The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 394: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (25)

  Chapter 394 Disturbing Housewives in the 1970s (25)

  Xu Lan and Xu Tao returned to their uncle's house after school at noon, just in time for dinner.

  Zou Caifen saw the two of them, and cursed in her heart: two beggars! I don't usually see anyone, but I show up at mealtimes.

  Xu Lan saw the fish on the table, rolled her eyes, pulled Xu Tao over and muttered in a low voice.

  Xu Tao went to the kitchen to wash his hands, opened the cupboard and looked, and sure enough there was a plate of braised fish nuggets full of mid-section meat.

  He brought out the fish happily: "Uncle, you left a plate."

  Zou Caifen: "..."

  Xu Yuanyuan: "..."

  Xu Lan pretended to be angry and snatched the plate: "Taotao, why are you so ignorant! This is hidden by my uncle on purpose, why did you bring it out! Put it back!"

Xu Tao pursed his lips: "I haven't eaten meat for a long time! Last time my uncle stewed braised pork and thought I had a share, but she only ate one piece for uncle and cousin, and hid the rest for cousin. This time I don’t have a part to eat fish, so I don’t want to live here! I want to go home! I want to go home! My parents won’t hide vegetables like my aunt.”


   Normally, Boss Xu wouldn’t be so angry, but today, the future son-in-law is here, and after being howled by his nephew, he feels that his face is dull, so he glared at his wife and comforted him:

   "What's the matter, my aunts just forgot, come here, sit down and eat. Zhengguo, don't stand up, sit down, we two have a drink."

   "Are you still drinking? Aren't you going to work in the afternoon? Why don't you drink it?" Zou Caifen felt sorry for the bottle of wine her son brought back. She originally planned to find someone to help her as a gift when her son transferred to a regular job or when her daughter got a job.

  Wang Zhengguo's eyes were thoughtful, but he was still polite and polite: "Auntie is right, it's noon, it's better not to drink alcohol, after dinner, I'll have a cup of tea with uncle."

   "Yes, yes, yes, yes! Drink tea! Drink tea!" Zou Caifen served everyone a meal one by one.

   When it was the turn of the two younger ones, suppressing the heartache, he filled a bowl full for them. My heart says I can't kill you!

  Xu Tao was full of surprise: "Wow! Today's meal is so full!"

  Xu Lan looked satisfied: "Thank you, uncle! This is the most full bowl of rice I have ever eaten at my uncle's house!"

  Everyone: "..."

  Zou Caifen felt ashamed of her old face.

   These two dead boys! I don't usually see him being so eloquent, and he only picks the days when my uncle comes to the door.

  Xu Yuanyuan was terribly embarrassed.

   It would have been better without Xu Yin's words.

  Or, when Xu Yin said those words, it would be better if Wang Zhengguo wasn't there. At least it won't be so embarrassing now.

  I can’t help but blame her mother, the family doesn’t have enough to eat, why are you so stingy, how much rice can you save by giving a spoonful of rice? It made her look like she was being roasted on the fire, her face was burned.

  Sneaking a glance at Wang Zhengguo, he saw that he lowered his eyes, concentrating on eating, and couldn't see the expression on his face clearly. Xu Yuanyuan was a little perplexed, always feeling that something was about to happen.

   This uneasiness lasted until after lunch, when her partner politely said goodbye and left.

  In the evening, the matchmaker who matched her and Wang Zhengguo came to the house, and said falteringly: The man is not satisfied with this marriage, so let it go.

  Xu Yuanyuan is in a hurry at this moment, she is actually quite satisfied with Wang Zhengguo.

  Not to mention Zhou Zheng’s appearance, the key point is that he came from a worker’s family. Both his father and his mother are decent regular workers.

  He has an elder brother who is married and has a dormitory assigned by the unit, and does not live at home; there is a younger brother who is an apprentice under a master craftsman in a steel factory, and he will definitely become a regular in the future.

   Such a family is definitely an ideal in-law's family, and it is very easy to get married.

   As a result, after only being with the other party for a long time, it turned yellow?

   "Why? Did he say the reason? It was alright after lunch..."

  In fact, Xu Yuanyuan knew in her heart that the meal at noon was probably to blame.

  At this moment, she resented Zou Caifen very much. When the matchmaker left, she said angrily:

   "Mom! It's all your fault! The fish he brought up is nothing to eat after frying it for a meal, but you still pick the middle part and hide it! Now it's over! My marriage is over! Are you satisfied?"

  Zou Caifen did regret a little bit, but what she regretted was not hiding the fish, nor was it that she didn’t feed the two little ones normally, but that she should not let the two little ones go home for dinner at noon. Just stuff them with two steamed buns and let them go back to school to eat. Then there will be no more of these things.

  But the matter has come to this, what can she do!

  The man's business is going well, the matchmaker just left Xu's house, and then someone went to Wang's house to say kiss.

  Xu Yin brought a box of braised pork and a few steamed buns to school to see her younger sister the next day, and she was very surprised when she heard that her cousin’s marriage was a scandal:

   "When did it happen? I went to the city with my grandpa yesterday morning and met her and her partner. It looked pretty good."

   "Just yesterday."

  She told the story.

  Xu Yin was stunned: What's going on? I have been hiding in the country without getting involved, so why is this marriage still a scandal?

   Could it be because of what she said at noon yesterday?

   Then it happened that the two younger ones broke through the uncle's Tibetan food, which caused the man to see through the family, and then resolutely resigned?

  Is this... her fault?

  Xu Yin regretted talking too much yesterday.

   After Xu Lan finished speaking, she concentrated on eating the steamed buns and eating the meat.

The braised pork that was stewed so soft and sticky, the fatty meat melted in the mouth, and the lean meat became more delicious as it chewed. Xu Lan closed her eyes contentedly: "Second sister, who stewed this meat? It's delicious! This one The boxes are all for me?"

   "Can you eat it all by yourself? Give some to Taotao."

  When Xu Yin stewed meat yesterday, she stewed an extra portion and kept it in the system warehouse. It is still steaming hot when it is taken out.

   Steamed buns are ordinary coarse grain steamed buns.

  According to Xu Lan, there are still people in her school eating hard black-faced buns.

  Compared to that, sorghum and corn flour and steamed coarse grain steamed buns are much more delicious. What's more, Xu Yin also mixed a little flour, which made the taste much softer and glutinous.

"Ah! I'm finally full now! Second sister, you don't know. After the matchmaker came to the house yesterday to withdraw from the engagement, my aunt forbade Taotao and me to eat, saying that it was caused by our nonsense, and fined us not to eat for three days. We were hungry all night yesterday!"

   "Where's the cookie I gave you last time? Finished?"

   "No! How dare you eat it at home! No, I was so hungry this morning, I secretly ate it after I came to school."

  Xu Yin frowned: "Auntie, are you really hungry all night? Didn't even give you breakfast?"

   "Yes! If it weren't for the biscuits you gave me, Taotao and I would be so hungry that we would go to see the King of Hades. My aunt said she would starve us for three days! She is so bad!"

   "Then you still want to live in their house? Why don't you go home with Second Sister?"

   "Isn't that fulfilling her wish! I don't want it! I want to live until I am an adult! I'm mad at her! I made an agreement with Taotao, if she dares to continue starving us, we will tell grandma! Hmph!"


Hey! Elementary school students these days are pretty strong in fighting power!

  Xu Yin feels ashamed.

  (end of this chapter)

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