The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 498: The cannon fodder cousin of the hero of the imperial examination (20)

  Chapter 498 The Cannon Fodder Cousin of the Hero of the Imperial Examination (20)

  Xu Yin explained it to him.

  After hearing this, the village chief half-understood: "According to the girl, the flowers and vegetables are planted in the house?"

  Xu Yin: "...about the same."

   There is no plastic film in ancient times, so it's just like keeping it in the house.

   It's just that the roof and walls can be replaced by straw curtains.

  The village chief said after pondering: "I know where to build the shed that the girl mentioned."

  He led Xu Yin to a dilapidated courtyard at the end of the village.

   This was originally a nunnery, but a fire broke out later, and the nuns in the nunnery went to other places. Later, it was bought by the ancestors of the Xu family.

  The entire nunnery is still very large, but it was burned down by a fire that year, leaving only the ruined walls in front of me.

  The villagers built houses, and came here to pick up a lot of usable bricks and go back.

  There are also unburned roof tiles, which were also stripped off.

   It can be said that, except for a few rafters that were attached to the big rocks at the root of the wall, they were too heavy to pull out, and all other usable ones were pulled away.

   "The girl said just now that there is no need for a wall, and it is okay to weave some straw curtains and hang it up? Then is this place suitable?"

  Xu Yin walked around the nunnery and found that the ground of the nunnery was muddy, not paved with bricks and stones, and there were weeds everywhere, which meant that things could be planted, so she made a decision immediately:

"I think it's quite suitable, so I'll settle here. Later, I will trouble you to hire a few people to clean up the place. After the new year, the soil will be loosened and fertilized, and the seeds will be planted like on the mountain. First, let's see how the flowers and plants grow. If it works, it can be used as a greenhouse next winter by hanging straw curtains.”

  The village chief responded one by one.

   Unexpectedly, before returning to the mansion, the matter of the shed was settled. Xu Yin was happy, and gave another sum of money to ask Xu Kui to go to the town to buy a piece of pork back, and treat the villagers to a sumptuous Laba Festival.

  This year, because Xu Mansion is still in the filial piety period, it is not possible to display lanterns and festivities, and it is not like in previous years, to open the gates of the mansion to welcome gifts and give gifts.

  This year, the gates of the Xu Mansion were closed, and people only entered and exited through the side door, keeping a low profile as much as possible.

  Before Laba, the old butler led a group of servants in the mansion to clean up all the yards. The flower garden and lawn were repaired without a trace of weeds, and the furniture was polished and shiny.

   Waiting for the master of the house, the girl, to return to the house.

  Xu Yin's arrival made the old housekeeper burst into tears.

   "Girl, you have worked hard for the past six months!"

  Xu Yin replied: "I don't work hard, you always work hard!"

While carrying the luggage from the carriage, Xu Kui said casually: "Father, do you have clairvoyance? I didn't tell you. How do you know that the girl has been planting flowers and perfumes for half a year?" , don't mention how hard it is..."

  The old housekeeper was confused: "What kind of flowers? What kind of fragrance?"

  Xu Kui: "...Well, you don't know?"

   Taking a peek at the girl, he seemed to have said something he shouldn't have said.

  Xu Yin was amused by the conversation between the father and son: "Okay, let's go in and talk. What does it look like at the door."

   "Yes, yes, yes! Go in and talk, go in and talk!"

  After sitting down, Xu Yin sipped the tea and talked to the housekeeper about her... er, great achievements in the past six months?

  The butler was dumbfounded after hearing this: "..."

   "Pfft..." Xu Kui couldn't hold back, turned his face away and laughed.

  Old housekeeper: "..." Brat, I'll deal with you later!

  After thinking about it, the girl can come out of the grief of losing her parents, no longer wash her face with tears, and be busy when she is busy, even if she loses weight, it makes people feel distressed. If the master and wife are still alive, how can the girl be so troublesome and laborious.

  So, during the Chinese New Year, the old housekeeper ran to the big kitchen every day, instructing a few cooks around, thinking about delicious food for his daughter.

   If you fast without meat, you can only pay more attention to vegetarian food and snacks.

  A few days after Xu Yin returned home, snowflakes fell inside and outside Luo City.

  She had nothing to do, so she was lazy on the soft couch to read travel notes and gossip written by some literati in this dynasty.

  In the kitchen, Jiantian sent her the newly conceived dishes and snacks from the chef.

   Within a few days, she found that she had a double chin.


  emmm... There are too many pasta snacks that are shortened with vegetable oil.

  Being a vegetarian can make people fat, I am afraid no one will believe it in modern times.

  However, the old housekeeper felt that she was so fat.

   "According to this old slave, the girl is going to be drawn."

  For a fourteen-year-old girl, how normal it is to draw sticks, so she continued to watch the cook fiddle with the dishes, and used the few vegetables and pasta that were available in winter to enhance Xu Yin's nutrition in different ways.

  Xu Yin: "..."

   After the new year, the snow on the ground finally melted, and she decided to go back to Chashan Bieyuan.

   If you continue to eat, drink, and slack off in the mansion, you will become a ball of fat.

  The old butler was worried that she was working too hard.

  Before I didn’t know that she cleared the Chaishan Mountain, planted spice flowers, and built a fragrance workshop in Xujia Village. Now she is planning to build a greenhouse. I don’t know how to sit still in the future.

   You can't let the girl be busy, and he can enjoy the happiness in the mansion alone, right? So he planned to go to another courtyard to serve him, and he would come if there was any need for the girl to come forward in the future.

When Xu Yin heard this, she staggered: "Don't, don't, don't! Only if you always sit in the mansion, can I be at ease in the other courtyard! If you also go to the other courtyard with me, the people in the mansion will be ignored. What about collective rebellion?"


   Rebellion is impossible to rebel, but no one is watching, and it is possible to work lazily.

  The old butler was hesitant about this.

Xu Yin spared no effort to continue lobbying: "You see, I stay in other courtyards most of the time, and I can let Xu Kui run errands if I have something to do, so I won't be tired. But you are old, and the mountain road is steep and difficult to walk. I am really worried. you go..."

joke! If the housekeeper went and urged the cook every day to cook three meals for her in different ways, plus two snacks in the afternoon and one supper in the evening, would she still be a slender beauty Yin? This is not the Tang Dynasty where fat was considered beautiful.

  Finally, the old butler was persuaded by Xu Yin to stay in the mansion with affection, understanding and reason, and entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

   He watched the girl's carriage leave with tears in his eyes, until he could no longer see it, then he raised his sleeves, wiped the corners of his eyes and returned to the mansion.

   "Oh, the girl is kind-hearted! She is sympathetic to the old slave, and will not let the old slave run around when she is old, but let the old slave stay in the mansion to enjoy the blessings..."

  Sikong paused slightly with his calculating hands, and said to himself: Even a fool can see that she is afraid of you going. As for why you are afraid, do you have no idea? Almost feeding people into a head... Cough, in short, I got fat, at least a circle of fat when I first returned home a few years ago.

  But the old housekeeper was hurt by the truth, he should be a kind person and keep shutting up.

  Sikong continued to make calculations and make calculations.

  The old butler saw that he didn't answer, and said to himself that it was boring, so he stopped saying anything, got up and planned to walk around the mansion to see what needed repairs, especially the girl's courtyard, so that he could find craftsmen in time.

  As he was leaving the door, he asked casually: "Sikong, is it because you offended people by talking too much in the past, and suffered a great crime, that you are now like a sawed gourd?"

  Sikong: "..."

  He endured!

  (end of this chapter)

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