The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 497: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (19)

  Chapter 497 The Cannon Fodder Cousin of the Hero of the Imperial Examination (19)

  The next morning, Xu Yin had eaten her breakfast and was tending the pots of mint by the windowsill, hoping that they would grow vigorously, when Zi Yuan came in with a smile and said the good news:

   "Girl, Xu Kui came back and said that he bought He Nian Tang for only five hundred taels!"

   "He Nian Tang?" Xu Yin raised her eyebrows, feeling somewhat familiar.

   "The girl must have heard about it. That Crane Niantang is the winery that was given a plaque by the emperor and appointed as tribute wine by the current emperor!"

Xu Yin remembered that in the original text, after the male master won the first prize in the examination and became the son-in-law, Hualufang in Fengcheng launched a red wine for the first prize, which was favored by the male protagonist. Soon, Hualufang in Fengcheng replaced it. Luocheng Crane Hall became tribute wine.

   This is why there are people in the DPRK who are easy to handle.

  Xu Yin even complained about Duan Ping at the time.

   Hey, that's not right!

  Xu Yin was puzzled: "He Nian Tang should still be tribute wine now."

  The hero is still just a poor scholar, and it is still a long time before he is admitted to the top prize. He Nian Tang should not have been replaced by Hua Lu Fang.

   "The servants don't know about it. I heard from Xu Kui that the original owner of Heniantang transferred it to him at a low price because he wanted to retire to his former residence."

  Xu Yin asked Zi Yuan to call Xu Kui in, asked carefully about the process of acquiring He Nian Tang, and thought deeply after listening.

  So, He Nian Tang is no longer a tribute wine?

  Maybe it is not detailed in the original text.

  Anyway, she wanted to buy a wine shop, and Xu Kui was lucky enough to meet He Nian Tang, who once offered tribute wine to the imperial court.

  She didn't even use the [Prosperous Luck Disaster] skill yet.

   Could it be that she really has a koi physique? It's just that she doesn't know?

   "Girl, I asked the original owner of the brewery that the original wine-making tools and some leftover wine-making materials are not going to be taken away. If the girl wants to make wine, she can start work at any time." Xu Kui said.

  Xu Yin waved her hand: "No rush."

  She is not brewing ordinary wine, but what she wants to brew is high-strength vodka that can be blended with perfume, so she needs to order a set of professional distillation equipment.

  She drew a set of blueprints and handed them to Xu Kui: "Let Liulifang figure it out before firing. Don't make mistakes again."

  Xu Kui bought a tribute winery, and his heart was still very hot, so he put the blueprints in his arms and went to Liulifang that day.

  However, Xu Yin's custom-made distillation equipment has always been more complicated. Liulifang will not be able to burn it this year anyway, so I promise again and again that it will be delivered to your door in March next year.

  Xu Yin was not in a hurry when Xu Kui came back and relayed what the shopkeeper of Liulifang had said.

   "Girl, before the little one came back from the mansion, the little one's father asked the little one to ask the girl, the year is approaching, can the girl decide to go back to the house for the New Year?"

  Xu Yin was stunned for a moment: That's right, it will be Laba in two days, and it will be New Year after Laba.

   After thinking for a while, he said, "Then go back home. You can ask Zi Yuan for a sum of money later, and it's time to honor the year-end bonus I mentioned earlier."

  The year-end bonus for people in the government must be issued after returning to the government. This time, it was the year-end award for the villagers of Xujia Village who worked for her.

  Skilled workers in fragrance workshops have the highest bonuses.

  Spice Mountain flower and tree maintenance workers, followed by.

  Finally, the part-time workers who help clean up the Chaishan Mountains will be rewarded according to the number of days.

  The village chief took the money and the bonus list from Xu Kui, and felt a sense of surprise.

  He knew that there was a year-end bonus for those who worked in the fragrance workshop, which was promised by the girl that day, but he didn't expect that the short-term workers who cleaned up the chaishan had a year-end bonus.

   During the period of clearing the chai hills, the day laborers who worked from beginning to end, cleaned up several chai hills thoroughly, and then loosened the soil again, in addition to the salary they received during the work, can now receive an extra bonus of two taels of silver.

  Those who worked on a few days, such as his six-year-old grandson, followed him up the mountain to pull grass for two days, but he was allotted 60 yuan.

   The little guy was so happy, he immediately clamored to ask his mother to save it up, so that he could enter the school as a Shu Xiu in the coming year.

   "Remember my girl!" Xu Kui did not forget to speak well for his girl.


The village head distributed the year-end bonuses to the villagers one by one according to the bonus list, and did not forget to remind everyone: "Girls are kind-hearted, seeing that you work hard, and the New Year is approaching, I will give you a special reward. You must remember The girl is good!"

  The villagers received this bonus, as if they had picked up a windfall. They were ecstatic and nodded repeatedly: "Sure! As long as the girl needs it, let us do whatever!"

   This day, Xu Yin sneezed several times, almost thinking she had a cold.

  Zi Yuan rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find the thickest cloak, and put it on for her girl.

  Hongqian burned a pot of smokeless charcoal, installed a hand warmer for Xu Yin, and asked by the way when bringing it in: "Girl, ask from the kitchen, what kind of ingredients does Laba porridge girl like?"

  Xu Yin didn't have a particular preference for this, so she just let the cook figure it out.

   "When Xu Kui went up the mountain, he met the village chief, and he seemed to reveal that the villagers planned to give Laba porridge to the girl. In this way, should we also prepare an extra pot and give it back to the villagers?"

   "That's the reason." Xu Yin nodded and said, "You tell the kitchen to cook more..."

After a pause, he changed his mind and said, "Forget it, it's too troublesome for them to go up and down the mountain. You can ask the cook to bring the ingredients directly to the fragrance workshop and cook there. I will go to worship my parents tomorrow morning, and then we will go down the mountain. Tomorrow night, I will make do with the night in Xiangfang Fang, and the next morning I will exchange Laba porridge with the villagers, and I will return home after drinking."

  The Fragrance Workshop has been built in the pattern of a courtyard house. There are two guard duty rooms in the inverted room, and two lounges for night shift workers in the backyard. The kitchen is also fully equipped.

   It’s just that, let alone the night shift workers, the day shift workers are on vacation, and the lounge and kitchen have never been used.

  Zi Yuan and Hong Qian went to prepare for going down the mountain tomorrow.

  Xu Yin put the fragrance notes organized these days into the system warehouse. This is equivalent to a commercial secret, and it is not as safe to hide anywhere as it is in the portable space.

   Mint asked the nurses to take them down the mountain one by one, and entrusted the village head to take care of them.

   There is no need to do anything, just see the sun when the sun is on, and pour some water when it is wilted.

  She buried some anti-rot root flower and herb care agents in the mint soil, and mixed a little Taoyuanxing soil.

  If this method allows them to survive today's winter, she plans to build a row of flower sheds in Xujia Village next year.

  The next day, after Xu Yin paid homage to her elders, she went down the mountain and met the village chief, and they chatted about this matter.

  Thinking that since she plans to build a greenhouse, it is better to talk to the village head first. If he is not willing to give up the land in the village to build a greenhouse for her, it is best to go elsewhere to find idle land.

  Anyway, she will definitely build a greenhouse.

  In addition to providing flowers for extracting essential oils to the fragrance workshop after winter, you can also plant some off-season vegetables.

  Since the twelfth lunar month, there are too few types of vegetables that can be eaten, either cabbage or radish, and she is still a fasting person.

  After listening to her, the village head was full of question marks: "Great shed? What is this?"

  (end of this chapter)

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