The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 481: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (3)

Ziyuan, like Ziyao, is the big maid by Yuanshen's side, but Ziyao has a sharp mouth and can speak well, and often makes the girl laugh, so the girl always likes to bring Ziyao with her, and all important things are always there. Let Ziyao do it.

  It was rare for a girl to entrust her with a heavy responsibility this time, and Zi Yuan couldn't hide her happiness, she said "yes", and went to run errands conscientiously.

  After that, Xu Yin didn't call the waiters in anymore, and she has experience in putting on and taking off ancient clothes.

  Change out of the complicated travel clothes full of embroidery, and find a piece of comfortable home clothes to change into. I put a dewdrop collected in the garden of the secret place in my mouth.

   Good stuff!

   It is worthy of being a product of the cultivation world, and I will continue to stock up next time!

   Prepare more porcelain bottles for collecting spirit dew. If you can enter Baihua Garden again next time, you can collect spirit dew. This is more useful than the mountain spring water of Lingxu Sect.

  It's a pity that the task reward in this small world doesn't seem to be recuperation. I don't know when I will have to wait for the next recuperation.

   Then I thought about it again: it would be nice to explode random skills.

  At least the random skills she got so far are quite useful, the only one that feels useless [Floating Light and Misty Rain] has given her great convenience in Taoyuan Star, it is really fragrant!

  So you have to trust the system master and its professionalism.

   If the system can talk and dare to refute, at this moment, I will say a word: When you need to unify, one system master, and if you don’t need it, you can ignore the system. Host, you are so fickle, does your "he" know?

   "Girl, the butler said that everything is ready in the account room."

  Ziyuan announced through the curtain.

  Xu Yin is quite satisfied with her rules.

   Unlike Ziyao, every time the curtain is lifted, she comes in, as if this is not the master's boudoir, but her own.

   "Then let's go!"

  Xu Yin stuffed the draft plan she just made into her sleeve pocket and walked to the front yard.

  When the old butler saw the little master he hadn't seen for a long time, his eyes became a little hot:

   "Girl, I heard from that girl Ziyao that you have decided not to go to Fengcheng? It's better if you don't go or not! Nowhere is as good as your own home."

  Xu Yin is happy, this housekeeper suits her wishes.

"That's right. After breakfast, I was a little sleepy. I fell asleep and dreamed about my parents. They asked me to take over the family business, and I couldn't let my ancestors' hard work fail like this. I thought about how to take over when I went to Fengcheng. Our business? Just don’t go.”

  Xu Yin thought that she had to find a reasonable excuse for the inconsistent performance, so she thought of her original parents, and temporarily changed her mind not to go to Fengcheng on the grounds that they were in a dream.

  Ever since she experienced the world of actresses, her seriousness can be included in the specialty column of her resume.

   No, the old butler was convinced: "That's great! The old man must be very pleased to know."

  He raised his sleeve and wiped the wet corners of his eyes, and then asked, "Girl, is the spice shop still open?"

  Xu Yin was taken aback: "What?"

   "Miss didn't tell the old slave to find a time to sell all the spice shops in our house and convert them into silver notes. But the old slave hasn't found a suitable buyer for a while..."

  Xu Yin understood that Yuanshen probably felt that she could not manage such a large shop well, so she decided to go to her aunt's house in Fengcheng, and asked the housekeeper to transfer the spice shop and fold it into bank notes so that it was easy to carry.

   Really convenient—for her aunt to drink blood.

   "No need, my parents told me in my dream that Xu's Spice Shop will continue to operate from generation to generation."

  The old housekeeper was ecstatic when he heard the words: "The old slave will ask Xu Kui to inform the shopkeepers."

   Xu Kui is his adopted child.

  The old housekeeper never married a wife, and naturally he has no heirs. Xu Kui is the baby he picked up in the snow when he went out fifteen years ago.

  At that time, I waited for a long time but didn't find the child's family. A woman in the mansion advised him: If you don't want to marry a wife, then adopt this child. In the future, when you stretch your legs, there will be someone who will throw pots and hold banners for you.

  So, he adopted the child. The name Xu Kui was given by the old man with help.

  Xu Yin has the golden finger of the plot, confirming that the housekeeper and his son are trustworthy, and Zi Yuan is also a loyal servant, so the others are open to discussion.

  So, on the way to the study with the housekeeper, she discussed with him about replacing the servants in the mansion.

  Now she is the only master in the mansion, so there is no need for so many servants.

  Many people, less work, doesn't this make the servants lazy? What Xu Yin disdains to do the most is to take advantage of her.

The butler looked serious: "The villain who just saw the wind and turned the rudder, did you feel wronged by the girl? Those bastards! As soon as the master and wife left, they dared to look at no one! Don't worry, girl, the old slave will find the toothman here , I will definitely finish what you told me!"

  Xu Yin believed in his ability to handle affairs, and waved her hand: "Go! Let the boy do the errands. You, just help me with my eyes, and just pick a few people who are loyal to the house and work hard."

  The old housekeeper smiled so blindly: "It's my honor to trust this old servant."

  After the housekeeper left, Xu Yin came to the study.

  The accountant has sent all the account books from the mansion.

  Xu Yin flipped through each book.

  She didn't suspect that there was a problem with the account books, and wanted to find out every silverfish in the mansion and clean them up, but she wanted to cut down some unnecessary expenses and free up the money to buy land, plant flowers and spices on the hillside.

   The tens of thousands of hectares of fertile land purchased by the Xu Mansion should continue to grow crops.

  In ancient times, spices could make money, but they were not as important as food.

  Xu Yin turned over and recorded on the blank paper beside her, sometimes thoughtful, Su Zhi subconsciously tapped on the rosewood tabletop.

  The accountant saw that her abacus was useless, and he couldn't help turning pale when he calculated the total expenses.

  He knew that the girl would not come to check the accounts for no reason, and someone might tell her that she had made false accounts.

what to do! what to do!

   Is it begging for mercy? Or is the dead duck stubborn and just refuses to admit it?

   If you beg for mercy, with the girl's kind heart, she will surely forgive herself this time, right?

   But begging for mercy also means admitting to making false accounts. Will the girl hand over the accountant to herself in the future?


  As soon as Xu Yin said two words, the accountant was so frightened that his legs gave way and he fell to his knees on the ground.

   "Girl, spare me!"

  Xu Yin: "..."

  I just roughly calculated a few unnecessary expenses, what are you doing?

"Girl, the little one is wrong! The little one shouldn't be greedy for the few taels of silver, and help Xu Da wipe out the money owed to the mansion; he shouldn't ask my daughter-in-law Zhou to pay for my daughter-in-law's marriage." A penny; let alone..."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  How many betrayals have you done?

   Haven't finished counting one, two, three, four, five?

  Xu Yin quietly watched him slap herself while weeping bitterly and stating her sin.

   "I beg the girl, for the sake of the master and madam, spare my life!"

   Seeing him mentioning the late master of the Xu Mansion, Xu Yin knew that he wanted to play the emotional card, so she picked up the account book again and flipped through it, saying in a calm tone:

"Get up and talk! Since you have repentance, I will give you a chance to correct the falsehood and explain the reason. Remember, if I find that the account book is not clean, don't blame the book. You're welcome, girl!"

  After speaking, Xu Yin picked up the white porcelain cup on the table, drank the tea in the cup, and then held it in her hand and squeezed it lightly, and the porcelain cup instantly turned into powder.

  Mr. Accountant's eyes widened in disbelief, his pupils slackened for a few seconds, and when he came back to his senses, he plopped on his knees again.

   This time kneeling was much stronger than before, and Xu Yin felt knee pain for him.

  The accountant kowtowed and begged for mercy, and then promised: "Miss Xie, give me a chance, and I will definitely correct the false account."

   "You don't need to go back to the accounting room, just fix it here. Ziyuan, you can go to the big kitchen later and have someone bring the accountant's meals here."


  Zi Yuan obeyed the orders.

   In this way, everyone in the Xu Mansion soon knew that the little master in the mansion had shown his power.

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