The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 397: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (28)

  Chapter 397 The House Spoiler in the 1970s (28)

  The captain choked on the smoke: "What? You will?"

Xu Yin reacted and laughed dryly: "I used to go to the city to hand in matchboxes, and I often took tractors from other brigades, and I have been taught by the master several times. I used to be lazy, but I can learn everything quickly. It doesn't help others. After driving for a while, the master still praised me."

  Xu Yin thought, if the brigade has its own tractor, it would be good for her to try to become a tractor driver.

  The production leader used to have little desire for tractors.

  Yes, that is, during the busy period of farming, tractor plowing is indeed much more efficient than buffalo plowing, but it is only limited to envy.

   After all, tractors need people to drive them. No one will open it, what's the use of buying it? As a display?

   As for sending people to learn, there must be a way.

  The Seven Star Brigade has no way out, and secondly, they have no money. Just buying a tractor almost wiped out all their money. How can they have money to figure out how to send the brigade's youngsters to a public unit to learn art. Innocent!

  Hearing Xu Yin say that she can speak at this moment, his mind became active again.

  After smoking a cigarette, he raised his foot and crushed the end of the cigarette: "Success! I'll go and talk to the secretary. If I buy it, I'll send you to be a tractor driver. Can you bear it?"

"no problem!"

  Xu Yin sometimes feels embarrassing when she thinks about it:

  In the 1980s, the farm master invited her to be a tractor driver, but she was dumbfounded and thought he was joking.

   Now that we are in the 1970s, I actually think this idea is a good idea, and it may become a hot job that everyone yearns for and competes for in the future.

   Sure enough, the production team leader consulted with the secretary about the tractor, and when the villagers found out about it, their hearts started to stir.

   How awesome it is to drive a tractor! And it's not for nothing, it's based on work points.

  Sitting and driving a tractor, you can earn 10 work points for a full day's work for a strong young man. Who wouldn't want to fight for this job?

   But the key is that they won't open, so they have to stop cooking.

  The only one who knows how to drive, Xu, the little tractor expert, Yin, is still concentrating on plowing the field at the moment.

  Others are driving buffaloes to plow four or five mu of paddy fields a day, but she pulls the plow by herself, and it will only be more than five mu.

  The production team leader said to the scorekeeper: "Give Xu Yin 20 work points."

  The other juniors were envious when they heard it.

   "Captain, if we are like her, will you give us a raise?"

   "If you can do it, I will give you a raise."

  Everyone was eager to try and went to the ground, but found that they couldn't do it.

  Human strength is so powerful, Xu Yin is simply not human!

  The young man looked at Xu Yin's back striding forward, feeling ashamed and flustered.

  My heart said that you are a girl, can you stop being so fierce. Not to mention stealing a man's job, but also grabbing work points.

  20 work points! They had to get up early and work in the dark for two days, and this girl earned it in one day.

   "Third brother, this is your daughter!" The veteran farmers all gave Xu a thumbs up.

  Xu Laosan scratched his head and laughed: "This girl, I don't know when she got this strength, neither the child's mother nor I know."

   "It is estimated that the girl's skin is thin, and she feels that she is as strong as a gentleman. It is not pleasant to spread the word, so she doesn't want to say it?" The women gathered around Chen Huilan and praised Xu Yin.

   "No, my girl is the same. She is not happy if she is praised for her strength."

   "Hui Lan, do you have Yinyin Xu's family?" Seeing Xu Yin working so hard, Aunt Li, who lives at the end of the village, was moved.

   "I'm talking about Navy girl, are you out of date? Didn't you hear that the third child has already let out the rumors, saying that Yin girl doesn't marry, and recruits a wife! Are you willing to let your navy be your son-in-law?"

  Aunt Li waved her hands when she heard that her son-in-law had come to visit: "That can't be done! Our family only has one son in the navy, so how could he be willing to let him step in?"

  Even if there are two or three sons, they will stop thinking about the door.

   "Hui Lan, in fact, it doesn't matter if you don't come to find someone from the same village! Are you and the third child really determined to find a son-in-law for Yinyin?"

"That's right! How close we are! It's only a few steps away. If there is something convenient to take care of, isn't it the same as your own son? You discuss it with the third child, don't be sure to die. If Yinyin gets married, I'll give it to us Lei Zi is the first to sign up!" Chen Lei Niang took the opportunity to encourage Chen Huilan.

   She is really optimistic about Xu Yin, such a strong girl, how capable! 10 work points per day, 20 work points for busy farming, one person is worth two or three strong laborers, anyway, it is marrying a daughter-in-law, marrying someone like Xu Yin, what a bargain!

   "Then I'll sign up for my youngest son too!"

   "I'll sign up for my grandson!"

"And I…"

  Chen Huilan: "..."

  Her family has become a sweet pastry?

   Are you afraid you forgot? Half a year ago, I still hated my daughter for being lazy in front of my mother. What is it about which big girl in the 16th and 17th years does not go to work in the field and hides at home to store matchboxes? As for the matchbox job, it's not bad for Mrs. Xu. She is a big girl of sixteen or seventeen, and she is so lazy to do such an easy job. She is so lazy. Let's see how she finds her husband's house in the future...

  My wife still remembers what I said half a year ago, but you guys forgot it so quickly?

Chen Huilan sneered secretly, and said: "The third child in my family said that we have three daughters. The eldest daughter is already married, and the younger daughter is still young. It's hard to say what will happen in the future, so I want to recruit Yinyin a son-in-law. Yinyin herself agrees with this matter, so she won't change it. If you are willing, you can come to our house to talk about it in detail, and if you don't want it, forget it. "

  The women choked, thinking that who would let their son marry! Unless there are orphans without parents, there is no such family in the Seven Star Brigade.

   "Hui Lan, do you want Yinyin to be an old lady? Do you think she is capable and can earn a lot of work points for your family, so you don't want to let her go out?"

   "This is impossible, Hui Lan, how can you be such a parent..."

   "Whatever you say! Anyway, this matter has been settled!"

  Chen Huilan stopped talking to them and buried herself in her work.

  My heart is very clear: These gossip women really think about Yinyin and worry that she will become an old girl. They don’t want Yinyin to marry into their family and work as cows and horses to earn work points for them! Think beautifully!

  The double grab was over, and Xu Yin became a celebrity in the Seven Star Team.

   Mention her, who doesn't give a thumbs up.

Not to mention two or three strong laborers for one person. After finishing her heavy physical work, she also rushed to raise millet, dry the millet, and harvest the millet before it rained. where.

  The production team leader discussed with the secretary that Xu Yin will be given the number of model workers in the Seven Star Brigade this year.

   "Everyone agrees?"

  Before the distribution of food, the branch secretary said a few words and mentioned the matter of recommending model workers by the way.

  Most people say they have no opinion. Xu Yin's performance is obvious to all.

  But there are also some women who thought that this year's model worker would be their man's turn, but they were cut off by Xu Yin, so it's strange to be happy.

  (end of this chapter)

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