The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 480: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (2)

  After thinking about it, Xu Yin sorted out the current situation.

  The Xu family started as a spice business, and it is the third generation of Yuanshen's grandfather (grandfather to be precise, because her father was married, and she took her mother's surname) Mrs. Xu.

   Needless to say, the family has a strong family background. In addition to the property and money on the surface, there is actually a huge hidden income: the Qizhen Pavilion in the capital, which is favored by the nobles and must be looted every time a new product is released, is also the property of the Xu family.

  The spices of the Xu family are mostly imported from other places, including Western Regions and overseas.

  The ancestors of the Xu family, who were good at business, would bring back some rare treasures from other places to sell while buying spices. The quantity is not much, so it is only placed in the Qizhen Pavilion in the capital, for dignitaries who are not short of money to buy and play.

   It is conceivable how rich the wealth accumulated by the Xu family is.

  Unfortunately, the Xu family's descendants are not abundant. I don't know whether it's because of family inheritance or the smell of musk in the spices.

  The old man and his wife grew up as childhood sweethearts, and they fell in love with each other and loved each other. It is impossible for them to take concubines just to have a son.

   This made the surrounding wealthy households, who were slightly inferior to the Xu family, envious and jealous at the same time gloating: Look! Is the spice business so easy to do? The son was smoked!

   This is also the reason why Mrs. Xu decided to hire a wife.

  The family has a big business, but there are no heirs to inherit it. When the only daughter is married as a wife, wouldn't the Xu family have to cut off the incense? cease to exist?

  However, recruiting a son-in-law did not alleviate the situation of the Xu family's weak heirs—the original body's father and mother had been married for several years, and there was always only one daughter, the original body.

  The old man spent a lot of money to inquire about the secret recipe for seeking a child. Finally, before he died, he found out that there was a temple in Xiangcheng that was very effective.

  So, once the old man's three-year filial piety period expires, the original parents will go all the way to Xiangcheng to ask for a child.

   No, I ran into bandits on the way back, and both met misfortune.

  The only seedling in the original body has become a favorite.

  If her parents hadn't just passed away, and the white gauze on the door of Xu's mansion hadn't been removed yet, these people might have lined up to send a matchmaker to propose marriage.

  Marrying her is equivalent to marrying the huge family business of the Xu family. Who wouldn't be tempted? Who doesn't act?

  Even if the one married back is a hen that can’t lay eggs, it’s a big deal to make offerings and take a few concubines that are easy to raise.

  What does it matter if you are young? It's not uncommon for someone to marry her in-law's family at the age of fourteen.

  Everyone else was so moved, not to mention the Sun family in Fengcheng who had a somewhat kinship relationship with the Xu family.

When grandma returns to her natal home during the holidays, she will always receive a gift from her eldest brother, but what she receives is basically food for the occasion, while the elder brother honors his parents and elders with silk brocades and nourishing medicinal materials. I'm hungry.

   No, I heard that my eldest brother and his wife both passed away. Thinking of the Xu family's huge property falling on the only niece, I couldn't help but feel moved.

Afterwards, a sincere letter was sent from Fengcheng to Los Angeles by someone, from comforting her to pity her for being lonely and helpless, to sincerely inviting her to come to Fengcheng to relax, and with the support of her aunt, let's see who Dare to bully her and so on... The gradual lobbying finally touched Yuan Zhen's heart.

  Xuan has just turned fourteen, and the original body who was spoiled and raised by his family when he was young, has a sinister heart.

   In this way, step by step, he fell into the scheme of grandma.

   It's just that, at the beginning, grandma's idea was to marry her son as soon as the three-year filial piety period expired, so that the Xu family's property would be her grandson's.

   I didn't think that my son was really capable. Not only did he pass the exam, but he also won the first prize and was appointed by the emperor as his son-in-law.

  Grandmother grinned from ear to ear, saying that her ancestors were sheltering her.

   In this way, the niece can only stand aside.

  But she was unwilling to let the wealth of the Xu family fall into the hands of others after her niece got married, so she thought about finding a way to win over the niece while not offending the princess.

   But before she could come up with a solution that had the best of both worlds, the niece fell ill first and was sent to Zhuangzi to recuperate. However, her condition worsened and she passed away at a young age.

  Grandmother shed a few crocodile tears, asked someone to imitate her niece's handwriting, wrote a suicide note, and got Xu's Qijin mansion and ten thousand hectares of fertile land as she wished.

   It's just that she didn't know that the Qizhen Pavilion in the capital also belonged to Xu's family, otherwise she would have been able to raise her tail to the sky.

   After sorting out, Xu Yin decided that Qizhen Pavilion would continue to maintain its current operating status. The Xu family has two large merchant ships suitable for long-distance voyages, so they should not be wasted.

   As for the spice business…

  【Ding—"When you meet flowers at four seasons, they will produce fragrance, and the fragrance of flowers will be shared." Inheriting the family of spices, we have developed a legendary fragrance that will amaze the world. Completion rewards 5000 energy points, and has a chance to unlock random skills]

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I just finished the recuperation tour of Hundred Gardens in the Small World of Cultivation, and collected a lot of flower seeds. Here comes a task related to flowers, not just flower planting?

  System, you tell the truth: Did you spy on the screen? If you want to pick some rare varieties of flower seeds from my sister, just say it.

  Now that the system is online, Xu Yin will put aside the plan at hand, log in to the personal center of the system, and check the completion of the last small world task and the rewards received:

   Energy point balance: 20000.

   Task progress bar: 24%.

   Maximum time ratio: 2400:1

  Currently possessed random skills:

  【Permanent divine power】

  【Floating Light and Misty Rain】(Limited excitation)

  【Universal voice actor】

  【Concealment (non-permanent)】: There are 8 chances left, and each time is limited to 0.5 hours.

  【Avoid water】

  【Prosperous Luck Disaster (Non-Permanent)】: 2 chances left.

  With 20,000 energy points close by, and a few random skills that she wanted to blow up, Xu Yin suddenly felt that her waist was quite strong.

  At this time, Zi Yao came in again and reported: "Girl, the people from the Sun family who came to pick you up said they were ordered by Young Master Biao, and they dared not go back if they couldn't pick you up, and they kept waiting at the door."

  Xu Yin picked up the teacup and moistened her throat, then said calmly, "Then hit it out!"

  Zi Yao: "!!"

   "What? Are you following your cousin's orders, or mine?" Xu Yin squinted at her.

  In the future, this servant girl will be very big-hearted. She obviously served Yuanshen, but after she went to Sun's house, she would either run errands for Sun's mother or Sun Zhiqian all day long. Later, it seemed that he became Sun Zhiqian's roommate.

  It doesn't matter if she doesn't come to wander around in front of her, but if Xu Yin wants to ignore those side details of the plot, it will be difficult for Xu Yin to wander around twice in a row.

  So after Zi Yao obediently withdrew, she stretched her waist and called another servant girl, Zi Yuan, who was close to her, to come in:

   "Go and tell the butler that I need to settle the accounts in half an hour, and ask him to notify the accountant in the mansion, and take the account books to the study in the front yard. Don't miss a single one."

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