The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 929: Selfish vanity female supporting role (25)

   Blink, it's Saturday.

  The tour group is coming to Xiangcheng for a day trip and picking cherries.

   "Xiao Xu, we can arrive at your village at about 9:30, is there a place to stop the bus nearby?"

  Boss and tour guide Gu Chenyu sent a message to Xu Yin after leaving.

Xu Yin was cleaning the fallen leaves in the cherry orchard when the phone in her trouser pocket vibrated twice, she took it out to look at it, and immediately replied: "Sister Gu, there is a place to park, there is a grain drying field at the entrance of the village, I have already called the village chief Just say hello, just stop there. Tell me when you arrive, and I will pick you up."

  Hung up the phone and continued to clean up the unfinished area.

  At this time, Xu's father and Xu's mother came up pushing the cart.

  The couple set up two folding tables under the shade of the trees at the entrance of the cherry orchard according to their daughter's instructions, one with a stainless steel tea bucket and disposable paper cups, and the other with a few plates of loose cakes.

   A plastic trash can is placed under each of the two tables, and a plastic round stool is surrounded by the table for tourists to rest.

   "Yinyin, is this okay?" Xu's mother arranged the tables and chairs and called her daughter to check.

   "Okay, they may not sit down and rest, at most come over to drink a glass of water when they are thirsty."

After all, I paid to pick cherries, and only two hours of cherry picking were arranged in the itinerary. Unless I was really tired, or I didn’t have much interest in cherries, and I just wanted to accompany my family to embrace nature, otherwise I wouldn’t sit Come down for a long rest.

   "At that time you led them to pick cherries, and your dad and I went back to cook."


   Xu's father and Xu's mother had nothing else to do, so they went home first and prepared for the four tables of farm meals at noon.

  The mats are placed in the main room and the backyard of Xu’s house. There are two tables in the main room and two tables in the backyard. After noon, the sun can’t get under the eaves, and it’s cool with the draft.

   But with four tables of meals, the couple alone can’t handle it. Xu Yin asked the five daughters-in-law of the village head to help, wash, cut, and do some chores. Each person will pay 80 yuan for help.

  The village chief refused to accept it at first, but Xu Yin said that she might pick up tourist groups in the future. If there are too many people, she will be too busy, so she must ask the village aunts and aunts to help.

"Grandpa, the village chief, if this model is feasible, other people's orchards can also introduce tourism projects. Our village has many kinds of fruits, and we can pick up tourists in spring, summer and autumn. Even in winter, we can also pick up plum appreciation tours. We are too busy. I will definitely find a helper, there is a transparent price for help, and no one will suffer."

  The village chief seems to think this is the reason.

"Actually, a travel agency came to our village last year and asked if we wanted to cooperate with them, but I heard from people in Wangjing Village that the tour group quoted very low prices in order to attract business. Yes, the fruit is picked randomly, and the garbage is thrown away. If you tell me in advance, I want to persuade you not to accept the tour group business."

  Xu Yin nodded: "I have considered everything you said. Anyway, try it. Trial and error are also a necessary stage in the development process. If it doesn't work, I won't accept it."

  Other people heard that Xu Yin's family had picked up a tourist group, and forty people would come to pick cherries in a while, so they couldn't help but sweat for Xu Yin's family.

"Didn't the Wangjing Village next door receive several waves of tourists last year? I heard that they didn't make much money, and the orchard was ruined. It doesn't cost money to pick and eat. Those tourists can pick it up, eat it after two bites and throw it away. , After leaving, the garden is full of rubbish... Sigh, Mingkang's cherries are originally a small variety with very tender skins, so I'm afraid they will suffer disaster now."

   "Mingkang's daughter has made a mistake this time."

   "Here we come! My grandson said that there is a tour bus parked at the sun-grain field. Is it the tour group picked up by Mingkang's family?"

   "Go! Take a look!"

   "Your orchard is not alive today?"


  How can eating melons be fun when working?

  The villagers walked along the village road in twos and threes. Before reaching the entrance of the village, they saw Mingkang's daughter waving a small banner of a tour group and leading a mighty tourist group coming towards them.

  With a small microphone pinned to her neckline, she explained the history of Xiangcheng and the origin of the orchard in a straight-forward manner:

"According to the "Mountain City Collection", Xiangcheng, an ancient town with beautiful mountains and clear waters and pleasant scenery, has been inhabited by humans as far back as the Neolithic Age... During the war years, it was easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it was almost isolated from the outside world. The paradise described, we went to the back of the village, there was a valley with a stream, and peach trees were planted on both sides, and in spring, the peach blossoms and grasses were colorful, very similar to the scenery described in the text "Peach Blossom Spring"..."

  The villagers looked at each other:

   "Is there? When did our village have such a beautiful place?"

"I remembered, is it by the creek in Houshan Col? There are indeed two old peach trees there, which have been around for decades. They just bloom but don't bear fruit. If it weren't for the shade in summer, the children would go to the creek. It was not so sunny when playing, and it would have been cut off long ago."


Xu Yin is still describing the beauty of Xiangcheng: "Our town is surrounded by mountains. Although it is cold in winter, there are few northwest winds, because it is blocked by the barrier-like mountains; although the temperature in summer is high, But the temperature difference is huge, so it’s not very hot at night, and there are still many people in our village who don’t have air-conditioning, turn on fans at night, and cover them with blankets…”

  Villager: Isn’t it because they are poor and can’t afford air conditioners because they don’t have air conditioners installed? As for covering the blanket with the fan on, those are all old men and women. Go ask the young man, who would sleep under a blanket in the summer?

  Seeing that Xu Yin spoke in more detail and vividly than her, Gu Chenyu was happy to let Xu Yin take over and accompany her. She walked behind to accompany the two retired old couples.

   This car is basically a parent-child family. There are only four elderly people, all of whom are retired teachers from colleges and universities.

Before going up the mountain, Xu Yin gave a small sachet to each of the children who were holding the hands of their parents and looking around curiously: "There are many flying insects in the mountains, and the skin of the children is tender, and they may be bitten. This is the mosquito repellent sachet I made myself. The effect of repelling insects is very good, and it can be hung on the neck or wrist."

   "It's so beautiful!" The five or six-year-old child couldn't put it down when he saw the sachet. "This is Huahua."

   "I am a fox."

   "This is a puppy."

   "I am also Huahua, I really like this Huahua."

  The sachets that girls get are all flowers, flowers of different shapes; boys are small animals.

  With this gadget, I don’t feel tired on the way up the mountain. I don’t need my parents to hug me. A few children walk together and compare their sachets with great interest.

Xu Yin continued to act as a tour guide: "Come on! Hold on for a while, and you will arrive at the cherry orchard soon. My cherries are the only small agate cherries in the village. They are sweet and delicious, with high nutritional value, and contain various vitamins and minerals. , the health care effect is also very good. However, the skin of the small cherries is thin and delicate, and when you pick them a little heavy, you will bruise them. If you want to taste the best taste, you must handle them gently when picking them."

   "Auntie, is Little Cherry really easy to get hurt?" A little girl raised her head and asked crisply.

Xu Yin patted her head: "That's right! Little cherries are like children, they are very fragile. When picking them with too much force, or throwing them too heavily into the basket, they will be bruised. After being bruised, the little cherries will It's not as tasty."

   "Then I will pick it gently."

   "So good!"

  Xu Yin rewarded her with a cool and thirst-quenching handmade mint.

  The other children saw that there is candy to eat? Immediately raised his little hands high, scrambling to express his opinion:

   "I also pick it lightly."

   "I'll pick it gently like my mother gives me a bath."

  “I will pick it gently like grandma applying incense to me.”

  Xu Yin is happy, this is a competition to write sentences and write essays.

   There was also a little girl who couldn't think of anything to say, and simply said: "I will pick it gently like my father kissed my mother."

  The little boy next to her retorted: "Wrong! You must be wrong! Mom and Dad are not gentle at all, they are old and energetic."


  Whose child is this? Will they be mixed doubles when they go back?

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