The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 482: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (4)

  Those who have bribed the accountant with small favors and embezzled the property of the mansion have vain feet and wandering eyes, worrying that the accountant will confess them.

   Immediately, he thought again: The accountant confessed to them, and he couldn't please himself.

  So with a fluke mentality, I hope that the accountant will not confess them.

   Ziyao managed to send away the person sent by the Sun family to pick up the girl. When she returned to Yixiang Pavilion, she found that the girl was not there. The little girl who was sweeping said that she had gone to the front yard.

   I was quite puzzled: The girl usually doesn’t leave the gate at all, why did she go to the front yard today?

   But didn't take it seriously.

  Running twice in the front and back yards early in the morning made her very tired. She sat down to catch her breath, poured herself a cup of the best spring tea for the girl, and sat down at the table with her forehead propped up to take a nap after drinking.

  Until the chatting voices of the sweeping maids came from outside the window:

   "I heard that the accountant falsified the accounts and was discovered by the girl."

   "Really? Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with us."

   "Xu Da is afraid that it will be miserable."

   "Madam Luo in the wife's courtyard has withdrawn it several times, but she hasn't returned it."

   "It's okay if you haven't paid it back, I'm afraid of instigating the accountant to make false accounts. The girl is angry today, isn't it just a fake account?"

  When Ziyao heard this, her heart skipped a beat, she stood up, rushed to the courtyard, and asked the two little maids who were lazy and gossip:

   "Who did you two hear that the girl went to check the accounts?"

   "Zi, Miss Ziyao!"

  The two little maids were startled, and quickly stood up to salute her.

   "Say it quickly!" Zi Yao asked anxiously, "Who told you that the girl is checking the accounts?"

   "Yes, it's Miss Ziyuan. She went to the dining room to say hello, and said that Mr. Accountant's meals will be sent to the study room today. The girl told him to check the accounts clearly. Before they are clear, he is not allowed to leave the study room."


   Zi Yao was startled.



   It's over, it's over!

She seems to have paid two sums of money. Once, her parents came to ask her to borrow money with shy faces, saying that the harvest in her hometown has been poor in the past two years, and the family is struggling. No gift money.

   But she has no money. There is food and drink in Xu's mansion, and she spends her usual monthly money on silk flowers, hair ropes, and occasionally a piece of Qinghezhai snacks to satisfy her hunger. How can she save the next month's money. I had no choice but to use the girl's name to find the cashier and withdraw twenty taels.

  The second time was when her nephew was ill, and the family couldn’t afford the money to see a doctor, so she asked her to borrow it again.

   There was a credit record once, and this time she was bold enough to pay fifty taels directly to the accountant, twenty taels for the family, and the remaining thirty taels for herself as pocket money.

  Afterwards, she gave the accountant's daughter a small silver fruit that fell out of the girl's jewelry box, and asked the accountant to wipe out her two accounts.

   It has been a year since this happened, and she almost forgot about it.

  At this moment, she suddenly heard that the girl was checking the accounts. She was not worried, for fear that the girl would punish her to wash the laundry.

  The first year she entered Xu's mansion, she did laundry work, and she really couldn't bear the hardship there.

  Especially in winter, after soaking in cold water for a long time, my hands are covered with chilblains, which are itchy and painful.

   Later, because she was able to speak well and made the girl very happy, the wife transferred her to the girl's yard.

   Later, with her own efforts, she became the maid in front of the girl.

  If she is asked to go back to the laundry room now, how can she bear it.

   Ziyao came out of Longxiang Garden anxiously, pretending to find a girl for something, and came to the front yard.

   Seeing two rows of guards standing in the front yard with sticks and solemn expressions, Ziyao's legs were a little weak. Would the girl order the nurses to beat people to death with sticks as soon as she found out that there was a problem with the account?

   "Ziyuan, where's the girl? I have something to report."

   Seeing Ziyuan guarding the study door, Ziyao pretended to calmly pass through the human wall formed by the guard courtyard and came outside the study.

   "You came just in time."

  Xu Yin's cold voice came from the room, "I was just about to ask you, when did this girl ask you to come to the account to pay the money?"

  Ziyuan heard the words, her head was in chaos, and there were only two words in her mind: It's over!

   It is indeed over!

  Xu Yinzheng was worried that she couldn't find a reason to blame this big-hearted maid, but she didn't expect that she would hand over the excuse herself.

  Using the name of the master to come to the accountant to withdraw the silver more than once, and secretly asked the accountant to erase the account when it was over.

   Not to mention that this happened in the ancient times when the master could sell or even beat the slaves to death at will. In modern times, she would also have to bear criminal responsibility.

  Zi Yuan limply fell to the ground, begging bitterly: "Girl, give this slave a chance to reform! Don't beat this slave to death! This slave is willing to stay by the girl's side as a cow and a horse for the rest of her life to repay her..."

  Xu Yin: "..."

   Don't! How can you repay this? It's clearly Huo Huo.

  Anyone who colludes with the accountant, whether the accounts are flattened or falsely forged, will be sent to the government.

  She is a good citizen who grew up under the red flag and abides by the law, so she never touches lynching.

   As for the nursing home?

   That is for deterrence.

  In one day, Xu Yin pulled out all the servants in the mansion who were greedy for the master's money, and completely eliminated this evil trend.

  Mr. accountant, who surrendered himself and made a good report, was not sent to see the official because his merits and demerits were equal. But she didn't continue to use him. She didn't dare to entrust such a person with important tasks.

   It’s okay if you can’t find the accountant for the time being, she’s here to cum.

  When the old housekeeper heard about it, he was so surprised that he almost couldn't close his jaw: "Girl, you said you were here to be the accountant? This... the old slave didn't hear me right?"

   "I'm just working concurrently first, and I will find a suitable accountant in the future, and then hand it over to the accountant."

   Xu Yin said, getting up from the chair lazily.

  I fought a digital war just after wearing it. After a busy day, I was really tired.

   "Ziyuan, let the dining room make a simple bowl of noodle soup for dinner. I'll go back and make some hot soup to relieve my fatigue."

   "Yes, girl."

  The housekeeper looked at the girl's back as she walked away and thought: Could it be that the master and wife have been teaching the girl how to do business in private? After all, this house will be handed over to the girl in the future.

  If the girl really understands the bookkeeping, what else is there to worry about? Don't talk about holding it, the girl can hold it all the time if she wants.

  The housekeeper stroked his gray beard, shaking his head and thinking about it.

  The next day, the Xu Mansion bought a new batch of servants.

  Although it is said that we need to increase income and reduce expenditure, a long list was turned over to the government yesterday, and a lot of work was left to be done.

   When Yaren delivered it, the housekeeper invited Xu Yin to have a look.

  Xu Yin asked them what they would do.

  Everyone said something they were good at.

  When it was the turn of a tall and thin young man with a long scar on his face that cut a good face in half, he lowered his head and answered, "I once learned to calculate accounts from my father."

  The sound is very soft.

  It seemed that if he said it loudly, everyone would stop and look back, laughing at his disfigured face.

  Xu Yin couldn't help but think of Taoyuan Xing's life, and she also lived with a disfigured face for a long time. She felt a little bit embarrassed, so she said to the housekeeper:

   "Let him work in the accounting office for a few days first, and I will see the results. If it works, he will stay in the accounting office and work in the future. The account books will be sent to me every month for review."

  Other people will be arranged by the housekeeper.

  Her Longxiangyuan only entered one maidservant, and Xu Yin named Ziyao who left as a substitute, Hongqian.

  Purple iris, red madder, one purple and one red, big red and big purple.

  Xu Yin is full of confidence in the upcoming fragrance business.

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