The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 393: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (24)

  Chapter 393 The Housewives of the 1970s (24)

  When Xu Yin heard that the meat was about to be lost, the cart flew up.

  There is indeed too much pork in the system warehouse, but there is no chance to take it out.

  Grandpa Xu just went down to have a pee, but when he looked back at his granddaughter? What about the cart?

   Oops, I didn't even have time to fasten my trouser belt, so I rushed to catch up.

   "Yin girl! Yin girl!"

  Xu Yin prepared the money halfway, and handed it to Xiao Zhu as soon as it arrived, paying the money with one hand and asking for the meat with the other: "Where's the meat? Give it to me!"

   "Yinyin?" Xu Yuanyuan turned her head to see her, and was amazed, "Is this meat yours?"

   "Yes, yes! I asked Master Li to keep it for me. It's not me and grandpa..."

  Hey, where is Grandpa?

  It was only then that she remembered that she seemed to have left the old man behind.

   Turning around to look for it, I saw old man Xu rushing to catch up with his trousers waist up.

   "Grandpa, what are you doing so fast!"

   "What else are you doing? Why are you pushing the cart so fast?"


   Well, it's her fault.

  Xu Yin rubbed her nose and stepped forward to help the old man sit down on the cart to catch his breath.

  Seeing that the old man was there, Xu Yuanyuan looked a little shy when she thought of the person who was standing aside.

   "Grandpa, this is my partner."

  Old man Xu heard from his wife that the eldest daughter-in-law was looking for the eldest granddaughter, but he didn't expect to meet him on the street today.

  He took a look at the young man, he was upright, and he looked pretty good, so he nodded.

   "Grandpa, my partner came to the door today. I came to cut some meat and go back to make dumplings. I was just about to buy it, but Yinyin beat me to it."

  As Xu Yuanyuan said, she glanced at the pork in Xu Yin's hand. It was top-notch and multi-layered. After today, it's hard to say whether I can meet it tomorrow.

  She didn't know, it was specially reserved by Master Li for Xu Yin.

  If you don’t keep it specially, only the few customers in the front can buy such a good variety.

  For people like Xu Yuanyuan who come from the town below to go to the city to go to the market, unless they come to line up before dawn, they will be sold out by the time their turn comes.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Subconsciously put the pork belly in his hand into the basket.

  Spontaneously replied to the cousin: "This means that you came too late, the meat is sold out, so come earlier another day!"

   "..." Xu Yuanyuan forced a smile from the corner of her mouth, "Yinyin..."

"Oh, it's already this time?" Xu Yin glanced at the big wall clock in the supply and marketing cooperative, pushed up the cart and said, "Cousin, I have to go home for lunch, and I have to go to work in the afternoon, so I don't have time to chat with you Ah! You two take a stroll, grandpa and I will go back first!"

After walking a few steps, thinking of something, she turned her head and said to Xu Yuanyuan: "By the way, cousin, I went to school to see Lan Lan a while ago, and saw that the little girl has lost a lot of weight. I guess it's because she started to draw, please remind me." She must have enough food, otherwise I worry that she will not grow taller."

  Old man Xu nodded when he heard the words: "You have to eat enough. If you don't eat enough, how can you have the strength to read and write?"


  Xu Yuanyuan was overwhelmed with embarrassment.

what does it mean?

   Blame her family for not giving Xu Lan enough to eat?

   And said in front of her partner, it was on purpose!

  When Xu Yin walked away, Xu Yuanyuan choked up with red eyes and said, "My family treats Taotao and Lanlan very well. I don't know why Yinyin deliberately said that."

   "I believe in you! You are a kind and good comrade." Wang Zhengguo took out a handkerchief and gently wiped away her tears.

  Hearing what he said, Xu Yuanyuan felt a tinge of sweetness in her heart.

   The two didn't get any meat, so they went to buy a fish.

   Cook braised fish for lunch.

  Arrived at home, Boss Xu came home from get off work to have lunch. Seeing his uncle coming to the door, he cheerfully brought out the tea that he was usually reluctant to drink.

  Xu Yuanyuan carried the fish into the kitchen: "Mom, guess who I saw in the city?"

   "Who?" Zou Caifen was cutting the vegetables, "Isn't it your third uncle? You're lazy and greedy, and you've gone to the city to eat?"

   "No, it's Grandpa and Xu Yin. Xu Yin also pushed a cart, and I don't know what's on it."

  Zou Caifen stopped chopping vegetables, and murmured, "I'm afraid he didn't come to the city to buy food from the black market? The third family may have stopped again. Your grandma is partial."

"Buying grain?" Xu Yuanyuan didn't think it was right, "Xu Yin pushed the cart and ran so fast, and even grabbed the last catty of meat from me! Then I went back. If the cart was loaded with grain, it would be impossible to push it so easily. ?”

   Having said that, Zou Caifen also thinks that it is unlikely to buy grain: "If Xu Sang is possible, she is used to farm work and has great strength, but Xu Yin..."

She clicked her tongue and shook her head: "It's probably something else, maybe it's because I helped the old man out a few bags of cotton, so I can run fast when I go back to the empty cart. By the way, you said she still robbed you of meat, what's going on?" ?”

Xu Yuanyuan pursed her lips, and told the story of buying the meat, and finally said: "Mother, where do you think Xu Yin got the money and tickets to buy meat? The third uncle and the third aunt are so poor that we both need to help them. eat meat..."

   "You forgot that she was pasting matchboxes, probably to collect money."

   As for the meat ticket, maybe I got someone to exchange it for.

  For example, there are many employees in an agricultural machinery factory. The family has a large population and there is not enough food. Every month, the meat tickets are exchanged for food.

   Just mentioning the matchbox, Zou Caifen was very unhappy:

"Your grandma is biased and always thinks about your third uncle's family. If it weren't for your third uncle's rotten mud that can't support the wall, who would replace your father? It's not the turn to help those two families raise their children... See those two little ones I’m angry with animals, I can’t do anything, and I’m the most active in eating. When I think about raising them to adulthood, I feel panicked.”

  The staff room is small with two rooms, and it is too cramped for my own family, so I even stuffed two small ones in. Fortunately, the unit where the son works is close to his mother-in-law's home. In the past few years, the couple can only be wronged and live with the in-laws for the time being.

"Speaking of work, your brother's temporary worker, I don't know when he will be able to become a regular worker. I hope my in-laws can help him to become a regular worker as soon as possible. Then I can rest assured. And your job, has the exam news come out? "

   "Not yet." Xu Yuanyuan shook her head, "Sister-in-law went to find someone to inquire about it. I guess it will be next month at the earliest."

"Then you should take advantage of this time to study hard. The requirement of graduating from junior high school can stop many people, and there won't be too many people who take the exam. You work hard and try to get admitted to a regular job. You can save money by asking your sister-in-law's family to help you find it." Temporary workers work, not to mention the low salary, and the type of work is also hard."


  Zou Caifen fried the grass carp pieces and divided them into two plates, one with the middle part and the other with the fish head and tail.

  She hid the middle plate in the cupboard: "Your brother is coming over after get off work, this plate is for dinner."

  Xu Yuanyuan frowned: "But Wang Zhengguo is here. Are you entertaining him with fish heads and tails? He bought the fish."

  Zou Caifen had no choice but to pick up two middle pieces of fish, put them on the top of the plate of fish head and fish tail, and told her daughter: "You will pick it up for my uncle later, and move quickly, don't be caught by those two little beasts."

  Xu Yuanyuan thought of Xu Yin's words, and hesitated: "Mother, why don't you take it all out, Wang Zhengguo rarely comes, and my brother is not an outsider..."

   "You want to keep it for your brother just because he belongs to us. You **** girl! You started to bend your elbows before you got married?" Zou Caifen gave her daughter a glare, and went out with the dishes.

  (end of this chapter)

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