The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 470: Fake daughters withdraw from the circle to farm (52) (three shifts, ask for the moon

  Xu Yue has not announced recently, and is squatting at home. Seeing this photo of the dog abuse visit team that was released and became popular as soon as it became popular, I felt very uncomfortable.

  Xu Yin has quit the circle obviously, and has been frequently searched every three days. As for myself, if I want to be on the hot search, I have to spend money to buy it.

  However, she just got next to a film king, otherwise no one would care about her.

  Maybe this sweet love is fake, it's just appearance.

  Ms. Xu was dressed properly and was going to go out to attend the social reception between the noble wives. Seeing her daughter's sullen voice, she asked with concern: "What's wrong with Yueyue?"

   "It's okay Mom, you have fun."

Mrs. Xu was in a hurry, so she didn't ask any more questions, but after getting in the car, she called Xu Yue's agent: "Has anything bad happened to my daughter recently? I don't think she's in a good mood. I really haven't seen her recently." Announcement? Or have you encountered any trouble?"

"It's nothing happened. There were actually a few notifications, but they were all slow life. If Yueyue didn't like it, she didn't answer it." The manager wanted to complain a long time ago, "Mrs. Xu, I always feel that Yueyue is too sensitive. The director of slow drama, the reason why he approached Yue Yue was because she used to live in the country, but he didn't mean to be sarcastic. He invited her because of her experience, but she felt that the other party looked down on her. When she heard about similar slow dramas, she refused. If there is no notice to answer, she has to bear some responsibility."

Mrs. Xu felt a little uncomfortable: "I can't blame her. I think these directors are a little intentional. They want to use Yueyue to create some topics that attract people's attention. How can you say that she is also her manager, so you can't Select a batch of variety shows that are suitable for her and are relatively tall?"

  Agent: Do you think that high-end variety shows are bad street cabbage? so easy?

  Can't help but say: "Zhiyin's representative works at that time were not so picky."

  Ms. Xu's heart stopped for a moment.

   Arriving at the reception, I happened to meet an entertainment reporter who chased after her for an interview: "Mrs. Xu, do you know that Xu Zhiyin is on the trending list again? Is she really together with Best Actor Fu? Do you have anything to say?"

   "What trending search?"

   "You don't know yet? This is it."

  The entertainment reporter showed her the phone.

  Ms. Xu felt even more uncomfortable when she saw this trending search, and secretly blamed her adopted daughter: she had time to visit the class, but she didn't have time to see her adoptive parents who had raised her for 23 years. She really was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

  I didn’t refuse on impulse, and by the way, I also wanted to win the public’s favor for my own daughter:

"I'm a little touched today, and I want to talk about my two daughters. Yueyue has always been a very sensible child, kind, filial, and all the fine traditions can be found in her. Although she has returned to us, she often misses the country. Adoptive parents, I will visit them when I find time. But Yinyin... how should I put it, maybe I was too greedy before, hoping that the two children would always be by our side, but she might not think so. When she came back to her biological parents in the countryside, let alone come to see us, she never even called. All were fed back to the biological parents. But we don't blame her, everyone has their own way of life, but I feel a little disappointed in my heart more or less..."

   Soon, the interview video was posted on the news in the circle by entertainment reporters.

   It's just because this reception is a social situation among rich wives, there is no hot spot, and the popularity is not high. If you don't spend money to push it, few people will notice it for a while.

  Xu Yin didn't know that her adoptive mother had trampled on her and Xu Yue in front of entertainment reporters, and she and Fu Hanjin had just sent off fans.

  Film Emperor Fu looked at the welfare that should belong to him, but was divided by fans, and he was even more sour than the fans: "It was all mine."

  Xu Yin gave him a funny look: "Aren't you naive?"

   "Other things can be compromised, but the daughter-in-law's wishes cannot be compromised."

  Xu Yin poohed him softly: "Who is your wife?"

   "You!" Fu Hanjin pinched the tip of her nose affectionately.

  Then collect the gifts left by the fans, put the ones that can be packed in the basket, and hold the ones that can’t be packed in the hand, and take the girlfriend to the direction of the crew.

   "Miss Xu, don't tell me that you plan to give up."


  Fu Hanjin turned her head to look at her with burning eyes: "Don't just smile, I'm serious. Love that doesn't aim at getting married is a rogue in my opinion. Is Miss Xu planning to play a rogue to me?"

  Xu Yin covered her face: "Stop talking, everyone is watching."

  Fu Hanjin looked up and saw that the crew, from the director to the extras, were all looking at him.

  If it weren't for the shrugging of the shoulders, I really wouldn't be able to tell that they were laughing.

  Fu Hanjin: "..."

  He can be shameless in front of his girlfriend, but this is the first time that he has thrown the burden of an idol in front of the public.

   Cleared his throat and found himself a step down: "It's all over? You're very efficient today!"

   "Pfft ha ha ha..."

   Director Feng was the first to hold back, slapping his thigh and laughing out loud.

  When the other people saw the director laughing, they also burst out laughing, and couldn't hold it back anymore.

   Unexpectedly, Fu Yingdi, who is cold and noble in front of others, is actually such a person in front of his girlfriend.

   "Brother Fu—"

  Ding Tao ran forward sweating profusely, and rescued his boss: "Brother Fu, sister-in-law, it's cold outside, let's chat in the lounge. You can get dinner soon, right director?"

   "Yes, yes, everyone, let's go eat!"

  The crowd dispersed.

   Came to Fu Hanjin's special lounge, the heating was fully turned on, Xu Yin took off her bloated down jacket, scarf, hat, and gloves.

  Although she was in love for the first time, she seemed to have an innate instinct. Fu Hanjin naturally stepped forward and hung her clothes and scarves on the coat rack for her.

  Xu Yin took out the dishes brought from home one by one: "Today I'll make do with a meal, and tomorrow I'll cook you bamboo forest chicken soup."

  Eating cold dishes in the heating room not only does not feel cold, but on the contrary, the delicious and spicy pepper chicken, and the tender and crisp hand-peeled bamboo shoots whet Fu Hanjin's appetite.

   "Sister-in-law, this chicken is really delicious, is it made of chicken raised in the bamboo forest?"

   "Yes! Eat more if it tastes good."

  Ding Tao joyfully held up his chopsticks to pick them up, but was slapped away by King Fu.

   "It's good to have a couple of bites. Your sister-in-law brought it to me specially." As he said, he pushed the peeled bamboo shoots towards him, "Let me give you a taste of these bamboo shoots. The taste is also very good."

  Xu Yin nodded: "This is the first spring bamboo shoots. My mother spent the whole night making them yesterday. They are very fresh and tender, and you can't buy them outside."

  Fu Hanjin immediately pulled back the bamboo shoot box that was pushed out, and turned to look at his girlfriend: "Auntie made these bamboo shoots?"

   "Yes, the bamboo shoots made by my mother are better than mine."

   Hearing this, Fu Yingdi picked up a hand-peeled bamboo shoot for Ding Tao, and put away the rest: "You just have to taste one."

  The future mother-in-law cooks for him, how can it be cheap for outsiders.

   Ding Tao: "..."

  Xu Yin really didn't see it.

  This childish man!

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