The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 416: Housewhiskers in the 1970s (47)

  Chapter 416 The House Spoiler in the 1970s (47)

  A marriage, in exchange for a regular job in the end...

  Xu Yin couldn't tell what it was like, she just felt ironic.

  Perhaps for the uncle and the uncle, the marriage of the daughter is not as important as a formal job for the son.

  The marriage between Mr. Xu and the factory director’s family opened with a bang and ended like a farce.

  Xu Yuanyuan took a deep breath and vowed to live better than Guo Zhijun.

  However, Guo Zhijun was pressured by his mother to go on a blind date and found a new partner before the Chinese New Year, but she had to lie at home and confine her, and she was full of resentment.

   Not long after the new year, she also found a partner for herself.

  Xu Yin heard Grandma Xu talk about her cousin's new partner, and the corner of her mouth almost couldn't be pulled back.

   "Senior worker in the blacksmithing workshop of the steel factory?"

   Isn’t that the official partner of Xu Yuanyuan in the original book?

  So, after going around and around, the plot is still going back to the original place?

  Damn it!

   Is this unavoidable?

  Xu Yin was a little terrified, and she didn't dare to take it lightly, so she decided to stay in the countryside.

  When the college entrance examination resumed, many people in the brigade thought that Xu Chengjin would definitely take the college entrance examination like other educated youths.

   After all, based on his literary talents and strength, he has a high possibility of being admitted. Then wouldn't the old three family lose this son-in-law?

Many people approached Xu Laosan and purposely gimmicked him: "Sir, is your son-in-law arguing to take the college entrance examination? Let me tell you, don't let him go back. If he goes there, he will stay in the city and never come back. Yes. If you want to change to my son-in-law, just break his leg! Save him from having other thoughts."

   Unexpectedly, Xu Laosan teased his big fat grandson who looked like a doll in New Year pictures and said with a smile:

   "Who said my son-in-law has to take the college entrance examination? He doesn't take the exam. He said he likes life in the country. He also said that wherever my family Yinyin is, he will be there."


  Damn it!

   This family is showing off endlessly, right?

  Xu Zhiqing is also the same. He has been married for several years, and his son can walk and run and knows how to make soy sauce. Still so sticky? When they don't have a wife?

  Xu Yin was actually quite guilty. During the registration period for the college entrance examination, she repeatedly told Xu Chengjin:

   "You can go if you want, don't worry about me and the children."

   "My daughter-in-law's strength can pass the test if she wants to, but if you don't want to take the test, then I won't take the test."


  Brother, I have taken the college entrance examination several times, will you let me rest?

   Besides, I know how to farm. After the reform and opening up, I can still show my strengths in the countryside. If you are a pen holder, if you don’t go to university for further studies, what kind of ambition can you show in the countryside?

"Accompany you."


  Suddenly, an earthy love story came out, which greatly benefited Xu Zhongtianniu Yin.

   "You really won't regret it?"

   "I regret leaving you two."

  He burned the letter from the scumbag father.

  After the college entrance examination resumed, he remembered his son who went to the countryside, and he still wanted him to marry Shangfeng's daughter. It was a beautiful idea, but who would care about him?

Wait! Sooner or later, this scumbag will capsize in the gutter.

  He hugged his wife's slender waist tightly, and put the belt in his arms, the smile in his eyes was like starlight:

   "Besides, didn't we agree? We want to give birth to Jin Duner's younger brother Yinduner and younger sister Yuduner. If I leave, who do you plan to have with? Huh?"


   Just like that, the couple squatted in the countryside without moving their nests. One farmed, the other wrote articles, and raised a fat baby by the way. They lived happily ever after.

   This dog arrived in 1979, and the Seven Star Brigade ushered in the division of fields to households.

  Xu Yin: I can finally shake off my arms and work hard!

   She has been looking forward to this day for a long time!

  Everyone: Before co-authoring, did you still hide it?

   "Third brother, have you washed your hands?"

   When it came to the day of lottery, Chen Huilan caught her husband and told her over and over again:

   "Wash your hands clean, worship quietly, and grab a few more acres of high-quality paddy fields to come back!"

   "Wash it!" The ancestors also worshiped!

   "Grandpa! I want paddy fields!" Xu Jindun jumped up and down happily, cheering for his grandpa.

   "Grandpa, paddy field!" The two-year-old Xu Yindun'er rode on his father's neck, and jumped like his brother, but almost fell off.

  Xu Yin supported her youngest son, turned her head to encourage her father: "Father, you can smoke boldly, and whatever field you smoke, my daughter will plant a good harvest for you!"

   "Don't worry! I'm sure to bring back a high-quality farmland!"

  Xu Laosan stepped forward confidently, and grabbed a ball of paper from the wooden box for drawing lots.

  The accountant of the brigade unfolded it to read the words on it, and was stunned for a moment: "Third brother, you caught 70% of the mountains and paddy fields beside the 30% of the mountains."

   "What?" Xu Laosan's voice soared an octave, "How can I be so unlucky?"

  The paddy fields beside the mountains are the worst among all the paddy fields.

  But everyone doesn’t like the mountainous land, not to mention the exhaustion of planting the land, the land is not yet fertile, and there is no harvest for everything planted.

  How unlucky is Xu Laosan? One grab for the worst position.

  Thinking that there are seven people in his household registration book, according to the rules, they can be allocated a total of ten acres of land, but he was arrested for this kind of virtue...

  The accountant of the brigade spread out: You caught it yourself, you can't blame me!

   "Oh! I'm sorry for my daughter!" Xu Laosan slapped himself in tears, "I don't have the face to go back to see my daughter!"

   I suspect that I didn’t wash my hands before drawing lots, or that I wasn’t sincere enough when I said my goodbyes. How did I get such a bad job? The whole team can't find anyone worse than him, right?

  Xu Yin couldn't laugh or cry: "Father! You come back! Mountains are mountains, and they can still be planted."

   "What are you planting? That land is very low-yielding. I used to grow sweet potatoes and potatoes, but I couldn't produce much. The paddy field is the worst third-class. Now the seven people in my family will starve..."

  Xu Laosan was extremely depressed, drooping his head, wanting to cry.

   "Father, you believe me! I will definitely plant our fields for a good harvest!"

   Not to mention that she has high-yield grain seeds and fertilization methods in her hands, and at the very least, she also has Taoyuanxing brand interest-bearing loam.

  She did not believe that it was impossible to transform the barren mountains and inferior paddy fields into fertile fields.

  Setting a goal, Xu Yin got busy around her ten-acre field.

  Xu Laosan has always complained that he was unlucky, that he was drawn to an inferior land, and harmed his family. Since then, he has completely thrown away his laziness factor and worked hard with his daughter, so he almost rolled up and slept in the field.

  Chen Huilan also got rid of the habit of kicking off her shoes and lying on the bed, and took on the daily maintenance of the private plot and trivial housework to lighten the burden on her daughter.

   Both babies belong to Xu Chengjin.

  Xu Chengjin quickly grew into a careful, thoughtful and responsible super dad.

  Before the high school entrance examination, Xu Lan went home to review with her schoolbag on her back. By the way, she came to the second sister’s house to rush through the door. She saw two nephews, one lying on Xu Chengjin’s back and the other sitting on Xu Chengjin’s lap, listening to him tell a story.

   "Brother-in-law, you are much more patient than my second sister. My second sister is only very patient when she takes care of her few acres of land."

  Xu Chengjin smiled and beckoned her to sit down: "If you want to eat, go to the pantry and get it yourself. I'm afraid these two boys will catch you and eat it. Your second sister is on the upper floor."

   "Brother-in-law, I am here this time to hear your suggestions. Do you think I should go to high school or a technical secondary school?"

  Xu Chengjin pondered: "It depends on whether you like to study or like to work early."

   "It must be to work early. Work early to make money, and you have to spend money to study, thank you!"

  Xu Chengjin: "..."

  (end of this chapter)

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