The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 930: Selfish vanity female supporting role (26)

  Chapter 930 Selfish and vain female supporting role (26)

  At three o'clock in the afternoon, after seeing off the tourist group who picked cherries, ate farm meals, and went to the gurgling and shallow stream beside the peach trees to play in the water, catch fish and fight water fights, Xu Yin returned home and settled the day's income with her parents.

   Seeing the numbers that my daughter pressed out with a calculator, Xu's father and Xu's mother widened their eyes—

  5120! !

   "Is this our family's profit today?"

   The couple's eyeballs almost popped out.

so much? ? ?

   "Have you deducted the expenses for helping the kitchen and buying food?"

"Deducted." Xu Yin said with a smile, "It's actually okay, the cost of cherries hasn't been reduced yet. Our family sold a total of 120 catties of cherries today, and the 1,800 yuan profit was also included, and they were also eaten by tourists. It weighed about seventy or eighty catties."

   That’s a lot of money too!

   It's only one day!

   Excluding the free food for tourists, you can earn at least two or three thousand a day, who would believe it!

   "If there are tourist groups visiting every day..."

"How can there be such a good thing." Xu's father interrupted Xu's mother's whimsy, "Didn't you hear what my daughter said? Those who like to climb mountains and pick cherries are the younger generation with children at home, and they are busy working to make money on weekdays. Do you have time? It depends on the situation on weekends. But even if you take a tour group once a week, it’s not bad.”

  Xu Yin thought so.

  Tourists come every day, she can't bear it, and neither can her parents.

   After all, you have to receive them, pay attention to their safety, and cook for them.

  Once a week is okay, and my parents are happy to earn this extra money if they want to.

That night, after Gu Chenyu finished his one-day tour, he called Xu Yin when he got home: "The natural scenery in your village is quite good, but today I'm running out of time, and I couldn't have a good chat with you. Is it true that there are fruits picked all year round?"

  Xu Yin laughed: "What? Sister Gu wants to organize a four-season picking tourism project?"

"I have this idea." Gu Chenyu laughed, "To tell you the truth, the overall economy of the tourism industry is not very prosperous now, regardless of short-distance or long-distance. Today's picking project is the one that makes tourists feel most satisfied this year. I was thinking about this on the way back, and I hope both of us can win."

   "Sister Gu, do you have any good suggestions?"

"In this way, you first send me the type of orchard in your village. Of course, the villagers have to sign up spontaneously. Don't wait for my side to pick up tourists, and your side is unwilling to accept them. After that, I will plan the picking projects according to the season. Then solicit customers, and you will receive them. However, in the long run, it is best to re-arrange your village to make the environment as comfortable as possible. For example, put up a tourist route sign at the entrance of the village, and whether the road up and down the mountain can be smoothed and handrails installed on both sides Railings and so on. The picking gardens of each family should be kept clean, and the rest area should be more elegant...Of course, these are just my suggestions. If you want to receive tourists for a long time, it is best to cater to the psychology of tourists. They come to enjoy nature, not come to nature to suffer.”

  Xu Yin herself has no objections, but this is related to the improvement of the environment of the whole village, so she has to talk to the village chief.

"The head of the village is the one where you gave me a taste of big cherries? I don't know if his big cherry orchard is willing to receive tourists. A retired old teacher asked me that the retired staff of their school wanted to hold an event, but most of them liked it. Big cherries. You only have little cherries at home, so I'm not ashamed to ask."

  Xu Yin said straightforwardly: "What's the matter? It's normal for people to have different tastes. Some people like small cherries, and naturally there are others who like big cherries. It's late today. I'll ask the village chief tomorrow and I'll answer you."

  Gu Chenyu is very grateful. If this is negotiated, she will be able to organize another day trip immediately.

  Retired workers are not happy to be on weekends because they think there are too many people on weekends and prefer weekdays.

   In this way, one-day tours can be planned on weekdays and weekends.

  Xu Yin didn't keep Gu Chenyu waiting too long. The next morning, she went to the village chief's house before going up the mountain.

  The village chief was still pondering after hearing this, and his sons and daughters-in-law scrambled to say:

   "Dad, this is a good thing!"

   "That's right, Dad, what else are you thinking about?"

   "Dad, didn't you say that? Yinyin's brain is a spirit, so you must be right."

   "Yesterday, I went to Yinyin's cherry orchard. As long as these tourists tell them in advance, they are quite qualified. They are not as scary as the people in Wangjing Village said."

   "Dad, why don't we learn from Yin Yin and try it once, if it doesn't work, we won't accept tourists anymore."

  "Yes, yes, yes, you won't lose money if you try it once, and you won't be fooled if you try it once!"


  The village chief couldn't laugh or cry: "I didn't say no."

   "Is that a promise?"

   "...Go, go! Do your work, I will tell Yinyin myself."

   "Then Dad, we are going to work, you must agree!"


  When the son and daughter-in-law went to the cherry orchard, the village head took Xu Yin to have a good chat, including the environmental improvement proposed by Gu Chenyu.

"Grandpa of the village chief, I think Sister Gu is right. Tourists come to pick in the mountains, not to experience labor, but to relax, cultivate parent-child relationship, and embrace nature. We make the environment clean and beautiful. , will leave a good impression on them, and whenever they encounter similar activities in the future, our village must be the first choice."

   "That's what I said, but a comprehensive rectification requires a lot of money."

   To put it bluntly, the village is poor.

  Xu Yin thought for a while and said: "If this is the case, the people who sign up to take the group will pay 200 yuan to the village for environmental maintenance every time they take a group, which is earmarked for special use."

   As she spoke, she took out her mobile phone and wanted to transfer money to the village committee: "Let me start."

  The village chief couldn't help but ask: "Is it really that profitable to pick up tourist groups?"

  Xu Yin smiled deeply: "To tell you the truth, yesterday, my family's net income was worth the purchase price of five hundred catties of small cherries."


  The village chief was moved.

   "I will hold a village meeting at night."

  At exactly 11:00 noon, just as the smoke was rising from every household to prepare for cooking, the village committee’s loudspeaker rang:

   "Hey! Hey! Did you hear me? At seven o'clock tonight, each family will send a representative to the rice drying field for a meeting! I will broadcast it again, at seven o'clock tonight, each family..."

  The villagers wondered: "It's not a year or a festival, what can call us to a meeting?"

   "I don't know, you will know if you send a representative to listen."

  Although it is a busy season, fruit picking is basically during the daytime. Except for a few households who are still busy in the orchard at 7 o'clock in the evening, most people are resting at home. Although it is enough to go to a representative, but anyway, idle is idle, and it is good to go to listen, just treat it as an after-dinner digestion.

   Xu's father and Xu's mother used to pick cherries in the cherry orchard day and night at this time. This year, thanks to my daughter, they don't have to be so tired, and the ripe cherries are basically sold out. In addition, they picked up a tour group yesterday and earned thousands of dollars a day, which gave them a lot of peace of mind.

  So after hearing the notice from the village committee, I had dinner early and walked slowly to the grain drying field.

  (end of this chapter)

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