The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 936: Selfish vanity female supporting role (32)

  Finally, Grandma Junjun couldn’t hold back her grandson, so she blushed and asked Mrs. Jiang to buy a catty.

  Granny Jiang bought a crucian carp and a box of tofu with the money, and cooked crucian carp tofu soup for her in-laws and son-in-law in the evening.

  Xu Mingrui and his wife came home from get off work, only to find out that their niece had come when they saw the fresh cherries in the basket that looked like water locked.

  Jiang Yanqun's favorite fruit is cherries. She washed a plate and ate it while praising: "This year's cherries taste very good! Is it because of the good weather?"

   "Maybe! It hasn't rained recently, the sweetness is high, and the cherry picking season is most afraid of rain." Xu Mingrui also ate a few, and asked his mother-in-law, "Mom, did Yinyin tell you about the situation at home?"

"I've said it." Mrs. Jiang said with a smile, "She said that the cherry harvest this year is good and the sales are expensive. The family is planning to build a house. After the cherries are sold, they will build it. They can move in during the New Year. She also said that she will give You can reserve a room, and you can stay for a few more days when you go back during the Chinese New Year. Haohao will also go to multiple places during the winter and summer vacations...Mingrui, I found that your niece is quite sensible, and she is very organized in speaking and doing things. A bottle of medicinal wine for treating rheumatism came over. She bought it when she was working in Anshi. Yan Qun's father was greedy when he smelled the wine, but she didn't mind at all. Then ask someone to buy it...It's not like what Shanshan's mother said."

   "Cough." Xu Mingrui clenched his fist to cover his lips, and coughed lightly, "My cousin sister-in-law sometimes likes to exaggerate things. You can almost hear her words."


  Granny Jiang slapped her thigh: "Then I was fooled! I believed whatever she said in the past, but fortunately I have a strict mouth and didn't ask nonsense in front of your niece today."

  In fact, Xu Mingrui was very puzzled in his heart. Although Wang Cuihua's words were indeed to be discounted, he still understood his niece's temperament—stubborn and selfish, and she was very close to herself in everything, so she couldn't bear the slightest hardship. But today, hearing what my mother-in-law said, it seems that a lot has changed.

   Could it be that the Eighteenth Women's University has changed? Are you becoming more sensible?


  Xu Yin came out of her uncle's house and was not in a hurry to go home, but went to the second-hand car market.

I bought a second-hand van for 30,000 yuan, and asked the owner to drive it to the nearest auto repair shop. I paid the owner of the auto repair shop 50 yuan, and asked them to borrow a set of maintenance tools. The water tank and windshield were replaced, two tires were replaced, and the parts were overhauled by the way.

  In a small world, she even modified a racing car, not to mention overhauling a small truck with low speed-up requirements within a reasonable range.

  As for parts such as engine oil, windshield, screws and nuts, she has a lot in the system warehouse.

   Money is tight at the moment, so take it out and use it first, and then buy a batch and stock up later when you have more money.

  The title of "Hoarding Yin" is not called for nothing.

  Every time I go through a small world, I am used to stocking up on a wave of supplies.

  The more worlds I experience, the more I like hoarding.

  After the second-hand car was thoroughly inspected and repaired by her, except that the appearance is a bit old, the interior seems to have been upgraded in place, and it drives much more smoothly.

  But she didn't plan to refresh the paint. She wanted to use it to pull fruit. The strong smell of new paint is not a good thing.

  The owner of the auto repair shop thought she was lying at first.

  Such a young and beautiful girl, can repair the car and change the oil?

   Accepting the fifty yuan, with the mentality of watching the excitement, she waved her hand, and let her use the maintenance tools in the store.

   Looking at her jaw almost dislocated, is there really such a capable girl? Is the key strength still so great? Didn't need anyone's help, one person got a small truck?

   Immediately wanted to hire her to work in the store.

   Aside from being able to support two or three laborers alone, she is still a young and beautiful girl. With her, his car repair shop may become a leader in the industry in the future. Even if the location is relatively remote, there are still many car owners patronizing.

  Xu Yin thinks about the next tasks—receiving a group to deliver goods to sell cherries, building a house after selling cherries, and grafting fruit trees after building a house... There is no time to earn extra money, so she politely declines.

  The owner of the auto repair shop watched her leave regretfully.

  Xu Yin found a surrogate driver, and drove one with the surrogate driver. They went to the building materials market and bought two truckloads of yellow sand and cement. After pulling the heavy cargo, they went home facing the afterglow of the setting sun.

   Seeing her go out and buy a second-hand pickup truck, Xu's father and Xu's mother were a little surprised, but when they learned that it only cost 30,000 yuan, they thought it was not expensive.

   "Are vans so cheap now?"

   "A used car depends on its age, but this one is okay, and it will be no problem to drive it for more than ten years."

  After the overhaul, the driving is not much different from the new car.

  The couple made a calculation: Even if calculated on a ten-year basis, 30,000 yuan for ten years is equal to 250 yuan a month. Renting a car for a long distance will cost more than that for a day.

   I feel more and more cost-effective.

   Regret not buying it sooner.

   "Dad, Mom, I bought yellow sand and cement, where do I put them?"

   The couple regretted half of it, and suddenly heard what the girl said, and hurried out to see:

   "Bought it back? Hey, why did you buy so much? Isn't it just to renovate the pigsty?"

   I heard from my daughter that I can’t buy authentic local pork now, and even if I can find it, it’s very expensive. Xu’s father said that the pigsty should be rebuilt, and the next spring will buy two piglets, and they will kill the pigs to eat during the New Year.

  In the past, the couple were at home, busy in the cherry orchard all day long, so there was no time to raise pigs.

Now my daughter has decided to go home and develop, and she has been reading books on cherry cultivation, and she is getting more and more familiar with this aspect. In the future, the cherry orchard will be handed over to her gradually, and the couple can spare one person to raise pigs and feed chickens .

   There are chickens and meat in the Chinese New Year, and there is hope when you think about it.

   As a result, what did the girl say?

   "I have thought about it carefully, and I have to build a pigsty anyway. I have spent so much time and energy, so I might as well tear down the old house and rebuild it!"


   Before they could react, they heard the daughter say:

   "Anyway, we're building a new house, why not expand the foundation and build a two-and-a-half-story self-built villa!"



   Are you drifting away?

   How many carts of cherries have been sold and how many tourists have been picked up, do you think our family is making a lot of money every day?

  The fruits of the 300 cherry trees were all sold, and the money collected was only 140,000 to 150,000, not 40,000 to 500,000!

   You wake up!

   When Xu Yin was in the auto repair shop, she asked the boss about the local construction cost.

  For a two-story self-built villa with a building area of ​​200 square meters, 50,000 yuan is enough for contract labor or materials. After all, it is only a small town that has been out of poverty for a few years, and labor costs are much cheaper than those in big cities.

  In terms of building materials, the bulk is mainly steel, cement, yellow sand, stones, bricks, etc., which add up to about 80,000 to 90,000.

  She can draw architectural drawings by herself, and she has the most environmentally friendly waterproof coatings on the walls in her system warehouse.

   With such a calculation, 150,000 yuan can almost build a house.

   "What? One hundred and fifty thousand can build a two-story building?"

   Father Xu's eyes were full of astonishment.

  He always thought that building a magnificent self-built villa would cost at least three to four hundred thousand.

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