The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 454: Fake daughter retired from the circle to farm (36)

   "Let go of me! I said it wasn't stealing!"

  Feng Baohua, who was kneeling on the ground, was held back by Fu Hanjin, with his neck stuck and cursing:

   "This is my family's territory. How can I steal my own medicinal materials? Let me go! I think you two are thieves, right?"

"Your home?"

  Xu Yin laughed out of anger. She walked to the side of the three unconscious people, kicked their legs, and remained motionless; sniffed their breath, they were still alive.

  So one by one in each hand, they carried the people to the ditch, pressed their heads and immersed them in the stream.

   "Cough cough cough..."

   " neck..."

  Xu Yin ignored them and woke up the other person in the same way.

  Feng Baohua desperately winked at the three of them.

  But the three of them just woke up from a coma, and they were still a little confused.

  Secondly, the light in the woods is so dark, how can I see Feng Baohua winking.

  Seeing that there were a few more people in the forest, I thought it was Feng Baohua who came here to steal the medicinal materials.

"Ahuatian, you are so stupid! What are you doing with so many people here? Do you want to eat black? Or do you really want to poach all the golden clematis here? Digging a few sacks is enough to sell tens of thousands of dollars to pay off your debts." Just fill in a hole first. Brothers are still waiting to go to the town to play cards! Didn’t you agree to push Pai Gow today? Are you still going?”

   Feng Baohua, who was sold out in an instant: "..." These stupid pigs!

  Xu Yin folded her arms and looked at him mockingly: "Do you still dare to say that it is your family's territory and your family's stuff?"

"It was originally!" Feng Baohua spat, "This is the bamboo forest contracted by my sister's family. I am her own younger brother. Why don't you come to her house and cut a few clematis plants for fun? Can you control it?" Who are you talking about? Dogs and mice meddle in their own business! Let me go!"

  Hearing what he said, Xu Yin suddenly knew—

   The co-author is the cheap uncle in the family of the best grandmother who is in his thirties and has nothing to do, is lazy, addicted to gambling, and ran away from his wife and children!

  She met Fu Hanjin's eyes, and decisively took out her mobile phone to call the police.

  Dare to steal the golden clematis she worked so hard to grow, and still bring a sack and want to get it in one pot, go to the prison and reflect, uncle!

  The other three gamblers, seeing Xu Yin calling the police, winked at each other, and wanted to sneak away from the back hill, but Xu Yin kicked them back.

  The sound of fracture can be heard when it hits the ground.


  Fucking this woman... so scary!

  The three of them endured the pain, hugging each other and shivering.

  Feng Baohua was dumbfounded. It's fine for a man to fight four against one, but how the **** is a woman so ruthless?

   I dare not speak harshly anymore.

  Call the police and call the police, anyway, he hasn't had time to steal, he hasn't stolen anything, and nothing will happen if he goes to the police station.

  So, he lay flat, let's do whatever he wants!

   Unexpectedly, Xu Yin picked him up by the collar: "Let's go!"

   "What are you doing! Can't I just run away?"


   "Did you let us go?"

   "Good idea! Go to the entrance of the village and wait for the police comrades."


  So, when the police car drove to the entrance of Qingzhu Village with its siren sounding, before the police officers got out of the car, they saw through the car window four men with mouse-eyed eyes, strung together like zongzi, waiting for them at the intersection. Beside them stood a pair of handsome men and beautiful women.


   It's amazing!

   They have always been the only ones who rushed to the scene to catch thieves, and they have never experienced thieves waiting for them at the intersection.

  Xu Yin also found a bloodstain on the back of Fu Hanjin's hand when she arrived at the village entrance and by the dim street lights at the village entrance.

"You are hurt?"

   "A little scratch, it's okay."

"Scratch is also injury, is it his fruit knife?" Xu Yin glared at Feng Baohua, and took out a pack of non-alcoholic disinfectant wipes through the pocket of his coat, "Let's make do with the disinfection first, and we'll take care of it when we go back later." deal with."

   "It's all right."

   "This injury looks like a dead man, and I don't care how you beat us up?"

   Feng Baohua cried to the police comrades who arrived with a swollen face: "We really didn't do anything, slandered us for stealing things, and beat us like this, I want to sue them!"


  The other three started to argue because the police were there and Xu Yin didn’t dare to do anything to them again:

   "We just drank a lot of wine and came to the mountain for a walk to enjoy the breeze. Although this mountain is not ours, it is not theirs either. Let them go up the mountain to talk about love, and we are not allowed to take a walk?"

  Xu Yin glanced at them, pulled out the surveillance screen from the universal camera in her mobile phone, and showed it to the police.

  With the witness of Fu Hanjin, physical evidence such as sacks and scissors brought by Feng Baohua, and the clear surveillance data submitted by Xu Yin, the evidence is conclusive.

  Although the attempt failed, the amount of clematis they wanted to steal was not small, and it was to be handed over to the public security organ for filing.

   Comrades from the police station handcuffed the four of them: "Be honest!"

It was only at this time that Feng Baohua reacted from the confusion: "What? That bamboo forest was contracted by your family? Your name is Xu Yin? So you are my niece who has been wrong for more than 20 years? Niece! I am your uncle Ah! I’m really your uncle! You explain it to the police, it’s a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding!”

  The other three gamblers were also dying when they saw this: "Since they are relatives, you see that we haven't cut it yet, nothing happened, and it's okay to go to the game, so why make a big fuss!"

  Xu Yin gave them a cold look: "Did you give up on your own initiative?"

  If Fu Hanjin hadn't discovered and stopped them in time, and if he hadn't been very skilled, not only the medicinal materials would have been stolen tonight, but Fu Hanjin might have been seriously injured.

   Taking a step back, assuming that Fu Hanjin didn't find them and was succeeded by this group of people, even if she checked the surveillance and alarm to catch these people the next day, the clematis would be destroyed.

  There is a big difference between mature and soon-to-mature medicinal materials, and the purchase price may vary from day to day.

  She took Boss Guo's deposit, but she couldn't deliver the corresponding goods when the time came, what would happen?

It's okay if she can't make this deal, but after all, she and Boss Guo are doing business for the first time, and they don't have much friendship with each other. What about the reputation of keeping promises? Can't find a buyer anymore.

  Thinking of this, Xu Yin's face became colder and colder: "Talk to the police comrades if you have anything!"

"Don't, don't! Niece! Uncle's good niece! I beg you, uncle! For the sake of our first meeting, please do him a favor and forgive him this time!" Feng Baohua still didn't give up struggling. .

  Seeing that Xu Yin didn't let go, and he was also dragged by the police to the police car, and began to yell:

   "Half-way goods are half-way goods! There is no relationship at all! If Xu Yue was here today, she would definitely not call the police!"

When it was over, she yelled in the direction of Xu's family: "Xu Weiguo, Feng Cuiqin! Your biological daughter is so cruel! You actually want to send your own uncle to jail. How can such a cruel person treat you well in the future? Not as good as Xu Yue..."

   "Shut up, you!" Fu Hanjin crumpled up the wet tissue and paper towel that Xu Yin gave her to sterilize and stop bleeding with one hand, and stuffed it into Feng Baohua's mouth.


  Seeing his actions, Xu Yin felt a warm feeling in her heart.

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