The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 902: Straw bag net red ancient farming (36)

  Chapter 902 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (36)

   There are animal and plant resources that the Emperor Star civilization did not have, which can be developed over time. As the back garden of the Emperor Star, large-scale planting and breeding, in the near future, the interstellar people will also be able to enjoy the delicacies of their ancestors.

  After listening to Special Assistant Li's detailed explanation, Xu Yin completely understood—isn't this just letting her go to her hometown to farm?

   She is good at this!

   With an annual salary of tens of millions, and being able to return to the embrace of Mother Earth, this is too happy!

  Xu Yin signed the employment contract without hesitation.

   Assistant Li said he would pick her up in a week.

  Because the ruins of the ancient blue star are in a distant galaxy, taking a long-distance express starship, there are three wormhole transitions in the middle, and it takes half a month to fly back and forth, which is time-consuming and expensive.

   Therefore, it is impossible to come back every three to five years after this trip.

  When the Xu family heard about it, they were so surprised that their jaws almost dropped to the ground.

  Dingxing Group?

  Ancient Blue Star Ruins?

  These two have nothing to do with his family, Yinyin, right?

  How did you get involved?

  Oh, it's the game "Ancient Era", because Yinyin performed so well, so an olive branch was thrown?

ah? Also an annual salary of tens of millions? Enjoy various benefits of Dingxing Group?

  Xu's father and Xu's mother became dizzy the more they heard.

  When my company was at its most glorious in the past, its annual net profit was less than 20 million yuan. Although the profit rate doubled rapidly after it was brought back to life, it was due to the traffic brought by the youngest daughter.

   As a result, the youngest daughter's annual salary alone is 10 million star coins, not including various benefits.

  The benefits of Dingxing Group are quite good, with paid travel for ten days every year, a medical examination of the highest standard every year, and various gifts during the holidays, all of which are said to be worth millions of stars.

   There is a feeling of flying a whole family by one person.

  Xu Lang is even more envious of his sister being able to go to the ancient blue star ruins.

With the ups and downs of the family company, cracks appeared in his marriage with Luo Xi, and they are currently in a cooling-off period. If the company hadn't been busy expanding the platform base station recently, they would have signed up for logistics volunteers and left. I went to the ancient blue star to relax.

"It is said that it is very beautiful there, and I really want to see it with my own eyes. However, I heard that the background of "Ancient Era" is designed according to the ruins of the ancient blue star. Even if you can't go there, it's good to have fun in the game. Yinyin, you After I go, can I still log in to the game?"

   "Yes." Xu Yin nodded.

  She asked Special Assistant Li, and the other party said that the logistics department would install a super signal base station for long-distance transmission at the ancient blue star site, so that they could play games after work.

  Xu Xin continued: "Then we will meet regularly in the game. If you have anything, you can also tell us in the game."

  Xu's father and Xu's mother heard this, playing games has this benefit? Immediately asked their children to open a game account for them, and jumped in to play that night.

   This play is a bit over the top.

  If it wasn't for Xu Yin who had to pack her luggage and prepare to leave, they wouldn't even want to come out. With a daughter (sister) to play with, it really lasts a long time.

   "Yinyin, you have to take care of yourself when you get there, and play games when you have time."

   "Yinyin, brother will help you buy the nutrient solution, buy more, if you don't save enough, you won't be able to enter the game."

   "Yinyin, my sister will buy you a spare game cabin, in case this one breaks down."

  Xu Yin: "..."

  Game addiction is bad, family members!


  The news that Dingxing Group is about to develop the ancient blue star ruins has spread all over the inhabited planets.

  In the past few days, there has been a long queue at the recruitment office of Tripod Star Group every day. Some of the applicants come for high salaries, and some want to appreciate the mysterious ancient blue star up close and touch the ancient soil where their ancestors lived.

It is indeed difficult to join the adventurer team with the highest annual salary, because there is a hard bar - you must survive in the "Ancient Era" game for a year, but there are other departments, logistics, publicity, infrastructure, liaison... Whichever one can enter.

  For a while, the star network was full of news related to the ancient blue star ruins.

   "Have you heard that the development of the ancient blue star site will be broadcast live."

   "I thought it was a joke, so far away, can the live broadcast be good?"

   "The latest integrated live broadcast system developed by Dingxing Group is said to be able to solve this problem. It seems that they are already looking for a live broadcast platform."

   "Ahhh! If it's true, that would be great!"

   "I just don't know which platform can take this cake, it's so tempting!"

  The live broadcast industry received this news earlier than the hearsay stars. For a while, the industry was in turmoil. Who would not want to win the exclusive live broadcast right of the ancient blue star ruins?

  That is the tripod star group with the largest output value in the entire interstellar. Just a few fingers, it is enough to double the annual output value of a small and medium-sized enterprise.

   Unexpectedly, in the end, such a big and attractive cake was fed to Xu's live broadcast platform.

  Xu family up and down: "..."

  They didn’t expect to get this cooperation project at all, so when their peers competed openly and secretly, they immersed themselves in their own business. Since they have nothing to do, they don't care who gets it.

   Unexpectedly, looking up, this sweet and rich cake was handed to their mouths.

   On behalf of Dingxing Group, the person who came to negotiate on behalf of Lan Jin was Li Tezhu, the oldest and most capable businessman beside Lan Jin. With a warm smile on his lips, he shook hands with Xu's father in a neither humble nor humble way:

   "If Mr. Xu has no other questions, then we will sign the contract. After all, the departure time is not far away. We still need to adjust the quality of the live broadcast."

How could Father Xu have no doubts? In fact, he was full of doubts. He hesitated for a while and said, "Can I ask why your company chooses us to cooperate with Xu? I think you have done a survey. Our company is not large. The ranking in the industry is not high, and the performance..."

"It was appointed by Mr. Lan. Our team needs Ms. Xu very much. In the next few years, Ms. Xu may be stationed in Gulanxing to work. Handing over the live broadcast business to Xu will allow her family to see her in the first place." The situation of Gu Lanxing, at the same time, is also a supplement to Miss Xu's salary."

After a pause, he continued: "Mr. Lan still approves of your company in general. Small scale, low ranking, poor performance, and weak publicity... These are not problems. After the contract is signed, we will inject a sum of cooperation funds In terms of publicity and distribution, our company is fully authorized to act as an agent. Xu only needs to provide a sufficient expansion platform."


  The Xu family suddenly felt that they had been shot several times in the knee.

  Small scale, low ranking, poor performance, low level of publicity, there are so many problems, and you still say it is not a problem?

  Oh, is there still a weak management level?

   Speaking of which, how much does Dingxing Group recognize Yinyin? In order to keep her, why don't you hesitate to give such a big piece of delicious and sweet cake to Mrs. Xu?

   Xu Yin didn't think too much about it. Since it is a cooperation project, if it succeeds, it will be a win-win situation, and it's not just Xu's benefit.

  (end of this chapter)

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