The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 385: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (16)

  Chapter 385 The House Spoiler in the 1970s (16)

   Seeing Xu Sang, Xu Yin knew where the matchbox was.

   "Sister, do you want to paste matchboxes?"

  Xu Sang hasn't recovered from the accident that her second sister came to see her, and she was surprised to hear Xu Yin's question so suddenly.

  Matchboxes are an extra money that even the people in the city are scrambling to make. Who wouldn't want to make money? Who does not like?


   "Second sister, don't you always like to paste matchboxes?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

No! She doesn't like it.

  Yuan itself didn't like it either.

  She just didn't want to go to the ground, so she rushed to paste the matchbox.

   After all, compared to other jobs, pasting matchboxes is easier and cleaner.

   When encountering housework that you don’t want to do, you can also refuse it on the pretext of sticking matchboxes.

   "You just said whether you want to be confused? Don't ask me to ask others. Recently, I took my parents to the field to earn work points, and I really don't have time."

   "Huh? Did you go to the ground?"

  Xu Sang was even more surprised. The second sister changed so much this time that she almost didn't know her anymore.

"Yeah, I've already got full work points for several days. I don't want to hand in the matchbox today. I didn't plan to get it, but think about it. This is the job that grandpa asked someone to find. It's not good to turn it down. It's better to get it." Come back. If you want, I will leave it to you. After the paste is finished, you can directly ask your brother-in-law to send it to the match factory. But you have to make the paste smooth. The elder sister of acceptance pays great attention to quality. If the quality is good, she will send more to the next time. You, my batch is better than before, and she gave me two thousand."

   "Good good good."

  Hearing what the second sister said, Xu Sang didn't refuse anymore.

   "Thank you, Second Sister."

   "Dear sister, thank you for everything."

  Xu Yin put down the matchbox with two snakeskin bags, took out the things in the back basket, and put them on the table.

"Sister, I'm rushing home to cook, so I won't chat with you anymore, these are for you. The egg cake is soft, you can share some with your in-laws and grandma. Also, although our family has no brothers, we have sisters For three, go home if you are wronged, and I will support you."

   After finishing speaking, she picked up the pannier and prepared to leave.

   "It's all ordered, stay for a light meal before leaving." Xu Sang held her back.

   "Don't eat."

   After eating and going home, the two at home must go on strike.

  Xu Sang had no choice but to give up, put the Malan head dug up in the morning in a basket, let the second sister take it to add another dish, and then sent her out:

   "Second sister, I'll go back to my mother's house in a while, you keep the dirty clothes, and I will wash them for you later."

  Xu Yin staggered, turned her head and said, "No need! How old am I? Do I still need you to wash my clothes? You can live in peace, with me at home!"

  After Xu Yin left, Xu Sang went back to the house and saw the things on the table. She didn't pay attention to them just now, but now she took a closer look and found that they were all good things bought in the city.

  Chicken cake, sorghum syrup, lard sugar... oh! And a piece of pork belly? ah! what is this? So beautiful and exquisite!

   Unscrew the bottle cap and smell the scent of cream, could it be cream?

  Xu Sang didn't know the words on the package, so she asked her neighbor's new daughter-in-law who had been in elementary school for several years.

   "Sister Sangsang, this is the cream, bottled cream, did you buy it? The price is not cheap, right?"

   "I didn't buy it, it was a gift from my second sister."

  But where did the second sister get the money? Earned by sticking matchboxes? There are so many things, and pork and snow cream are not cheap, how many matchboxes do you have to paste?

  Xu Sang was very moved when she thought of the fact that her second younger sister was spending day and night pasting matchboxes in order to earn money to buy these things.

  Second sister must be worried that she will suffer hardship in her husband's house, and she will come to support herself as soon as she receives the money.

  What a second sister... woo woo woo...

  Xu Yin didn't know that Xu Sang was moved to tears because of that little thing.

  If she knew...cough, she would probably say that she was lucky to run fast, and she was most afraid of dealing with such a scene.

  Shuangqiao Brigade is away from Seven Star Brigade, and it takes her a quarter of an hour to get it done.

   When I got home, it was not time to finish work in the morning.

  Xu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, put away her things, and started cooking.

  The pork belly bought in the morning was given to Xu Sang, and the food for the family was taken from the system warehouse.

  Didn’t the world champion open an ecological farm in his lifetime? The pure ecological, semi-free-range Paoshan black pork has less fat than the domestic pigs of this era, but it is more fragrant and stronger.

  The most authentic five-flowered three-layer near the back of the buttocks, fat and thin overlap, and the texture is intertwined. In fact, if you count even the finer layers, there are as many as nine or ten layers.

  Xu Yin loves this kind of pork belly, which is stewed into Dongpo pork. When you pick it up with chopsticks, it trembles slightly and is soft and chewy.

   The trotters are of course stewed soybeans.

   There used to be some soybeans at home, and Grandma Xu grabbed a few handfuls two days ago.

  Xu Yin washed and soaked the trotters, briefly blanched the trotters, and stewed them slowly. Eat this tonight, so no rush.

  In addition to braised pork at noon, I also fried shrimp skin and leeks, mixed with Malan tou, and made seaweed egg drop soup.

   Xu and Lao San worked for half a day, and went home exhausted, whimpering. Before entering the door, they smelled a smell of meat, and all the exhaustion was wiped away.

   "Daughter really bought meat?"

   "Yinyin! Yinyin, have you bought the meat?"

   "Oh! Braised pork!"

  The couple rushed into the house one after the other, and saw the red-colored braised pork on the table, which looked very attractive, and they were overjoyed:

   "There is really meat to eat today!"

   "Girl! Can I drink?"

   "Drink some! Just don't delay going to work in the afternoon."

   "No delay, no delay! Guaranteed no delay!"

   After repeated promises, Xu Laosan poured himself a small cup, sipping wine and eating braised pork with chopsticks happily, feeling as happy as a fairy.

   "This is life!"

  Chen Huilan buried her head in the meal and ate the braised pork with a very satisfied expression:

   "It's so delicious! I've never eaten such delicious meat! The braised pork your grandma made during Chinese New Year is far worse than this one."

  Can this be the same!

   Mrs. Xu was reluctant to release the news.

  In her opinion, it is good to have a bite of meat. The deliciousness of the meat itself is better than anything else. Put sugar, wine and soy sauce, what a waste! Save it and mix it with lard for another dish.

   A meal of braised pork made the couple think about it for three days.

  During this period, the couple seemed to be full of chicken blood when they went to work, and they always smacked their mouths to savor the delicious braised pork while working.

  After three days passed, seeing that the two of them were beginning to be a little lazy again, Xu Yin took out cigarettes and cream in due course.

  So this day, the couple who planned to take a nap and not get up, were so excited by this surprise that they lost all sleepiness.

   "Is this a filter? Oops! Thanks to my daughter, my youngest Xu will also smoke a filter one day!"

   "What is this? Is it a balm? It's so fragrant!" Chen Huilan held the exquisite glass bottle, unscrewed the cap, and smelled a scent of cream.

   "Yes! Bottled cream! The supply and marketing agency has new arrivals, no tickets for now, so I bought you a bottle. Mother and father have worked hard recently, and I always want to reward you with something."

   "Oh, it's hard work for my own family!" Chen Huilan grinned happily.

Youngest Xu put the cigarettes on his ears, and smiled from ear to ear: "That's right! Isn't it just the next place, girl, don't worry! Your father doesn't have sore waist and legs now, and he's always working hard!" I'll show you how much work I earn every day!"

   Isn't that what Xu Yin wants?

  (end of this chapter)

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