here to earn some work points."



  This family is so poor, what do you eat if you don’t earn work points?

   The couple looked at each other: Why are you so unbelievable!

   "The family is running out of food." Xu Yin reminded them.

   "Oh, then I'll go to your grandma's house after work to scoop some up." Xu Laosan is used to it.

  Chen Huilan: "I'll take a leave of absence tomorrow and go back to my mother's house to see if there are any more. Let us order."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  She is reminding them that they are about to run out of food, work hard to earn work points! What are these two couples thinking? One wants to go back to Lao Xu's house, and the other wants to go back to her mother's house to beg?

  Can't help but want to support the forehead: "Father, mother, work hard, the work points you earn will definitely be enough for our family to eat."

   "..." The couple were extremely surprised, "Didn't you say that before?"

   "...what did I say before?"

   "You said that there is nothing to earn for work points. You have to work hard to get such a little ration."


No! That's not what she said!

  She is a hard-working woman (cross out) who loves peace and likes farming!

  The family of three came to the task field of the production team where Xu's family was located. Many people were already sitting in the shade of a tree waiting for the production team leader to assign the afternoon work.

   Seeing Xu Yin, everyone was quite surprised: "My third child, why are you willing to bring your second daughter out today?"

   Xu Laosan didn’t believe that the second daughter really came to earn work points, but which parent doesn’t like to shape his child to be sensible, filial and diligent?

   said: "Yinyin sees that the two of us are not feeling well, so she insists on coming over to help."

  Chen Huilan also said with a dry smile: "This child is just worrying about nothing, we don't need her to help, but she insists on coming, there is really nothing to do with her."

   "Yinyin is really a filial child."

   "Sure enough, my daughter is caring. That brat in my family doesn't know which dog hole he has gone into all day long, and he doesn't come home every day."

   Everyone praised Xu Yin, but they were all clear in their hearts:

  These couple are lazy with each other. What's wrong with you? Pooh! This excuse has been used from the age of twenty to forty, and I don't know how to change it. As long as you go to work, you will call this uncomfortable, that uncomfortable, and if you don't go to work, there will be no such problems.

  As for the second daughter of the Xu family, I have never seen her go down to the ground before. Who knows if she is really filial or not.

   On the contrary, her elder sister Xu Sang is a real industrious person. There is no girl in the whole brigade who is more industrious than Xu Sang.

  It's a pity that last year he was caught by the younger generation of the brigade next door. In order to save rations, Xu Laosan sent such a good girl to marry in less than half a year from the man's marriage proposal to the woman's marriage.

  It is a pity for those who have sons in their families, but then they think about the laziness and virtue of Xu Sang and his wife. Marrying Xu Sang may be the same as marrying Xu Laosan's family.

"It's all here? Let's start working! Third child, you are not allowed to sneak away early today! The two ridges belong to you, third wife... oh, this is the second daughter of the third family? It seems to be called Yinyin, right? Today My son also comes to earn work points? Good, good! That's how it should be!" The production team leader saw Xu Yin, and nodded with satisfaction, "Yin Yin, you follow your mother and go to the soybean field to pull weeds!"

   "Uncle, my father is not in good health, let me change it with him." Xu Yin said, "I'll dig the ground and let my father pull the weeds."


  The scene was silent.

  Everyone glanced at Xu Yin first, and then turned their heads to look at Youngest Xu.

  Xu Laosan just leaned against a tree and dozed off, and the lazy man wanted to sleep wherever he went.

  Suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, he squinted and opened his sleepy eyes: "What's wrong? The distribution is over? Where should I go?"

   "You and your wife pulled weeds." An old man teased him, "Your filial daughter took over the work of digging the land for you."


  Why is Xu Laosan so unbelievable?

  It wasn't until he saw the second girl of his family, wielding a hoe, and went straight to work, that he suddenly opened his eyes wide, and all the sleepy people ran away.

   "Oh my god! This is really our second daughter? Daughter-in-law, pinch me, am I awake?"

  His daughter-in-law was even more shocked than him, and she couldn't even speak when she was dumbfounded.

  It took me a long time to say something: "Yin, Yinyin, you are so strong, don't let your waist slip away. If you suffer from back pain, it will affect your future childbirth."

  Xu Yin went down with a **** and almost hit her instep.

  She glanced at the couple faintly: "Father, mother, you go and do your work! Remember! You are not allowed to sneak away until the end of work time. I will cook today when I get enough work points."

  The couple looked at each other in dismay: should I listen or not?

  If you listen, you have to work honestly for half a day, if you don’t listen, you have to cook dinner by yourself when you go back.

  These two options are the same, so tiring!

  I don’t want to choose either, I just want to lie on the bed and sleep.

   "What do you think, daughter-in-law?"

   "What about you? Earn work points or cook?"

   "How about earning work points? At least there are food rations."

   "Okay, then do a full day's work. It's agreed, you are not allowed to sneak out halfway."

   "Just talk about me? What about you? A woman who slips faster than a man, is it plausible..."


  Hearing the conversation between the husband and wife, Xu Yin felt black lines.

   Just this little work, and we still need to discuss it for a long time? Give them both a scale, do you still want to weigh which one sweats less before deciding which one to choose?

  She looked up at the sky, feeling a little hopeless in her heart. What's going on?

  I thought the beginning of this time, even though it wasn’t a good one, was not as bad as the last small world—it was disfigured at the beginning, but now that I think about it—it seems like I said it too early...

  (end of this chapter)

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