The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 398: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (29)

  Chapter 398 Disturbing house spirits in the 1970s (29)

   "Secretary, in previous years, the model workers were all **** men, but this year it's a lesbian, isn't that bad?"

"Daughter-in-law Changgen, you are wrong." The branch secretary said with a smile, "In the new society, men and women are equal. What's more, the leaders say that women hold up half the sky. Therefore, there is no distinction between men and women in the selection of model workers. Our village used to The reason why all the gays are recommended is because the gays are hardworking, hardworking, and perform well, but this year everyone has seen that although Xu Yin is a lesbian, her performance is better than that of the gays. Who should she recommend? Everyone agrees, right?"


  The matter of the model worker is thus settled.

  Xu Laosan was happier than Xu Yin, as if he had been selected as a model worker, he took out the filter cigarettes that he usually couldn't bear to smoke, and distributed them to a few friendly villagers around him.

   What’s even more gratifying is yet to come—his family’s food distribution in the first half of the year ranked first in the entire brigade.

  What does the first echelon mean? — There are several members of the family, and almost everyone has full work points.

The three members of Xu Yin’s family went to work in the field to earn work points. Xu’s youngest got full work points, Chen Huilan got 7 work points, and Xu Yin got double full work points when she double-robbed, which made up for the part that Chen Huilan lacked. Calculated in this way, the average per capita of the three members of her family is almost reaching 10 work points.

   Advance to the first echelon together with several other powerful and wealthy families.

   What an incredible thing!

  The villagers who did not squeeze into the first echelon looked at Xu Laosan with envious eyes.

  Not to mention the daughters of their family, the sons in the prime of life cannot get double work points.

   Unexpectedly, Xu Laosan, who had given birth to three daughters, enjoyed this blessing!

  Under the envious eyes of everyone, Xu Laosan pushed the cart full of food back home.

  Of course, it was Xu Yin who pushed the cart.

  He and his daughter-in-law walked on both sides of the cart, arrogant and high-spirited, and escorted the grain earned by his family back home after half a year of hard work.

   "I'm going to pound rice! Pound new rice! I'll eat new rice tonight!"

  As soon as he got home, Xu Laosan took the rice bag, and then went to the brigade headquarters with a basket of millet.

  There is a public big stone mill there, which is specially used for rice milling by various families.

   Xu Laosan was worried that he would have to queue up if he got there late. After all, who doesn’t want to try this year’s new rice, so he was in a hurry on the road.


  Focused on the road, didn't pay attention to the foot, stepped on a round stone, slipped, and fell to the side.

   Oops, Oops! The millet is about to be scattered!

  He said anxiously.

   Just when he was about to fall, someone rushed over and grabbed him, and held the basket firmly.

  Xu Laosan let out a long breath, patted his chest, and calmed his frightened heart.

   "Thank you lad! It's almost over!"

  Xu Chengjin smiled lightly: "You're welcome, it's easy."

   "Yo, you are still a cultural person!"

   What Xu Laosan admired most in his life was a cultural person, otherwise he would not have sent the next two daughters to study.

  It's a pity that the second daughter is not a scholar. She has been in elementary school for five years, and she didn't know anything after studying. Now I'm counting on my little daughter, and I hope she will be a scholar.

   "The young man is an educated youth, right?"

  Xu Lao San saw that he was elegant and handsome, well dressed, with a white short-sleeved shirt on his upper body, a pair of deep navy blue trousers on his lower body, and a pair of down-to-earth mille-soled cloth shoes on his feet, but he was actually wearing socks.


   On such a hot day, even his wife goes out with a set of cloth shoes. Whose man wears socks?


   Xu Laosan sighed in his heart: The educated youths from the city are different! Pay attention to people!

   "Well, Uncle is going to mill the rice?"

"Yes, yes! The food is distributed today, go to pound some new rice and try something new." Xu Lao San said excitedly, "My daughter's cooking is delicious, and it must be better if it is made with new rice! By the way, you Didn’t our educated youth station distribute food today?”

   Seeing that the other party was empty-handed, he asked a casual question.

  Xu Chengjin shook his head: "Not yet, it will be the day after tomorrow."

   "Come, come, I'll treat you to some new rice."

  The brigade headquarters is in front of him, Xu Laosan held him back and insisted on waiting a while.

  "If I didn't have you to help me, if I fell, if someone didn't tell me in advance, the basket would definitely fall over, and the millet would be scattered all over the ground. I don't know how long it would take to pick it up, so you helped me a lot."

  Xu Laosan grabbed the first rice miller, and in a hurry, he first milled five or six catties out, put it into a rice bag, and stuffed the rice bag into Xu Chengjin's arms: "Take it! You're welcome!"


   Xu Chengjin has been in the countryside for two years, and this is the first time he has met such enthusiastic villagers.

  No one is rich these days, and they have some food and don’t hide it?

  Even if he just gave him a hand to keep him from falling, a thank you is enough. Do you need to pay back this year's new grain pounded rice? And it's worth a few kilograms.

  Mr. Xu is mainly in a good mood today:

  My daughter was elected as a model worker in the brigade, and she will go to the commune to participate in the model worker commendation meeting in a few days; the food that she received was also squeezed into the first echelon of the brigade, which is very honorable.

  Everything in this pile is a happy thing.

In addition, it was really dangerous just now, if the young man didn't help him, he would definitely fall, and the basket containing the grains was also designated to be overturned. A rice miller? Certainly not! Maybe it's still at the end, so I won't be able to catch up with my daughter to make dinner.

   Yes, Xu Laosan did not hesitate to send the other party a few catties of rice to express his gratitude.

   "Hold it! It's getting late, go back!"

  He waved his hand and continued to grind the rice.

  The only rice bag was given to the young educated youth. Fortunately, there were some villagers who had good friends with him in the queue behind.

  In the other side, Xu Yin went to cut vegetables in the private plot. Aunt Chunhua who passed by said that her father almost fell down. She was worried and trotted to the brigade headquarters.

   "Dad, are you okay?"

   "What can I do? This is not good! Why are you here?"

   "I heard from Aunt Chunhua that you almost fell down. I'm worried about you. Come and have a look."

  Everyone is here, Xu Yin is not in a hurry to go home, and succeeds Xu Laosan in pushing the stone roller.

   "Let me push it, you take a break for a while, which ankle is sprained? Are you all right?"

   "It's okay, it's okay!" Xu Laosan jumped up and down twice to show her, "Look, there's nothing wrong with it."

  Xu Yin felt relieved.

  People around boasted: "My third son, your daughter is so filial!"

   "Capable and filial, I don't know which young man will be cheaper in the future."

   "Good luck for the third child!"

   "That's that, that is!" Xu Laosan laughed until crow's feet appeared.

  Outside the brigade headquarters, Xu Chengjin, who hadn't gone far, looked back at Xu Yin who was pushing stones in the crowd.

  The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on her peaceful face, making her pretty face even brighter.

  He looked back, and smiled in his heart: What are you thinking!

  The term "time is quiet and good" is destined to have nothing to do with him, a person who walks in the dark.

  Hands are heavy.

  He looked down at the rice bag in his left hand, the coldness in his eyes subsided a lot.

  For him, the world doesn't seem to be all darkness.

  (end of this chapter)

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