The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 384: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (15)

  Chapter 384 Disturbing Housewives in the 1970s (15)

  In addition to chicken cakes, Xu Yin also brought out some sorghum syrup and lard sugar, and wrapped them in old-fashioned oiled paper.

   I plan to go to the agricultural machinery factory in the town to visit the younger sister who is living in the uncle's house and doesn't know whether to cry or not, and then stop by the elder sister's house.

  The tractor master was quite punctual. Not long after she arrived at the intersection, the tractor drove up suddenly.

  Xu Yin jumped on the tractor, stuffed a few lard candies to the master, and thanked him for the ride.

  When I arrived at the agricultural machinery factory, it was about nine o'clock, thinking that it was not a day off, and Xu Lan was at school.

  Xu Yin thought for a while, and went directly to the primary school for the children of the workers of the agricultural machinery factory.

  It is too easy to enter the school to find children these days, and no one stops them.

  To be precise, there are no guards, and the school does not even have a courtyard wall, and it is open.

  Xu Yin found the classroom of the third grade, and took a look with her head.

  Xu Lan, who was listening to the teacher's lecture, glanced at Xu Yin at the door, and raised her hand to report: "Teacher, my sister is looking for me."


  Xu Lan ran out happily.

   "Second Sister, why are you here?"

   "I'll come and see you." See if you're hungry and thin at your uncle's house.

  Xu Yin led her to the tree next to the playground.

"Second Sister, you're right." Xu Lan wrinkled her nose and complained, "The food at Uncle's house is really not enough! Taotao and I haven't had enough food for several days, and we're even hungrier than when we were at home. It's a lack of food, but the uncle's house obviously has food, several times I saw my uncle secretly hide the food, and when the lady came back, she brought the food to the lady's house to eat."

  Xu Yin patted the little girl's head: "Then do you want to go home?"

   "No! That's what my uncle owes my father. If I go home to live, my father will be at a disadvantage?"


  You are a child, why worry so much!

   "By the way, second sister, the first cousin went on a blind date a few days ago, maybe we will have a cousin husband soon. On the day when the first cousin gets married, can we have enough to eat?"

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows upon hearing this.

  She didn't get involved in the plot, so the heroine of the original book made the marriage for the first time on a blind date? so smooth? Doesn't that mean the plot has turned a corner here?

   "You just need to take care of yourself." Xu Yin was worried that the younger sister would get involved, so she gave her advice.

  Then took out the chicken cakes and candies that I brought: "Then, the second sister keeps her word, and I will bring you delicious food after receiving the money."

  Xu Lan's expression when he saw the chicken cake was very similar to the expression of Xu and his wife when they saw a good meal.

   Sure enough, it is not a family, do not enter a family!

   "Second sister, is this really for me?"

   "Yeah, you don't want it?"

   "Yes, yes!"

  Xu Lan took it and held it in her arms. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of the cake fragrance in the air.

"Yes! That's the taste! It's delicious and sweet! I've only seen Taotao eat egg cakes! Second sister, you are so kind to me... Wow! There are also sorghum syrup and lard sugar! Ah! I am so happy that I am dizzy It's over! What should I do? Second sister, if I faint, you must catch me, and you must never let them fall to the ground..."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I think you should stop studying and go directly to acting, you little showman!

   "The second sister sewed a schoolbag for you, you can put it in the schoolbag."

  Xu Yin took out a shoulder schoolbag sewn with army green denim, with a bright red five-pointed star embroidered on the front.

  The fabric of the schoolbag is not new, and she can't remember when she hoarded it. Anyway, there is such a piece of material, and she made a schoolbag for the little girl.

  Xu Lan was overjoyed: "Second sister! When will you be able to make schoolbags? It's so beautiful! I like it so much!"

   "As long as you like it, put the things in it, and go to class as soon as possible. Give the credits to Taotao to eat, but hide it well, so that no one else will find it."

   "Yeah, huh." Xu Lan nodded, "I know, I must hide it properly so that no one will find out."

   "Okay! Second sister will come to see you next time."

  Before leaving, Xu Yin gave the little girl a dime: "If you are really hungry, buy something to eat."

  According to her, it is better to go home, the golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as your own grass nest.

  But this little girl insisted that going home would be a disadvantage, and it was impossible for her to let her family suffer, so she insisted on living in her uncle's house until she reached adulthood.

  Xu Yin has nothing to do with her, so she can only take time to visit her and feed her something to eat.

  After leaving the agricultural machinery factory, Xu Yin still came to the place where she was waiting for the bus in the morning, hoping to take a ride back.

  There happened to be an ox cart passing by, and the old man who was driving the ox cart took the initiative to ask: "Little girl, do you want to go to the next village?"

   "Yes sir, can you give me a ride?"

   "Convenient! What's the inconvenience."

  The old man stopped and let Xu Yin get into the bullock cart.

   When she learned that she was going to the Shuangqiao Brigade, she said cheerfully, "My daughter is married in Shuangqiao. I know the road very well. I will take you directly to the entrance of the village in a while."

   "Thank you, sir!"

  Uncle is the leader of the ox cart, and he is steady and steady without grinding.

   But after all, it was a bit of a journey. When I got off the bullock cart at the entrance of the Shuangqiao brigade, Xu Yin looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock, so I had to give the things to the eldest sister and go home as soon as possible.

   Otherwise, when the cheap parents come home from work and see that the pot is still cold, they may go on strike in the afternoon.

   "Master, thank you, I fried these melon seeds myself, you can pass the time on the way."

  Xu Yin gave someone a handful of fried melon seeds as usual.

   Unexpectedly, in the 1970s, melon seeds became hard currency.

  Shuangqiao Brigade, as the name suggests, has two bridges, one is a flat bridge and the other is an arch bridge.

  Xu Sang married a family named Zhou at the foot of Pingqiao.

  The Zhou family has four sons and three daughters, and they can be regarded as a large labor force in the local area.

  Xu Sang married his youngest son, Zhou Yongjun.

  But unlike the old Xu family, the youngest son of this family is the least favored among the four sons.

  Because when giving birth to him, Zhou's mother fell and almost had a dystocia. Within two years, another serious illness occurred, and it was too much trouble anyway.

  The superstitious mother of Zhou thought that it was because her youngest son restrained her, so she hated this son since he was a child.

   Zhou Yongjun can be said to have been brought up by his grandparents.

The marriage with Xu Sang was a matchmaker entrusted by Grandma Zhou; the couple's wedding room was arranged by Grandma Zhou's old house for Zhou Yongjun's eldest sister and second sister to arrange; Zhou's father and Zhou's mother have nothing to do.

   Not only did it not matter, Zhou’s mother also converted all the work points earned by the youngest son before marriage into cash during last autumn’s harvest, and took them home, leaving no money for the son.

  After that, Zhou Yongjun positioned himself as a little cabbage with no parents and no mother. Except for his grandma and two married sisters, he owes nothing to anyone else.

  The chewing expenses on the wedding day, including the food, rice, oil and salt for living after marriage, were collected from the young people he had made friends with in the same village, and he agreed to pay them back this year's new grain.

  After Xu Sang got married, the young couple lived their lives behind closed doors. It was a bit hard, but the young couple had a very good relationship.

  Of course, it was also because Xu Sang was willing to endure hardships. If he changed someone, he might have gone back to his mother's house early.

  (end of this chapter)

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