The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 453: Fake daughter retreats to farm (35) (seventh watch, mid-autumn festival

Feng Cuiqin looked at her daughter's back, shook her head with a smile, went back to the room, and said to her husband: "Then you can go to Zhengnan's house later and pay back the money. By the way, ask if there is a Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. Come to eat at home." Meal."

"Okay." Dad Xu lay on the bed with his hands on the back of his head and sighed, "I also said that it would be good to pay off the debts by this time next year. I didn't expect to pay off the debts now without waiting for next year. It's like a dream." Same."

"It's not that Yinyin is capable!" Feng Cuiqin glanced at him with a smile, "If Yinyin doesn't come back, even if you are in good health, you can weave bamboo baskets and mats and sell them outside as before, and Dad rides a tricycle to solicit customers. Expecting to pay off the debt next year? That is called a dream!"

"Yes yes yes! Our daughter is capable! Let us enjoy the blessing of retirement in advance!" Xu Weiguo said with a smile, and then remembered Xu Yue who had returned to his biological parents' home, "You said, this biological is different. Yinyin Although she grew up in a big city, you can see that as soon as she came back, she took on the heavy responsibility of the family and went to work in the mountains, which is more agile than me, an old mountain person. Yueyue grew up in our family, but she never touched bamboo weaving , let alone let her go to work in the mountains, at most help you wash a few clothes and wash a few dishes at home..."

   "Isn't it?" Feng Cuiqin also felt embarrassed when mentioning her adopted daughter, "It's our family who delayed her."

   "You can't say that. According to what you say, the Xu family in Haicheng has also delayed our Yinyin. If I grew up in my own family, I might have been the king of the bamboo forest."

   "Pfft... What nonsense are you talking about! What kind of bamboo forest king..."

   "Look at how kind she is to the bamboo forest. I decide what to do! When she gets married, I will give her this bamboo forest as a dowry!"

   "Okay, okay, whatever you like. Take a nap! Get up and go to Zhengnan's house."


  In that room, Xu Yin returned to her room, browsed through the backstage of the online shop, sorted out the orders for the day, printed the mailing list, and mailed it before evening, and brought a fish back from the town.

   It was a big fat fish that was caught by an old man from the reservoir.

  That night, one fish and three meals: fish head steamed with chopped peppers, fish tail in tofu soup, and a piece of fish meat left to braise in soy sauce.

   "Can you lose your mind after eating fish? Watch out for the fishbone stuck in your throat." Xu Yin reminded Actor Fu when he saw that he had a snack tonight.

  Fu Hanjin glanced at her.

   "What's wrong?" Xu Yin touched her face, there was no grain of rice on it.

  Fu Hanjin: "...nothing."

  After dinner, he asked her if she would go for a walk in the mountains?

   "I can't do it today, I have to finish painting the fan. I have to harvest golden clematis later, and I don't have time."

  There are so many things going on recently, and I don’t have much time to sit down. The bamboo fan set of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove in the Wei and Jin Dynasties has not been completed yet, so I feel a little sorry for Lu You, who supports her online store business.

  Fu Hanjin heard what she said, looked down and played with the fan she spread on the table for a while, and suddenly asked: "Is this ready to sell?"

"This set is for someone to give away." While tidying up the desktop, Xu Yin told him that the online store was a deserted business when it first opened, "She is the first customer of my online store, and she bought a lot of mountain products. I also introduced a lot of clients to me, but I couldn’t think of what to give. Seeing that she likes to collect bamboo fans, she took away the Twelve Golden Hairpins of the Red Chamber last time, so I thought of giving her a set of Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove. like."


   "You mean Lu You? A girl!" Xu Yin laughed, her eyes shining brightly, "When a woman encounters something good, she will call her friends to buy it together."

  Fu Hanjin looked down and played with a pair of tassels she had made: "When will you make a set for me? I can place an order in an online store, or make an offline transaction."

Xu Yin raised her head and glanced at him: "You like this too? All right, what style do you want? Let me tell you first, I don't have much time to make this. I place an order now, and the delivery may have to wait until next year. "

  Fu Hanjin thought to himself: That's even better! He wasn't afraid of her procrastination, but he was afraid that if she didn't procrastinate, she would hand in the task in three days in a hurry, and then they would never see each other again.

   said: "It's okay, slow work and careful work."

  Xu Yin cleaned up the table, took out the half-drawn fan last time, drank a saliva and prepared to start work, and asked him casually: "What style do you like?"

  Fu Hanjin pondered: "If I order a set of "Water Margin One Hundred and Eight Generals", will you accept it?"


   One hundred and eight generals? Is this to paint her to death?

   "Can't you?" Fu Hanjin raised his eyebrows and looked at her with a smile.

   "It's not impossible... It's just, why do you need so many bamboo fans?"

   "Favorite. Doesn't your client also like to collect?"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I always feel that something is wrong.

never mind! Customer is God!

   "I can pick it up, but I'm not sure when it will be finished."

   "Well, don't worry. Give me your account number, and I will transfer the deposit to you first." He took out his mobile phone.

   "The deposit is not in a hurry."

   There is not even a shadow of the goods yet, and she is under pressure after receiving the deposit.

  Fu Hanjin insisted on paying a deposit, so Xu Yin added him as a payment friend.

  The bamboo fans in the online store will be taken off the shelves first.

  After taking over the master’s 108 generals, in the past six months... no, maybe within a year, I won’t have time to make other bamboo fans.

   After transferring the account, Fu Hanjin didn't bother her with her work anymore, and went up the mountain and returned to the bamboo house alone.

  Now he is very familiar with the ups and downs of this road, so why should she send it specially.

  Xu Yin picked up the fan that she hadn't touched for several days, and buried herself in drawing.

   After an unknown amount of time, the phone rang.

   Upon seeing the call, it was Fu Hanjin.


   "Boss Xu, your bamboo forest has been invaded by thieves."


  After listening to him say a few words, Xu Yin picked up the motorcycle key and rushed out of the house.

   "Yinyin, it's late at night, where are you going?"

  Xu Weiguo wanted to drink some water before going to bed, so he got up and went to the kitchen to pour water, but he only had time to see his daughter's back as the engine car rushed out.

   "What's the matter?" Feng Cuiqin got up to watch when she heard the movement.

   "Yinyin is going out by bicycle now, and she doesn't know what to do."

  Feng Cuiqin glanced up at the outside of the courtyard. There was no sign of her daughter, so she could only say, "Maybe there is something wrong? Wait for her to come back and ask."

  Xu Yin rode to the entrance of the bamboo mountain where medicinal materials were interplanted, and turned the accelerator to the bottom. The domineering four-cylinder LB is like the Ben G65 with the best performance in off-road vehicles.

  Along the narrow and winding mountain road, the headlights of the car were shining brightly, the accelerator was blaring, the brakes were accelerated for a while, decelerated for a while, turned left and right, and rushed to the bamboo forest interplanted with clematis at the fastest speed.

  She turned on the headlights to the brightest, shining toward the clematis interplanting area, then took off her helmet and walked inside.

   "Mr. Fu? Fu Hanjin?"

"it's here!"

  Fu Hanjin had just subdued a drug thief who was holding a fruit knife.

   "There are three accomplices there, be careful."

  Xu Yin followed the sound, turned on the flashlight in her mobile phone, and shone to the side. Sure enough, there were three people lying in a mess.

  Three people were stunned, one person was captured, and none of the four thieves let them escape.

  Xu Yin gave him a thumbs up: "You're pretty good!"

  Fu Hanjin: "..."

   How weak is my impression on you?

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