The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 471: The Fake Daughter Retires to Farm (53)

  The two parties are busy enjoying the world of two, so they have no time to care about the disturbances on the Internet.

  Xu Yin opened a suite with a kitchen in the hotel where the crew stayed, and cooked chicken soup for her boyfriend.

  The chicken soup was stewed and sent to the crew. The moment the thermos was opened, the fragrance wafted away.

   Director Feng was so hungry that he took his own bowl and chopsticks and came over to eat.

   "You can't eat that much by yourself, how about sharing a bowl with me."

  Fu Hanjin really wanted to say: Not very good.

   But the director needed to save some face, so he shared a chicken leg and a bowl of thick chicken soup that smelled like he couldn't bear to drink it.

  He gave the other chicken leg to his girlfriend.

  Xu Yin said: "You eat legs, I like to eat wings."

   "The chicken wings are all for you."

  He put both chicken wings into her bowl, and added another bowl of soup to her.

Director Feng realized belatedly that he was sitting here, like a super-powerful light bulb of the century, brighter than his bald head, twitched the corners of his mouth, picked up the lunch box and said, "I'll go back I'll eat at my own house."

   Anyway, just give him a bowl, and there is no need to refill after drinking, why bother to stay for dog food.

  The taste of bamboo forest chicken is really good.

   Director Feng had enough to eat and drink, so he came to inquire about which chicken he bought.

  He thought he bought it from the local farmers who set up stalls at the entrance of the farmers market near the film and television city. Only home-raised chicken stew is so delicious.

   Unexpectedly, Xu Yin carried it all the way from Wen Pu's hometown, and it was a pure ecological bamboo chicken raised by herself. She glanced at Fu Hanjin enviously:

   "Xiao Fu, you are blessed!"

  Fu Hanjin was applying hand cream to Xu Yin. Hearing this, he said without raising his head, "What do you need to say?"


Director Feng choked, and turned to look at Xu Yin: "Xiao Xu, have you really decided to quit the circle? In fact, your conditions are very good in all aspects, so it's a pity to quit the circle! In this way, I have a script in my hand. The filming has started, how about you try the female lead?"

  Xu Yin declined with a smile: "I quite like my life now."

"What about romance dramas? There are so many people on the Internet who want to see you and Xiaofu on romance dramas, you two will be the best for all netizens! Let me recommend a reliable romance show to you. It was directed by a friend of mine, although it was only released last year. , but the heat has been quite high. How is it?"

  Xu Yin glanced at Fu Hanjin: "Do you want to go?"

  Fu Hanjin finished applying hand cream to his girlfriend, played with her little hands, and said indifferently: "Why do you want to show it to outsiders when you are in love?"

  Xu Yin smiled apologetically at Director Feng: "Thank you Director Feng for your kindness, both of us are not used to showing affection in front of the camera."

  Director Feng: "..."

   Is there still little affection between the two of you in front of everyone?

   In other words, he just wanted to take three or five running pheasants as a thank-you gift, and there was no other meaning. Why is it so difficult?

  Forget it, let’s just talk about it.

  Director Feng cleared his throat and said, "Cough, Xiao Xu, do you sell your bamboo forest chickens? Express delivery to pay, I'll buy a few from you. It's almost Chinese New Year, and you have to have a good meal on the set."

  Fu Hanjin chuckled, making Director Feng's ears turn red.

   Xu Yin didn't think too much about it. She explained to Director Feng seriously: "It's gone this year, so there are only a few left for my own food. Can I keep a few for you next year?"

   "I don't even have two this year? It's really not possible, one is fine!"

  Relying on his thick skin, Director Feng got a bamboo rooster as he wished, and went back to his lounge contentedly.

   Before leaving, I did not forget to remind Fu Hanjin: "Your scene will be filmed first in the afternoon, and you will go back to the hotel with your wife after filming. The crew should take it easy, how many eyes are watching."


  Xu Yin stayed in the crew for a week, and during this period, she took turns cooking nutritious soup for her boyfriend to nourish the spleen and stomach.

  With the bamboo fungus and gallinaceous fungus that Xu Ma stuffed in the suitcase, no matter what kind of soup, even a big stick bone without meat, can make a pot of soup that is so delicious that people can swallow their tongues.

   Under her feeding, Fu Hanjin's complexion returned to the state when he was recuperating in her bamboo house.

   Comparing before and after, who still doubts that his love affair announced in the bib confession style was just unrequited love?

  Who has such a good complexion for unrequited love?

   It's all about unrequited love. Even if you don't feel haggard because of Yixiao, you will always toss and turn and can't sleep, which will affect your complexion to some extent, right?

  Looking at Actor Fu again, when he came to report to the crew after the confession-style official announcement, his complexion should not be too good. Compared with his state before he left the public eye and retreated to study the script, he was like a sky and a world.

During the two months of filming, due to the NG of the actors who acted in the film, he also had to delay work. In addition, the hotel where the crew stayed was very close to the food street. The quality is compromised, and the complexion is not as good as when I first arrived.

   In the past few days, his girlfriend came to visit the class. She was in a good mood and ate well, and she quickly returned to her best condition. Who else would doubt it now?

  So, #复影帝恋情石池# climbed into the hot search.

   Helplessly, the two parties acted too calmly. They get along as ordinary couples get along.

  Although he didn't respond to the hot searches on the Internet, at this time, not responding is the best response. The "Gospel" CP has thus grown uniquely.

   At this moment, the video of Mrs. Xu being interviewed suddenly became a trending search.

   People with a discerning eye will know it is bought at a glance.

   Few people liked it, and there were only a few comments.

  But after I bought the hot search and rushed to the top of the list, the comment area soared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

   Part of it is the rhythmic comments of the marketing account, and part of it is the fans of Fu Hanjin and Xu Yin fighting against each other.

  [XZY can really do it. He took the money earned by his adoptive parents and went back to honor his biological parents. He is really filial! (dog head)]

  [Let’s just say it’s our Umbro, what letters to type! That's the money she earned from filming and answering announcements, why didn't she bring it back? ]

  [The real daughter came penniless, but she had a lot of bags. Her adoptive parents raised her since she was a child, and this is how she repays her? ]

  [Is this talking about my sister-in-law Han? Here must be @寒哥: Your daughter-in-law has been hacked! ]

  [The main reason is that the gap between the two families is too great. The real daughter has suffered all the hardships that the fake daughter should have suffered, but the fake daughter took the road paved by her adoptive parents and returned home. ]

  [There is nothing more to say, XZY is just a white-eyed wolf. ]

  Ding Tao is quite dedicated.

Although his boss is like a male peacock in the courtship period recently, he doesn’t go out every day unless he tidies up nicely, it takes half an hour longer than usual to pick out clothes before going out, and he ignores others when he gets tired of being with Mrs. Han... Tucao, but it does not prevent him from being a dedicated assistant, who pays attention to online trends from time to time—surfing on the bib.

   Now I saw this hot search that was bought.

   It happened that Fu Hanjin was going to film, and Xu Yin was sitting in his lounge making tea.

   Assistant Ding ran over to tell her: "Sister-in-law, sister-in-law, there is bad news..."

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