The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 903: Straw bag net red ancient farming (37)

  Chapter 903 Straw Bag Internet Celebrity Ancient Farming (37)

  The contract was successfully signed.

  After the outside world learned about it, the whole thing boiled.

  Especially the counterparts in the same industry, they are so envious and jealous of Mrs. Xu that they are going crazy.

   "Did you get lucky? Why did Dingxing choose them?"

   "Even if their youngest daughter wins 100 million star coins in the game, it won't cause the company's capital chain to break and lead to bankruptcy, but given the scale, why would Dingxing take a fancy to such a small live broadcast company?"

   "Don't talk about Xingxing and Yinyu, which of us is not better than Xu's?"

  In addition to colleagues, the plastic brothers and old friends who refused to lend a helping hand when Xu's father asked for help before, regretted so much that their intestines were green.

  First with 100 million star coins, and then with the cooperation of the Tripod Star Group, the Xu family was reborn from adversity, riding the wind, and in turn became the existence they wanted to climb and please.

  What kind of **** luck is this.

   Xu's in-laws are among them.

   But when their in-laws were in trouble, not only did they not provide strong support, but they also wanted to protect themselves, recall their daughters and sons, and want to draw a line with the Xu family.

  Later, the youngest daughter of the Xu family won 100 million star coins in the game and brought the Xu family property back to life. While envious and jealous, she thought it was just luck, not regret.

but now-

"Dad, it was you who said that Xu Lang's family must have suffered a lot this time, and insisted on me coming back. It's all right now! His family got a cooperation project from the Tripod Star Group. How can this be unlucky? It's obviously lucky. Xu Lang is not willing now. See me, if we don't see each other during the cooling-off period, there will be no possibility for him and me again."

There is also Xu Xin's fiancé, staring at his family angrily: "It's fine if you don't want to lend a helping hand to Xinxin's family, but stop me from comforting her. Are you satisfied now? Her family is up again, and Standing higher than before. Now I want to get up and kneel and lick? Let me tell you, it's too late! She returned the marriage certificate!"

  The Xu family is full of people now, and there are many families who want to marry the Xu family. That is the partner selected by the Tripod Star Group, and the partner who can make the Tripod Star Group take the initiative to offer an olive branch, will it be bad?

Moreover, the current Xu family is not a small family or business with an output value of 10 to 20 million. Naturally, those who want to marry them are not ordinary families. If you just pull out any one, they are better than the Luo family and the Shen family, as well as the Luo family and the Shen family. What's the matter! At the beginning, they were afraid of being implicated, so they drew a clear line at the first time, but now they want to turn around? late!

   "It's all your fault! I am short-sighted and still drag me! Are you satisfied now?"

  But of course the decision makers of the two families didn’t think they were short-sighted, so they had to say: “The Xu family got **** luck, because 100 million star coins made Dingxing Group notice them, otherwise such luck would not be possible.”

It wasn't until Dingxing Group announced the team of the ancient blue star ruins development project, and Xu Yin's name was impressively filled in the column of the chief designer of the project at the top of the pyramid, that everyone realized that Xu would be selected as a partner by Dingxing Group Well, it wasn't just unintentional **** luck, but thanks to the blessing of their youngest daughter.

   "Wow! Not to mention the cooperation project that Mrs. Xu got, just the chief designer's job, the annual salary is probably several million."

"More than that, I heard that the salary of members of the adventure team is calculated based on the wealth they created in "Ancient Era". The fourth place is my classmate, and her wealth at that time was 1700. Her annual salary is 1.5 million, I remember that Fangcao Yinyin's wealth value broke through 10,000 at that time, no matter what, it must be eight or nine million! Maybe ten million."


   "Is it that tall?"

   "Playing a game, not only won 100 million star coins, but also found myself a job with an annual salary of 10 million. If I knew it, I would have signed up for it."

   "Is there a small number of people who signed up? How many people got the money in the end?"

   "It's true, I recently entered the game to play, and I haven't lasted seven days."


   At this level, do you still dream of an annual salary of tens of millions?

   The Dingxing Group didn't care how the star citizens discussed and how the live-broadcasting peers collectively picked lemons. They recruited enough manpower and supplies, and assembled and set off.

  When Xu Yin boarded the starship with her suitcase, she saw the hero and heroine in the original text. They are also members of the adventurer team, and they will be under her control from now on.

   I heard from Assistant Li that Dingxing Group was actually more optimistic about Luo Feng, but Luo Feng blew himself up on the last day, and the wealth value went to Su Mingya.

  This kind of cheating behavior can be completely undone if you really want to pursue it.

  Since Su Mingya was not number one in the end, forget it. The condition for talking to them this time is: either both of them will participate, or neither of them will participate.

  How could Su Mingya be willing to give up this opportunity and persuade Luo Feng to participate together, and Dingxing Group paid them both 3 million.

   Seeing them looking over, Xu Yin nodded slightly to the two of them as a greeting, then boarded the starship and found her guest room.

  Li Tezhu arranged for her an independent suite, in addition to the bedroom, there is also a small study room and a wet and dry bathroom. If you have to stay on the starship for half a month, there is a study room where you can log in to Starnet to pass the time.

  Her room has a good view. Looking out of the hole-shaped window, there is an endless sea of ​​stars, and sometimes a large meteorite belt can be seen.

Three meals a day are delivered to the door by a robot. When I am bored, I look at the sea of ​​stars, go online to the star network, occasionally play games, arrange some tasks for the tribesmen, and learn pre-thinking skills from Min. It seems that there is no such thing as her in the half-month voyage. So boring to imagine.

   Half a month later, the starship arrived at the ancient blue star.

   Looking at the ancient blue star that looked familiar but different from the Earth in his memory, Xu Yin took a deep breath.

  The air is better than she thought, and the environment is worse than she thought.

  The ruins with traces of human existence have long been submerged on the seabed by melting glaciers.

  The changes in the earth's crust over the past three thousand years have caused the former plains to become hills, and the former trenches to become mountains... The vicissitudes of life have changed, but this place is always Mother Earth that gave birth to her.


  Lan Jin stood beside her at some point, looking at the ruins of the ancient blue star, which was completely different from the emperor star, with a smile on his face: "Like you in the game, do you have the confidence to make it our back garden?"

  Xu Yin withdrew her gaze, looked at the uninhabited mountains and rivers in the distance, and nodded solemnly: "Yes."

  Next, she practiced this answer with practical actions.

  She basically knows the remaining vegetation on the earth. If she encounters someone she doesn't know, then there is no system. She spends 2000 energy points in the system mall to exchange for a encyclopedia of plants and trees, and identifies the plants according to the illustrated book.

   After identification, sort and cultivate, fruit tree grafting, flower seedling cultivation, vegetable seedling... With enough seeds, they will be transplanted to the wasteland reclaimed by robots.

  The ruins of the ancient blue star are gradually covered by emerald-like greenery.

   "Group Leader Xu is amazing! He knows everything!"

  The adventurer team just finished a round of exploration in the central area and sat on the tree stump to rest.

"I sent the image of the strange plant back to the main control room, and Team Leader Xu replied to me immediately, saying that it is a kind of herbal fruit. The fruit is red and has no skin. Fruity nutrient solution."

"You are luckier than me. I found a clump of bright flowers and happily sent the video back, but Team Leader Xu said it was a poisonous weed. I was so scared that I backed away. But I still got a rash. Thanks to Team Leader Xu told me The way I deal with it is to find a slender saw-shaped green leaf near it, rub it and apply it on the rash, and it subsides in a short time."

   "Group leader Xu even knows this?"

   "Team leader Xu knows a lot, why don't you think the wealth value in the game is fake? 10000+! 10 times mine."

  Su Mingya and Luo Feng sat side by side. When her colleague was talking, she lowered her head and smiled bitterly.

  From the ownership of 100 million star coins to the present, she didn't show it on the surface, but she was actually quite unwilling in her heart.

   But the facts once again proved: people just have this ability. Sitting in the main control room, you can identify what kind of plant it is, how to collect seeds, and the ability to sow seedlings by just looking at the video!

  But she has to be like everyone else, when she encounters poisonous weeds, she thinks they are fruits, and when she encounters fruits, she thinks they are weeds.

  The so-called solid survival experience and professional skills were blown to pieces.

   "It's almost time to rest, let's continue to work! Team leader Xu said that when the central area is explored, she will reward us with delicious food."

  As soon as they heard that there was something delicious, everyone was full of energy again.

   On the first day after arriving at Ancient Blue Star, Team Leader Xu used ingredients collected nearby to cook a table of ancient Blue Star delicacies.

  Those delicacies, they have only seen in the ancient food books in the Emperor Star Library before.

   "It's really delicious! Especially the grilled fish, how can it be so delicious!"

  Su Mingya twitched the corners of her mouth when she heard this.

  She and Luo Feng looked at each other, both of them were helpless.

  In the game, the mysterious tribe who set up a stall selling grilled fish at the trade fair is definitely inseparable from Fangcao Yinyin.

   It's no wonder that her wealth has accumulated so quickly. Ganqing has been doing business all the time, but she only knows how to hunt fierce beasts.

  Su Mingya raised her forehead: "I know where I lost."

  People use brains, but she only uses brute force.

   Luo Feng's self-deprecating low smile came from his ear: "You are not alone."


  Is this consolation?

  (end of this chapter)

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