The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 467: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (49)

  As Xu Yin said, the early business was really slow.

  Although there are friendly traffic from her online store, there are still not many patrons. It would be nice to have one or two orders in a day.

   But around New Year's Day, the bamboo weaving business suddenly picked up.

  The most popular items are bamboo door curtains and bamboo curtains, followed by bamboo baskets, bamboo vases and bamboo rice covers.

  I asked a few buyers, and they all said that they wanted to buy a new batch of new ones after the Chinese New Year.

  Seeing that the business of the online store has started, the villagers are not to mention how happy they are. They are no longer depressed and discouraged before.

  The village head saw that the business of the village collective’s online store was getting better and better, and he was so happy. On New Year’s Day, he specially brought a big hoof of a domestic pig to thank Xu Yin.

  Xu Yin refused to accept, the simple and honest village head let go and ran away.

   Instead, Xiao Huang from his family stayed at Xu Yin's house and ate a delicious meal of hoof meat and bones before leaving.

  The Xu family in Haicheng.

   Mrs. Xu waited and waited for almost two months before Xu Yin came to the door to complain. That night she asked her husband wonderingly, "Did you send someone to Wenpu?"

   "I've already gone, why? Yinyin hasn't come to apologize to Yueyue yet? It shouldn't be!"

  Xu Weiming picked up his mobile phone and called the person in charge.

  I heard from the other party that they rejected the bamboo weaving products from Qingzhu Village two months ago, and they never let go.

That is how the matter?

   The couple were puzzled.

   "Could it be that Qingzhu Village no longer relies on bamboo weaving for food?"

   "But there is no other way out in that place except bamboo. What else can we rely on for food?"

   By what?

  For the Xu family, as the Chinese New Year approaches, the most profitable item is no longer bamboo weaving, but bamboo chicken.

  Xu Yin found out the orders recorded by Xu's father when he was hospitalized, and called one by one to verify: "Do you still want the bamboo chicken you ordered? It will be out of the cage soon."

  The result is that the answer is:

   "Yes, yes!"

   "I ordered one last time, right? I want to add another one, two."

   "Can I have two more?"

   "My relatives also want bamboo forest chickens, can I add two?"

  Almost all require additional orders.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Existing orders are not enough to send, and you want to add more orders?

Xu Zhengnan came to deliver New Year's goods to his second uncle's house. He saw his cousin, who had only known his relative for half a year, squatting in front of a small bench, holding a calculator to count how many bamboo chickens were sold and how many were left. no.

   "Yinyin, what's making you so difficult? Tell brother, and brother will solve it for you."

   "Brother, our bamboo forest chicken is not enough to sell."

   "..." Xu Zhengnan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm worried about other people's houses not selling well, but why are you worried about selling well here?"

  Xu Yin stood up, rubbed her numb calf, and handed the notebook to her cousin:

   "At first I agreed to have one, but I asked for two to be released; I ordered two, but now I want three, and I can't explain it after I finished talking, so I should send it or not?"

  Xu Zhengnan said with a smile: "These people just see you as soft and cute and easy to bully. Next time I have a call, I will answer it for you. Also, are you going to deliver these to your door?"

   "That's right. The courier station doesn't accept orders for live animals." Xu Yin said while packing, "I plan to deliver it myself."

   She has a car anyway.

"Let me deliver the goods to you. You give me a copy of the original order, and I will deliver the goods door-to-door according to the quantity requested above. If anyone makes a fuss, I will bring it back. Don't worry, it will definitely sell Get out! If you can’t sell it, I’ll wrap it up for you!”

  Xu Yin couldn't help laughing: "Brother, why don't you come to my part-time job next year!"

   There is a cousin who came from a business background, and she wants to be a shopkeeper.

  Xu Zhengnan touched his chin and thought for a moment: "Okay! All the work that needs to be dealt with outside will be left to your brother and me."

   "Brother Nan, one is worth two!"

  Xu Zhengnan's son, Pao Pao, ran in from the gate and said this, making everyone present laugh.

   "Auntie Piao Niang, you have a package!"

   Bubble bouncing up to Xu Yin.

   "Oh yes! Look at my memory." Xu Zhengnan patted his forehead, "The courier car is at the entrance of the village, so you have to pick it up yourself, because the sender made a special note."

  Xu Yin was puzzled, she didn't buy anything recently.

   Take it and take it apart.

   "Wow! So many things!" Bubble squatted beside her.

  Every time Xu Yin took out one, he exclaimed "Wow".

  The family members heard the movement of the aunt and nephew, and gathered around to watch.

   "Yinyin, what did you buy?"

   "My aunt didn't buy it."

   Bubble followed Xu Yin to pick up the courier, so she knew it wasn't bought by her.

   "Didn't you buy it?" Feng Cuiqin leaned over and took a look, "Hey! There's ham too!"

  Xu Yin also saw that in addition to ham, there are also pear paste candies, shortbread, and small wooden ornaments, all of which are special products in Hengshi.

  She thought of who sent it.

  Besides the boyfriend who was filming in Hengshi, who else? This is a roundup of the types of local products in Hengshi.

   "Mom, it was given by my friend. Take the ham to the kitchen, and it can be stewed for Chinese New Year."

   "Your friend gave you New Year's goods? Such a big box."

  Feng Cuiqin didn't doubt that he was there, and happily returned to the kitchen with a famous supreme ham in Hengshi.

  Xu Yin shared some pear paste candies, shortbread, cheese candies and milk slices from northern Xinjiang with Bubble, and gave him a wooden figurine.

   "Thank you, Aunt Piao Niang."

   "Small mouth is so sweet!" Xu Yin patted his head, "Go and play."

  She put away the rest of the things and put them in the room.

  In addition to food and ornaments, there is also a cashmere gift box, which contains a warm three-piece set: scarf, hat and gloves.

   After rubbing the texture of the cashmere, it was even better than the Tongcheng cashmere she had stored in the system warehouse.

  She picked up her phone and took a photo to send to her boyfriend.

  [You sent it to me, right? This is too much! ]

  Fu Hanjin had just finished work, and was asking the makeup artist to remove his makeup with a cup of hot tea.

  Ding Tao took his mobile phone over: "Brother Fu, your mobile phone is ringing."

  He took a look, his tired brows and eyes were stained with a smile.

  The makeup artist looked at him through the vanity mirror and replied to the message with a smile on his face, and sighed in his heart: This man who has a partner is different. Never before has I seen such an affectionate side of Fu Yingdi.

  Fu: [Two days ago, the scene was relatively loose. I followed Xiaoding to the local New Year’s market for a tour. He recommended a few, and I thought they were pretty good, so I bought them for you. Do you like them? ]

  Xu Yin played with a set of wooden figurines of ladies series, and sent him a voice message:

   "Or did you go to the street to choose it yourself? I thought the assistant bought it for you."

  Seeing her voice, Fu Hanjin thought she was busy, so she made a video call directly: "Although they are all small gadgets, I gave them to you. How can I let other people, especially a man, choose for me?"

  Ding Tao, who was waiting on the master: "..."

   Tch! Not all the Hengshi specialties you bought were recommended by this man!

  The make-up artist endured the pain and didn't laugh out loud.

  Xu Yin smiled: "Are you still taking off your makeup? Just finished your work?"

   "Well, I'm so tired!" He leaned lazily on the back of the chair, his voice was lazy and hoarse.

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Is this acting like a baby?

   "I'll go see you when I'm done working for a while."

   "Yes." He answered quickly, "Let Xiaoding book tickets for you."

   Assistant Ding: At this time, I think of me.

   "No, I'm not sure when I'm going to leave, I'll book it myself."

   "Then let me know when it's ready."


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