The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 466: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (48)

  Xu Yin came home and saw that Xu Ma was already busy in the kitchen.

  She dried her hair, pulled it into a refreshing hairstyle, and went into the kitchen to help.

   "Mom, these two grass carp are quite big, leave them to me to cook, I will make Wanzhou Grilled Fish for you to try."

   "Okay." Feng Cuiqin said with a smile, "Your cousin went fishing in the reservoir."

   "Cousin has come?"

   "Come here for a while, put down the fish and go home to pick up your sister-in-law and nephew."

  Mother and daughter are chatting in the kitchen while preparing dishes for the Mid-Autumn Festival dinner tonight.

  Outside, the village head walked to her house with a sad face, and complained to Grandpa Xu who weaves bamboo strips under the eaves:

"Recently, all the bamboo weaving sellers selected to sell have been kicked back. They said that as long as our Qingzhu Village goes out, they will not accept them. In the past, those purchasers charged a low price, but fortunately they can sell for a few dollars. Now bamboo sieves No one took it down to five yuan each. Ask them the reason, and they can't explain it. They just say that someone from above paid for them to do this. Old Xu, you said that our village didn't offend anyone. How could it be shared? What about this kind of thing..."

  Grandpa Xu was also wondering: "Could it be that other villages are robbing the business?"

   "That's impossible! We're all down to five yuan. Could it be that there are still villages that don't charge money and still pay money?"

"Who would that be? They would rather pay the purchaser than sell the bamboo weaving products in our village..." Grandpa Xu couldn't understand the reason for a while, and asked the village chief, "Have you asked about the money to sell the bamboo products?" Who are they doing this to?"

   "Inquiry is just an inquiry. I heard that a big man from Haicheng came a few days ago, but our village doesn't even have any relatives from Haicheng. How can we offend you? It's really troublesome..."

   Upon hearing that it was a big shot from "Haicheng", Grandpa Xu and Dad Xu met each other's eyes.

   Could it be Yue Yue's biological parents?

  Papa Xu put down the bamboo weaving in his hand, got up and went to the kitchen, and told his daughter about the situation in a low voice.

  Xu Yin immediately thought of the phone call from Mrs. Xu that night. Could it be that she hung up on her phone, made her angry, and then used her power to block her home?

No! Not only my own home, but the entire Qingzhu Village.

  Xu Yin pondered: If it is really the Xu family in Haicheng, what is the intention of doing this? Let Qingzhu Village resent themselves for this?

   Or do you just want to block the sale of bamboo products in your own home? Do you want to make life difficult for the old Xu family? And worried that other villagers would help, so they cut off the livelihood of the villagers?

  No matter what the reason is, it is true that the recent bamboo weaving products in Qingzhu Village have received a cold reception.

  After thinking about it, Xu Yin suggested that the village chief open an online shop in the name of Qingzhu Village.

"The market for ordinary bamboo weaving products is actually very large when viewed across the country. Once it is made, the sales volume is much larger than that of our high-quality products. The reason why I chose good-quality and distinctive bamboo weaving products is to send them to my online store for consignment. , because we are too busy. If we set up an online store of bamboo weaving products in the name of Qingzhu Village, everyone will participate and work together, which is actually more convenient than selling them out.”

  The village chief was of course interested.

   "Yinyin, what about the online store you mentioned? I'm worried that we old guys won't be able to learn it!"

Xu Yin thought for a while and said: "How about this, everyone should sign up first to see who is interested, and after selecting suitable candidates, I will train them. Since there is no market for picking them out, then don't pick them out and sell them, save your energy We will sell them all online! There may not be any orders at the beginning, but don’t be discouraged, as long as the quality passes the test, it will definitely come up. Look at my house, I only expected one order in the first ten days and a half months, but now there are twenty or thirty orders every day, more There were hundreds of orders. That’s because my bamboo weaving is not ordinary bamboo weaving, many of them can be used as decorations, and the price is much more expensive than ordinary bamboo weaving.”

  The village chief was moved by his heart, and nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, I'll go back and call everyone for a meeting. After I choose someone, I will learn how to do online business with you."

   "Okay! I'm at home every day anyway, and I'm on the mountain when I'm not at home. Just call me."

  The village chief is also a man of action. He went to the village committee to convene a meeting with the village cadres after leaving Xu Yin’s house. When everyone heard about opening an online store in the name of the village collective, they all felt that it was very novel.

   "Is this like a township enterprise in the early 1980s? It's just called an online shop now?"

   "That's it! If the business of the online store is good, it is indeed better than picking them out and selling them."

   "I see that many stores in the town have their own online stores. Can we open without a store?"

   "Yinyin said yes, so she can. I haven't seen her online store business is very good. I heard from Weiguo that his income last month was 8,000!"

   "Really? Weiguo has eight thousand alone? Or his whole family?"

   "He's alone. There should be a lot of old man Xu, and Wei Guo's wife. It is said that the dried bamboo shoots and dried bamboo shoots are sold for thousands of yuan. Their monthly income must have exceeded ten thousand."


  Hearing that Xu Wei's country's monthly income exceeded 10,000 yuan, all the village officials were extremely envious.

  What they didn't know was that whether it was the 8,000 yuan announced by Xu Weiguo or Feng Cuiqin's 1,000 yuan, they were only a small part of their real income.

  Xu Weiguo earned 38,000 yuan last month just from a bamboo weaving painting "The Picture of Eight Steeds".

  Feng Cuiqin's planed winter bamboo shoots and stir-fried chicken fir oil also sold for less than 20,000 yuan.

  Not counting the income from homestays and golden clematis, Guangshan goods and bamboo weaving, the old Xu family has achieved a monthly income of 50,000 yuan. This amount, last year was the whole year's income of the Xu family.

  That's why Xu Weiguo couldn't help but shout out, whoever is unhappy! Fortunately, I still know how to measure, so I only said a fraction.

   Rao is this, which makes the village cadres envious.

  Sun-dried vegetables at home, weaving bamboo strips, without going anywhere, can earn tens of thousands of yuan.

"Village chief, let's do it this way! Isn't it just an online store? It doesn't need a storefront or employees, and it doesn't need to be picked out to sell. It saves money and trouble. It's idle anyway, so just say what you need us to do." talk!"

  Village cadres unanimously passed the resolution to open an online store in Qingzhu Village.

  The village head turned on the radio, and the whole village yelled: "Who knows computers and wants to find something to do, come and report to the village committee!"

   Played it three times in a row.

  After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the village chief brought Xu Yin here.

  Basically, they are girls and boys who have graduated from junior high school and are unemployed at home and have not yet gone out to find work.

   "It won't be too busy in the early stage, two people are enough. When the order volume increases in the future, if you are too busy, you can recruit again."

  At Xu Yin's suggestion, two people were recruited first. According to their personalities, they are divided into jobs:

  The girl is careful and patient, responsible for online: customer service, delivery and daily maintenance of the online store;

  The young man is strong and fearless, and is responsible for the offline: acceptance of bamboo products picked by various companies, serial numbers, registration, and packaging before delivery.

  Although an online store does not need a storefront, it needs a warehouse.

  The village chief vacated the unused room of the village committee.

  Each family picks out the bamboo weaving products to be sold, and after the young man checks and accepts them, he compiles the numbers of each family and registers them in the warehouse.

  The bamboo weaving enterprise store in Qingzhu Village opened with half excitement and half helplessness.

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