The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 415: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (46)

  Chapter 415 Disturbing Housewives in the 1970s (46)

Xu Yuanyuan sat at a table with several cousins ​​of Xu Lan, and looked at the cousin and cousin-in-law who offered tea to the elders, and said with some discomfort in her heart: "Why is the food not served yet? When do you want everyone to wait?" ?”

  She got married last month, and before the ceremony was over, relatives and friends started looting meat and vegetables. The chaotic scene was really terrible.

   It is said that a good beginning is half the battle. She probably didn't open her head properly, which led to a quarrel with her mother-in-law when she was still newly married.

  Third Uncle’s family is having a wedding today, but her man can’t tell, it must be her mother-in-law who instigates it behind her back.

   She was so angry that she slammed the door and went back to her mother's house.

   If you don’t come, you won’t come! When she is rare!

  The mood is so bad that everything is dazzling, and I can't help but want to criticize.

Xu Lan glanced at her: "Sister Yuanyuan, you're late, we've already had a meal, my second sister planted big pumpkin fried pumpkin pancakes, and rice dumpling soup made with wine, I'm not hungry yet. The second brother-in-law said that the food will be served later, so that everyone can't eat, so I just finished the ceremony first."

  Xu Yuanyuan: "..."

on purpose!

   He must have done it on purpose!

   "Pumpkin pie? Jiuniang Yuanzi? It's easy to fill your stomach. Can you still eat it later?"

"You can eat it!" Li Chunhua at the next table answered, "The third family has prepared a lot of good dishes, many of which are fresh dishes that we have never eaten before. How can we not eat it? If we can't eat it, we can take it away Shall we go? We all brought bowls, so we are not afraid of wasting them!"


   After the newcomers serve tea, each table begins to serve dishes.

  Xu Yuanyuan stared at the table, wanting to see what kind of fresh dish it is, which is more attractive than her six dishes!

"What's this?"

  She pointed to a hot dish that came after the soup.

  The answer from the chef: "This is called a fish and shrimp feast."

  Xu Yuanyuan: Well said! Isn't it stewed tofu with miscellaneous fish and shrimp!

   "What is this again?"

   "This is a happy marriage for a hundred years."


   Phew! Isn't it red bean paste and lily soup?

  After the first soup and the sweet soup, two appetizers were served for the elders: fried soybeans and fried peanuts.

   Followed by serious six hot dishes.

  It is obviously an ingredient that everyone knows, but it has been made into a delicacy that makes them hold chopsticks but can't bear to put them down.

Eggplant with minced meat, lotus root with lean meat, bacon pork ribs and winter melon cup that is super delicious, soft glutinous pork trotters that you can’t wait to **** with your fingers, and the smell of fish that smells like meat but can’t see the meat itself Eggplant Casserole.

  Finally, there is a finale dish-braised lion head.

   Each piece is as big as an adult's fist, and everyone eats one, which makes everyone's mouth full of oil and satisfaction.

   "Comfortable! So comfortable!"

   "This wedding banquet is definitely the best meal I've ever had!"

  Xu Yuanyuan really wanted to pick something out, but these dishes were damned to her taste.

   "Old man, where did your family hire a cook? He can cook like this!" an uncle in the next line asked Xu Laosan.

  Xu Lao San laughed and led his son-in-law to share cigarettes with everyone:

   "As long as you are satisfied! As long as you are satisfied! We didn't hire a cook. Where did our family get the money to hire a cook? It was all done by Sangsang."

   "What? Your eldest daughter made it? When did she know how to cook? I think it's on par with the chefs of state-run restaurants."

   "Hey! It was taught by Yin Yin. The second girl's head is full of melon seeds. She came up with these dishes and then taught the eldest girl."

   "Third brother, I have to admit today: Your luck is really good!"

  Xu Laosan was overjoyed: "Yes, yes, yes! I am really lucky!"

  Even he himself feels like a pie from the sky, the little days are really exciting!

  Brother Xu and his wife ate the food without saying a word. It tasted good, but it tasted bitter in their mouths.

Li Chunxiang, who was at the same table, looked puzzled, and elbowed Xu's second son: "What's the matter with elder brother and sister-in-law? They came to drink niece's wedding wine and still put on a straight face. What about their son-in-law? Why didn't they come? He was his third uncle anyway. Such an important day did not come..."

"Shh!" Second Xu motioned her to keep her voice down, "I heard Jianjun complain a few words earlier, it seems that it was about his official job quota, Yuanyuan had a quarrel with her mother-in-law, and the quarrel became fierce, Xiao It's difficult for Guo to be caught in the middle, so he simply didn't come."

  Li Chunxiang clicked his tongue, laughing at the elder sister-in-law in her heart:

  I thought that marrying my daughter to the factory manager’s son would make me a high-ranking man and I would be able to arrange a formal job for my son. I didn’t expect that the factory director’s wife wouldn’t want to see your family at all, right?

  The eldest niece is also stupid. She dared to quarrel with her mother-in-law within one month of marriage, not to mention that it was for her natal brother to get a job, even if it was for herself, she shouldn't just fight after one month of marriage! Does it still have a good reputation?

  In the past, I saw that everyone was honest and would save money, but now it looks like a bunch of idiots! You have to look at the third child to be a man!

  Li Chunxiang ate with great relish, while making complaints about the elders.

  Xu Yin only heard from her younger sister after the guests left: Xu Yuanyuan had a quarrel with her mother-in-law a few days ago and has been staying at her mother's house for the past few days.

"The hall sister also said that if the cousin-in-law doesn't come to pick her up, she won't go back!" Xu Lan gnawed at the lotus root that was deliberately hidden until the end, and said her guess, "But if the cousin-in-law doesn't come to pick her up, the cousin Don’t you want to live in your natal family forever? Isn’t that bad? After you get married, shouldn’t you eat at your in-law’s family? Why are you going back to your natal family? Thanks to your natal family!”

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Angry and funny, he raised his hand and rewarded the little girl with a hand chestnut.

   "Second Sister, why did you hit me?"

   "Eat yours! Talk less!"


  This second sister is getting more and more domineering and fierce, and she won't let anyone say anything! That's why the second brother-in-law can bear her.

  The days after marriage seem to have changed, but they don't seem to change.

  Anyway, Xu Yin still urges her parents to earn work points every day, and the task can't stop!

  And Xu Chengjin has recently taken on several translation jobs at the same time, including English, Russian, and minor languages...a multi-pronged approach, hoping to earn a few more manuscript fees before the end of the year and have a good year.

  The whole family was busy living an ordinary and warm life, when they suddenly heard from Mrs. Xu that Xu Yuanyuan was divorced, Xu Yin was so shocked that her jaw dropped.

   "What? Divorced?"

   Haven’t arrived in half a year!

   It’s still half a month before Chinese New Year!

   "Well, I heard that the in-laws are not tolerated by the mother-in-law, and Yuanyuan is very uncomfortable in her husband's house."

  The old lady talked about the bad marriage of her eldest granddaughter:

"Last month, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law quarreled again. Yuanyuan got angry and pushed her mother-in-law. Her mother-in-law couldn't stand still, her forehead hit the corner of the table, and her skin was bleeding. Her father-in-law saw it and slapped Yuanyuan across the face. , Yuanyuan accidentally sat on the ground when she backed up, and she had a miscarriage... You said that Yuanyuan's child is not confused, she didn't even know that she was two months pregnant, and the baby was confused when she first arrived! I feel bad, your uncle is in charge, let your in-laws arrange a formal job for Jianjun, and then let the two young ones leave, and forget it."


  (end of this chapter)

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