The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 483: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (5) (three shifts,

   After rectifying the mansion, Xu Yin decided to start the spice planting business.

   The task still needs to be completed, not for energy points and random skill rewards, it is good to advance the progress bar by one or two spaces, otherwise the way home is really far away.

The bandits who killed the original parents were arrested and brought to justice shortly after the incident. After the coffins of the original parents were transported back to Los Angeles, after the funeral, they were buried in the mountains behind the Xu family’s sacrificial field. It belongs to the Xu family.

Among them, the hill with the best orientation is the cemetery, where the ancestors of the Xu family are buried; some of the other hills are planted with fruit trees, some with tea trees, and some are ordinary firewood hills, which are convenient for nearby villagers to cut firewood and hunt. .

   This has provided her with a lot of convenience, at least peace of mind and money.

  Xu Yin wondered if the Sun family in Fengcheng could not pick her up this time, maybe they would send someone to the door again, what's more, maybe Sun Zhiqian or Sun's mother would appear on the stage.

  She was not worried that she would be successful in their lobbying, but she was annoyed, and she was too lazy to deal with them, so she simply decided to move to the mountains for a while.

  It also sounds good in name: keep filial piety for parents.

  Xu’s family built a two-entry courtyard house on the top of the tea hill next to the cemetery, and they settled down when they came to the cemetery to worship their ancestors during the Qingming Festival and Changzhiliang Festival.

  Xu Yin decided to live there for the next three years.

  The old housekeeper heard Ziyuan say that the girl will live in Chayuan Mountain next, and let the old housekeeper take care of the mansion. He was moved and sad:

"My master and wife must be very pleased to know about the girl's kindness. But the tea mountain is humid and dewy, and the girl may not be used to it after living for a long time. Moreover, it is inconvenient to buy food there, and the variety of food is far less abundant than in the house. going to suffer."

Zi Yuan conveyed Xu Yin's words: "The girl said that she was there to keep the filial piety, not to enjoy the blessings. But in the mansion, I have to trouble the housekeeper to guard it. If the Sun family in Fengcheng sends someone to pick up the girl again, they say that it's not good If not, just ask the nursing home to call out."

  The housekeeper nodded again and again: "You don't need to tell the girl, this old slave will do his best to guard the mansion for the girl."

  There is an old housekeeper sitting in Xu's mansion, Xu Yin is not worried about the people under him making trouble.

  She made a purchase list and asked the servants to purchase.

  Procure all the tools and auxiliary materials that may be used for planting flowers, herbs and spices.

   In terms of manpower, the maids and mother-in-law of Longxiangyuan only left a young maid whose parents both work in the mansion. She is responsible for the daily sweeping, cleaning and maintenance of Longxiangyuan. The rest of them followed her to the tea garden mountain.

  Instead of letting them pick their toes at leisure in the mansion, but her side is too busy to hire someone, it's better to take them all away. At that time, there will be a shortage of manpower to open up wasteland to grow spices.

   Isn't the housekeeper worried about her safety? Then take a few more guards with good fists and kicks, leave a few guards in other courtyards, and go to open up wasteland to grow spices.

  The monthly money distributed to the servants every month is not a small amount!

  Xu·Stingy·Yin is online again.

   It takes a long time for the carriage to travel from Xu's mansion to the sacrifice fields and clan mountains outside the city where Xu's family is located.

On the day when she decided to leave, after breakfast, Xu Yin took her maid, a twelve-member nursing team, and Xu Kui, the mansion's cook who was good at cooking vegetarian food, and Xu Kui, who was convenient for her to send errands, to the old house. The housekeeper set off while watching with tears in his eyes.

   Fortunately, they left early. When it was approaching noon, the Sun family in Fengcheng really came again.

  As Xu Yin expected, this time, the mother and son of the Sun family came to the door together.

   When she learned that her niece was not in the mansion, but went to the Xu family cemetery to observe her filial piety, grandma cursed "bad luck" in her heart.

  Turning his head and criticizing his own son:

"It's all your fault, you bastard! Last time you were asked to come to Los Angeles to pick up your cousin, you insisted on going to a classmate's birthday party. Yinyin must be angry, thinking that we don't value her, so she refused to go to our house of."

   "If you don't want to go, don't go, why bother to let others go."

  Sun Zhiqian was thinking about the book "You You Ji" which was being serialized by Shusi, and wondered in his heart who wrote it by a great writer. It was a pity that he had read all the volumes that had been published, and he didn't know when the next volume would be printed.

   Therefore, I don't care about my grandma's criticism.

   As for the nominal cousin of the Xu family, he met him when he was a child when he followed his mother to his grandparents' house, but he never met him when he grew up, so he doesn't have any impression.

  Brother Xiujie invited him to celebrate his birthday, which was arranged early in the morning.

  For the sake of a cousin who has no impression, is it reasonable to miss the birthday party of a classmate and bosom friend?

   Seeing his nonchalant look, grandma couldn't help but get angry.

  She has planned so many things, for whom!

  But this can't be said on the bright side, you can only sulk yourself.

   Asked the old housekeeper again and again:

   "I don't know if you can get in touch with Yin Yin. I am her aunt. Knowing that her family has undergone great changes, I came here from Fengcheng to visit her."

"I had a correspondence with her a few days ago, and she agreed to go to Fengcheng with me to relax. A few days ago, I was supposed to pick her up in person, but I couldn't get away because of something at home, so it was only a few days late... "

  The old butler replied neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm sorry! Before going out, the girl told the old slave that she would keep a filial piety for the master and wife for three years. During this period, she will not go anywhere."

   "Huh?" Grandmother was stunned, "Three years? She has lived in the cemetery for these three years? Won't she go home?"

   "That's what the girl said."

  Grandmother: "..."

  Being caught off guard by Xu Yin's move, he was completely confused.

  Parents have both died, as a child, it is right to observe their filial piety, but you don’t have to go to the cemetery to watch!

  Can't keep watch at home? Can't keep it when you go to a relative's house? Isn't it just eating vegetarian and not eating meat, and dressing more vegetarian.

  Why have to move to the cemetery and guard the tombstones of relatives for three years!

  This... that picture alone makes people feel unlucky.

  Furthermore, when she becomes a filial piety three years later, she will be sixteen. At that time, there will definitely be many people who are related to the Xu family to come to propose marriage, and it will not be her turn to Zhiqian.

  The more grandma thinks about it, the more angry she gets, but what can she do?

  Everyone has gone to the cemetery to observe their filial piety, so they can't go after Xu's cemetery to persuade them?

  When I think of the ancestors of the Xu family lying in the cemetery, and the grandma who has all kinds of calculations in her heart, how can she not feel guilty.

   Finally had no choice but to return.

  On the way back to Fengcheng, grandma leaned against the wall of the carriage and sighed:

"In the second half of the year, you're going to take the courtyard test. I thought your cousin was rich. Even if she doesn't want to live with us in Fengcheng, at least I can ask her to borrow a few taels for you. It's not in vain for us to run away Oh, I didn't expect..."

Sun Zhiqian suddenly realized: "It turns out that Mother insisted on coming to Los Angeles in person to borrow money from my cousin? But Mother, you don't have to worry about the hospital examination. Brother Xiujie's family is well-off. I greeted him on the day of the birthday party. When the time comes He will help me if the trouble is not enough, we have a good relationship!"

  Mother grandson snorted angrily, thinking that no matter how rich your classmate is, how can the Xu family be rich?

  When she thought of Xu's magnificent Qijin mansion and the ten thousand hectares of fertile land outside the city, grandma couldn't sleep with envy.

   Such a huge house is actually headed by an old housekeeper.

  The only master, went to the cemetery to observe his filial piety, and had to stay in that gloomy and shabby place for three years. Grandmother felt that this niece was really unclear.

  But now even if she wants to train|teach her, she can't find anyone, so she can only suppress her anger and give it up for the time being.

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