The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 373: Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (4) (three shifts, asking for a monthly ticket)

  Chapter 373 The 1970s Disturbance (4) (Third watch, ask for a monthly pass!)

  Forget it, let’s do the work first, and we’ll talk after we get the half-day’s work points.

  Xu Yin picks up the **** and does it!

  A **** stuck into the soil, with divine power, with a light stroke, the ground underneath turned up.

  The others looked at her digging the ground with a hoe, and thought to themselves that Xu Laosan, the second daughter, has a strong posture, but they don't know how long she can last.

  Unexpectedly, when they were so tired and stopped to shake their arms for a rest, they found that Xu Yin had turned from the head of the field to the end of the field in one ridge, and from the end of the field to the head of the other ridge.

  Half-day work, she finished it in less than half an hour, without stopping halfway.


  The brawny men next to Xu Yin froze in place, as if they were playing with one, two, three wooden figures together, unable to recover for a long time.

  The production team leader came to inspect and saw Xu Yin go to the shade of a tree to drink water. He thought she was tired and wanted to take a rest, so he said with a smile:

   "Turning the ground is tiring, right? Let your father come next time. Your father is also a big man. How can I let my daughter dig the ground? He will pull the weeds..."

   "Captain, take a look." The scorekeeper beside him tugged at his sleeve, "Xu Yin has completed the task."

   "What?" The production team leader scratched his ear, thinking he had misheard, "What are you talking about?"

   "I said, she has turned over the two ridges."


  The production team leader ran to the ground in disbelief and saw that it was true!

   "Youbang, how many of you helped her?" He turned his head and asked the strong man in the acre of land next door.

   "How can it be! She did it by herself, and we haven't even finished a row."

   He was ashamed to say this.

  These veterans who have been planting for 30 years, turn over the land, and they are not as agile as a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl. If they say it, they will be laughed out of their teeth.


  Xu Yin finished drinking the water and looked at the time: "Captain, do I think I'm done? Can I get the work points for the two ridges of land? Then I'll go back first, I have to go back to cook."

  Paused, she said again: "Captain, why don't you give me more work tomorrow, I am strong, and I can do hard work."

  The captain didn't say anything, because he was still in a daze.

   It wasn't until Xu Yin walked away that he realized: "What does this girl mean, that she will go to the ground every day to earn work points?"

   "That's what she said." The scorekeeper nodded.

  Open the score book in your hand, turn to the end, add Xu Yin's name, and write down the full 5 work points for her half-day work this afternoon.

  The production team leader stroked his chin and sighed: "I didn't expect that Xu and the third son are so lazy, and the daughters they gave birth to are better than the other."

  Xu Yin left the mission field and touched Xu's private land where vegetables were grown.

  With the laziness of the couple, the dishes for the evening must still be lying in the vegetable field, and it is absolutely impossible to prepare them in advance.

   As a result, when I reached the field, I looked up at the sky speechlessly: In the vegetable field, the weeds grew more lush than the vegetables.

   I have a new understanding of the couple's laziness.

  How did such a lazy person survive till now?

   Looking back at the plot, oh, Xu Laosan is the youngest son in the family.

  Grandpa Xu met a county leader and was bitten by a poisonous snake when he was young. He immediately sucked the poisonous blood for him and sent him to the hospital, saving his life.

  Out of gratitude, the other party wrote a recommendation letter to Grandpa Xu and introduced him to the agricultural machinery factory as a regular worker.

   This made the old Xu family of the mud-legged family stand out. In this era when workers were especially popular, they became the first family in the Seven-Star Brigade to have a worker establishment.

  There is a worker in the family, and the living conditions are naturally better than ordinary people. Xu Laosan idled away and didn't work all day long, and he didn't go hungry, so he just dawdled around like this.

  When marrying a daughter-in-law, I looked at each other several times but failed.

  Some are because the other party thinks that he is not diligent enough and does not earn as many work points as women;

  Finally, he met the youngest daughter of the Chen family in the brigade next door.

  The other party doesn't think he's lazy (because she's lazier than him), and he certainly doesn't think she's ugly. Chen Huilan's appearance is one of the best in Chenjiacun.

   Just like that, two lazy people got together, and it was fish looking for fish, shrimp looking for shrimp, turtle and bastard...

   After Xu Yin complained about the pair of cheap parents, she picked out the big weeds in the private plot first and got rid of them. I'll pick the finely chopped vegetables tomorrow, and I'll do it here today, picking some vegetables that barely caught her eyes.

   The grass is not pulled out, the fertilizer is not applied, the soil is not loose, and the water is only watered once in a while... These vegetables are not lucky to be killed by the couple, and they are expected to grow well?

   Come on, crooked melons and split dates are better than these.

  If she had a choice, she would not pick a vegetable or a bean, either because she was bitten badly by insects, or she was skinny and emaciated.

  But I always have to eat, endured the swell of veins on my forehead, and scraped together a meal for tonight.

   On the way back, I must think of a way to drive this lazy couple to work harder. Otherwise, seeing their laziness every day is exhausting enough, so how can I motivate them?

  【Ding—a bowl of food, a spoonful of drink, gold and silver grass nests all depend on hard work! Trigger a long-term task: make a facelift and change, and strive for ten thousand households! Completion rewards random skills]

  Xu Yin: "..."

   You also know that it all depends on diligence? But such a lazy couple, let them become diligent, maybe it will be faster to train the sow to climb the tree.

  【Ding—Assemble the whole family to earn work points, and reward 10 energy points for every 10 work points earned, this task is valid for a long time】

have to! This is to let her take her lazy parents to earn work points every day.

   How about earning work points to become a household of ten thousand yuan? Wouldn't it be like buying a house on a basic salary in later generations, and you can't finish it even if you stretch your legs?

  So speaking of long-term tasks, I am afraid that we will have to wait for a few years before we can start household contracting of land-to-household production. At this stage, we can only work honestly to earn work points.

  10 work points = 10 energy points?

  Xu Yin rubbed her chin: Okay, mosquito meat is still meat no matter how small it is!

  On the way home, Xu Yin took the time to look at the settlement rewards of the last mission:

  Energy point balance: 10000.

   Task progress bar: 18%.

   Maximum time ratio: 1800:1

  Currently possessed random skills:

  【Permanent divine power】

  【Floating Light and Misty Rain】(Limited excitation)

  【Universal voice actor】

  【Concealment (non-permanent)】: There are 8 chances left, and each time is limited to 0.5 hours.

  【Avoid water】

  I don’t have any other opinions, but how can the progress bar of this task advance by one frame?

  She turned a barren planet into the Taoyuan Star that everyone yearns for in the interstellar era. It stands to reason that she has contributed a lot.

   In vain did she look forward to it when she was recuperating in the small world of comprehension, but in the end it was so little?

  System, did you win the prize without my consent?

  The dog system is the same as before, and it goes offline after the task is released.

  Xu Yin was so angry that her teeth itched.

  Te Miao has worked hard for more than ten years, but in the end, it is not as rewarding as having a relaxed and cozy little relationship. What kind of broken life assistance system is this? Why not change the name to Love Support System?

  Annoyance is annoyance, the task still has to be done, people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

  Xu Yin couldn't help thinking, how could the lazy couple willingly work in the field to earn work points?

  (end of this chapter)

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