The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 375: The house stirrer in the 1970s (6)

  Chapter 375 Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (6)

"Yes, yes, yes!" Xu Laosan also said the same in the group of men, "She can do whatever she wants! She has great strength? Isn't this a good thing? Great men say that women can hold up half the sky. Our house is dark. Strength is enough to hold up half the sky, if Da Xiaoliang showed that great strength, wouldn't he steal the jobs of you guys?"


   What the hell, you can praise your daughter, who is stopping you? But don't turn the corner and scold us old men, okay?

   "Third son, I know that you have given birth to three daughters, and each one is more capable than the other, right? Don't say that you can't have a son in the future, and you will forgive us, and don't beat us around all day long."

   Xu Laosan snorted, like a rooster fighting for victory, and happily went home with his wife.

   Really cool!

   These people who had squeezed them overtly and secretly before were speechless.

What about "Three thousand pieces of gold are equal to three losers. After working so hard, you become someone else's daughter-in-law before you have time to enjoy the blessings. It's a waste of work", and what's more "After the third child, your Sang girl gets married, there will be no one in your family to work Isn’t it? What’s wrong with this family, it’s a shame that they don’t have a son, otherwise, who would dare to marry their daughter into your family?”…Hmph! Today can be regarded as elated!

have a look! Who said that Xu's third daughter's second daughter is worthless and lazy? Who said that if you don't have a son, you can't enjoy the blessing of a child?

   "Father, mother, you are back? It's a bit early to go to bed now, let's do the laundry."

  Xu Yin brushed the dishes when the couple went out, and wiped the stove and cupboard three times. The water from the first wipe was blacker than ink.

   After I finished, I cleaned up the fallen leaves and stones in the front yard, and applied some water to avoid dust. It looked much cleaner now.

  The other rooms will be cleaned up tomorrow, and the clothes will be washed first.

  In the main room, apart from the chairs for eating, the other stools and bamboo chairs are all piled up with dirty clothes.

  Most of them belonged to the couple, and some belonged to the original body and younger sister.

  Some were changed because of the cold spring a few days ago, some were taken off after work, and some were too dirty and didn’t want to wear them again...

  In a family of four living people, none of them thought of doing laundry.

  I have no more clothes to wear, so I will go to the pile of clothes to find which one can make do with it, until Xu Sang returns to her mother’s house...

  Xu Yin put the clothes together expressionlessly, and the two big foot basins couldn't fit them.


  Welcome to the couple who returned in triumph, and said quietly: "Father, you are in charge of fetching water, mother, you are in charge of washing, and I am in charge of drying the clothes. If we don't wash this pile of clothes tonight, none of us will be able to sleep."


  The smiling faces of the couple froze, and they probably wanted to pretend to be dizzy at this moment.

   "Daughter, it's getting so late..."

   "It's okay, the moonlight is very bright."

   "...Yinyin, look, your father and I have been tired all afternoon..."

   "I'm tired too."

   "Then let's all go to sleep, it's the same if we wash the clothes tomorrow."

   "Yes, yes, yes! Wash it tomorrow! Wash it tomorrow."

   "Wake up at four o'clock tomorrow?" Xu Yin raised her eyebrows, "If you can wake up, go to bed first."


  Yaoshou! Four o'clock? The rooster hasn't sung yet and got up to do the laundry?

  This girl is more ruthless than Zhou's skinning.

  Finally, the couple looked at me and I looked at you, sighed, and squatted down to wash clothes. The heart said that it is better to wash now than to get up early.

  If it wasn't for the sake of the good cigarettes, wine and new clothes promised by the daughter, she would definitely be upset! Damn girl, you dare to command me (old lady)!

   Fortunately, there is a well in the courtyard of the Xu family, which was dug by Grandpa Xu at the expense of others. Otherwise, if you want to wait for Xu Laosan to earn money to dig a well, you will probably have to wait for the next life.

  With well water, Xu Laosan doesn’t have to go to the river to fetch water, which saves him a lot of energy, but so many clothes have to be washed and washed, and the well water has to be filled with a lot of buckets.

  He beat his back with a bucket of water and said, "Oh! My back is sore!"

   "I'm so sore!" Chen Huilan sat on a small bench with a washboard in her arms and rubbed her clothes.

   Originally wanted to do a few calculations, but the girl's eyes were sharp:

   "Mom, the neckline hasn't been rubbed yet."

   "Mom, the cuffs are still dirty."

   "Mother, how about I change it with you, you have been in the water to dry, and I will wash it."

  When Chen Huilan heard it, how could it be done! How tiring it is to go through the water. There is a jacket made for the third child from the labor cloth distributed by the old man's unit during the festival.

  Not to mention not only this one, but also other clothes.

  So many clothes have been dried in water, can you lift your arms tomorrow?

   "Well, Yinyin, your sister's saponin beans are almost used up, why don't you make do with it."

  Xu Yin glanced at it, and it was indeed running out: "It's okay, I'll pick it tomorrow, I've enough starch and wash today."


  The lazy girl had no choice but to choose to rework, and took back the clothes that had been rubbed a few times and rubbed them again.

   Oh, how tired!

  The couple sighed in unison.

   Xu Yin is fortunate to have supernatural power, otherwise she would definitely be exhausted.

   After rinsing all the clothes, wringing them and hanging them on the clothesline, not only the lazy couple, Xu Yin heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Father and mother, you have worked hard today. I will cook a bowl of noodles for you for supper. Go to bed after eating."

  Is there any supper?

  The lazy couple instantly forgot the hard work of fetching water and washing, and they became more active one by one: "Girl, go cook the noodles, and your mother and I will clean up the rest."

   "Yes, yes, you are not needed here."

  Xu Yin suppressed her stomach and laughed: "That's hard work, parents."

   "No hard work, no hard work."

   Some to eat, this little hard work is nothing.

  Xu Yin cooked a bowl of egg noodles with pickled vegetables and mushrooms for them.

  Pickled vegetables are from home, of course not pickled by Chen Huilan. She likes to eat but doesn’t like pickled vegetables. Xu Sang made all the pickles and pickles at home when she returned to her mother’s house.

  Thinking about the married eldest sister, Xu Yin admires her from the bottom of her heart.

  I have the supernatural power to do so much work, even if I am not tired, I am very tired, but Xu Sang is really paying for this family, it is not easy!

   Xu Yin took the mushrooms and eggs from the system warehouse.

   But she picked the humble mushrooms and wild eggs.

  There is a mountain behind the brigade, called Qixing Mountain. Later, I felt that the word "Xian" had a feudal color, so I changed its name to Qixing Mountain.

   People who are more diligent will go to the foot of the mountain to pick mushrooms with a little effort, and occasionally they can pick up a few wild eggs.

But Xu Sang’s family, except for Xu Sang before marriage, can often see mushrooms, wild vegetables, and occasionally a few wild eggs on the dinner table; when Xu Sang is married, the number of times to go back to her mother’s house is limited, except for Xu Lan who will be with her friends Go dig a basket of wild vegetables and come back, don't count on others.

  Xu Laosan saw that there were still eggs, and was amused: "Daughter, you went up the mountain in the afternoon? You're lucky, you actually picked up wild eggs."

Chen Huilan held the soup bowl and took a sip of the noodle soup, sighing contentedly: "It's so fresh! I found that Yinyin's cooking skills are better than Sangsang's. I think the noodles made here are better than the shredded pork noodles in state-run restaurants! "

  (end of this chapter)

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