Chapter 374 Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (5)

   Xu Laosan and his wife pulled the grass for a long time, and they were so tired that they hummed.

  One of them walked home with a small bench on which he sat while weeding, and a teapot.

   "I'm so tired!" Chen Huilan thumped her shoulder, "I knew that I would go home after the captain's inspection, so I could lie down for a while before dinner."

   "Then why don't you come back? Afraid that the second girl won't give you food?" Xu Laosan laughed at her.

   "Are you still talking about me? Don't you want to be lazy and sleep under a big tree?"

   "But I held back."

   "Didn't I hold back too?"


   Both of them let out a long sigh in unison, and then touched their deflated stomachs, hoping that the second girl had cooked the meal and could eat it when she got home, otherwise the next afternoon's work would be wasted.

  Before entering the house, suddenly, smelling the fragrance in the air, they all shrugged their noses: "What's the smell? It's so fragrant?"

"Third brother, you two have a good time. I saw that Yinyin brought a fish back from your family. It seems that your family is eating fried fish tonight!" The neighbor next door sniffed, "It's so delicious! I don't know where the girl Yin is. The fish caught, the small river ahead seems to have not seen fish for a long time."


   Xu Laosan and his wife looked at each other, their eyes were shining brightly, and they stepped into the threshold one after another.

"Yin Yin? I heard from your Uncle Mancang that you are frying fish?" Xu Laosan ran into the house in a hurry, and when he saw Xu Yin's grilled crucian carp with scallions just out of the pan, he rushed to her, "Yo! It's really fish. ? Two more? Where did they come from?"

   "Caught in the river." Xu Yin raised the fish plate in her hand speechlessly, "Father, wash your hands first!"

   "Come on!"

   "Yinyin, why did you fry these beans? They are crunchy and more delicious than meat!" Chen Huilan was so hungry that when she saw the oily garlic beans on the table, she couldn't help but pick one up.

  Xu Laosan washed his hands and ran in: "Why did you eat it? Wash your hands first, hear?"

   "Didn't I eat with chopsticks?"

"That doesn't work either! Go wash your hands!" Xu Laosan felt that it was a loss for him to wash his hands and eat a bean, so he drove his daughter-in-law to wash her hands, and ran into the kitchen to have a meal, "Oh! Eat two rice today? Not bad Not bad! Better than sweet potato rice! I can eat two big bowls!"

  Mr. Xu served three bowls of rice, one in one hand and another in both hands, and brought them to the table all at once.

   It was only when we sat down that we saw the dishes on the table. In addition to grilled crucian carp with green onions and beans with garlic, there was also a plate of fried shrimp skin with leeks and a bowl of seaweed soup with shrimp skin.

   "Where did the shrimp skin seaweed come from? Our family has this thing?" Xu Laosan asked in a daze.

  Chen Huilan scolded him for being stupid: "When did our family have this thing? The vegetables are almost gone."

   "Then where did this come from?"

Xu Yin walked out of the room slowly, and put a bottle of unpackaged sorghum wine in front of Xu Laosan: "I bought it. Didn't you get paid for the matchbox that was smashed a while ago? When you came back, you weighed some and bought it." A bottle of wine. Daddy, do you want to drink?"

  Xu Laosan's eyes were straightened: "I want to! Who doesn't want to drink wine?"

Xu Yin resisted laughing, unscrewed the bottle cap and poured him a wine cup: "Today, Dad is very active in his work, so I rewarded Dad with a glass of wine. If I am as active as this afternoon every day in the future, I will not only buy wine for Dad, but also give him a glass of wine. Dad buys filter cigarettes."

   "Really?" Xu Laosan's eyes were as bright as the stars at midnight after the snow.

Xu Yin nodded, and put a piece of fish into his bowl with uneaten chopsticks: "Of course, I am your daughter. Seeing you work so hard, I naturally hope that you will eat and drink well. Let me get you some meat." When I come back, I will stew braised pork for you, and fry some peanuts for you to eat with wine."

   "Okay, okay!" Xu Laosan smiled happily, took a sip of wine, ate a mouthful of fish, and sighed in satisfaction, "This is the life of a person!"

  Chen Huilan took a quiet look at her daughter: "What about mother? Mother also pulled weeds all afternoon, mother didn't give any rewards?"

   "There must be!" Xu Yin also picked up a piece of fish for the cheap mother, "If the mother is also actively earning work points like today, when I save enough money, I will pull a piece of material for the mother to make new clothes."

   "That's more or less the same!" Chen Huilan gave her an annoyed look and giggled, "The mother is waiting!"

  The couple ate the meal so satisfyingly, they even ate the fish soup and bibimbap completely, and the plates were as clean as if they had been washed.

  The key is that after eating, I still don’t want to wipe my mouth. With my greasy mouth, I said that I went out to digest food. In fact, I made a detour to the consignment point at the entrance of the village with the most people to show off.

  Everyone is the same these days. If anyone eats oily dishes, they are reluctant to wash their face and wipe their mouths.

   But like Xu Laosan and his wife—greasy mouths that seem to be rubbed and rubbed by pig suet are rare.

   "Third, what did your family have for dinner? Look at your oily mouth, or did you just drink it directly from the oil pot?"

When it came to wine, Xu Laosan came up with vigor, shaking his legs and said, "Hey, I really drank tonight! My second girl bought it for me. You said this child, the matchbox is so sticky that his eyes are almost swollen." Cross-eyed, is it easy to save some money? As soon as I got the money, I ran to buy a bottle of wine, saying that I am filial to me... But this wine is really spicy and exciting! Ah! It’s my class who made a fuss, you guys gave birth to sons, married If you have a daughter-in-law, you have a daughter-in-law who is filial, how can you lack a bottle of good wine to drink! Isn't it?"

In that room, Chen Huilan also showed off to the women compatriots: "Today, when Yin Yin cooked the dishes, she poured too much oil, and the fried fish and vegetables were all oily... Yin Yin also said, save enough money. You want to make new clothes for me, and let me choose the fabric by myself. Oh, you said that this girl’s fingers are loose, and it’s easy to paste some matchboxes. I don’t know how to save some for myself, so I insist on making me new clothes. It's not too old to enjoy the filial piety of a daughter. You don't have it yet, do you?"

   Everyone: "…"

   How angry!

   These two are here to sow hatred, right?

   "Speaking of which, when did your family Yin Yin become so strong? It took less than an hour to turn over the two ridges in the afternoon. According to the team leader, the turn was still deep, deeper than that of a cow."


  The couple didn't know about it yet, and they were a little dumbfounded after hearing it.

   "Is it true that Yinyin has turned over the two ridges?"

   "Is it plowing deeper than an ox?"

real or fake?

  The couple thought that the daughter ran back early to cook, and didn't finish the work at all.

   But it doesn't matter if you have work points or not if you can eat the dishes like tonight, so the couple never thought of asking at the dinner table. The big deal is to catch up with one to ask the old couple for some points, and one to go back to her mother's house for some points, and you can always live your life.

   Didn’t expect my daughter to return home after digging the ground, and was praised by the production team leader?

   "What? Your parents don't know?" Someone asked jokingly.

Chen Huilan laughed dryly: "I know! How can I not know! This child Yinyin has ideas since she was a child. The decision she made, a few cows can't be pulled back, so the third child and I have never cared about her. She can do whatever she wants. What are you doing?"

  (end of this chapter)

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