The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 937: Selfish vanity female supporting role (33)

  Chapter 937 The selfish vanity female supporting role (33)

Mother Xu glanced at the man: "Even if it's only 150,000 yuan, our family can't afford it now. All the money from selling cherries will be credited to the account, and if you don't spend a penny, it's only a little over 140,000 yuan, and you still owe a little bit of 150,000 yuan. Woolen cloth."

  I thought this was already a lot. After all, selling to buyers in previous years only earned seven to eighty thousand. It's not bad if you can get up to 80,000, but if you have 90,000, you have to burn the incense.

  This year, thanks to Yinla's sales in Anshi, and a few more tourist groups, it doubled.

  But compared with the cost of building a house, this amount of money does not seem to be much.

"I still have some money here." Xu Yin showed her parents a look at her account balance, "It adds up to enough to build a house. Don't worry about electrical appliances and furniture. I will have a sum of money in the account next month. Just help me sell Sister Chen from Cherry, she asked me to become a shareholder of her barbecue restaurant. Every quarter, I can get a dividend. It may not be a lot, but I still have ten thousand yuan a month, and I will use it to buy home appliances and furniture. Anyway, we will live by ourselves. , just add it slowly. You can pick up Grandpa back after the Chinese New Year.”

  She didn't tell her parents about some unfriendly rumors she heard in her uncle's neighborhood.

   Fortunately, my uncle's mother-in-law is a kind person and didn't take these words seriously, but if things go on like this, it is hard to guarantee that there will be no lumps in her heart.

  Grandpa Xu seldom goes out because of his inconvenient legs and feet, but what if he goes downstairs one day and hears these gossip?

  In the original text, he was sent to the hospital because of Yuanshen's anger, but now that it's her, she definitely won't be angry with the old man. But I was afraid that the plot would be too strong, so I turned back inadvertently.

  As for taking over the old man now... The old house is so damp, it will only aggravate his rheumatism.

  Anyway, there is a plan to build a new house, but it is only sooner or later, so why not build it while the farming is slack.

   The couple looked at each other in dismay: "Then why... cover it?"


  After the family of three made up their minds, they moved the yellow sand and cement into the main room and put them outside for fear of getting wet when it rained.

  A villager had an early dinner and wandered over to chat with Father Xu.

  Since Xu Yin helped the villagers sell big cherries in Anshi, Father Xu's popularity has improved a lot. Every day after dinner, someone would come to chat with him.

  Come here today and see that the three of Xu’s family haven’t had dinner yet and are moving cement and sandbags into the house, so I asked casually, “Mingkang, is your family planning to repair the house?”

  Father Xu smiled happily and said, "No, I'm going to tear down the cover."


   There are no secrets in a small town, let alone a small mountain village with less than a hundred households.

   Within two days, the news that the Xu family had made money selling cherries and was planning to build a new house spread to the whole village.

  However, everyone thought they were building bungalows. People who planted other fruit trees in the village had built houses one after another a few years ago.

  But most of them are bungalows. Except the main roof is covered with tiles, the roof of the wing rooms is directly covered with cement slabs as a sun terrace, which is convenient for the autumn sun.

Only a very small number of houses have been built. The most impressive one is the village chief’s house. His five sons built a two-storey building with six rooms. , Even if the family is separated, they live together, and they are a big and harmonious family.

  Wang Cuihua was very envious of such a big house, and every time she passed by the village chief's house, she would look at it more greedily.

  In fact, she has saved a sum of money, about one hundred thousand. But the son hasn't married a wife yet. I heard that the dowry has increased again in the past two years, and I worry that I won't be able to pay the dowry after building the house. Wouldn't it delay my son's lifelong event?

   Fortunately, although her house is not a building, it is also a brick house renovated eight years ago, with red bricks and white walls, which is quite respectable in the village.

Unlike Xu Mingkang’s family, they still live in an old house built in the 1980s, and the floor is still muddy; the windows are not double-glazed windows, but old-fashioned wooden lattice windows. Even if the glass is installed, it is not enough Open and bright; you can see the beams and tiles when you look up.

   "It's an honor to build a house now?" Wang Cuihua came back from the private plot with a vegetable basket on her shoulders, and complained to her husband, "It's a waste of such a big house."

  She was jealous of Xu Mingkang's homestead, and fantasized more than once that it would be her own.

  Unfortunately, when she married in, Xu Mingkang's father and her father-in-law had already separated.

  Her father-in-law took the old house at the entrance of the village, and Xu Mingkang's father moved to the newly designated homestead at the foot of the mountain. Because the location was remote, there was no family there at that time. The village cadres compensated him and allocated an extra piece of land for him.

  Although it is far away from the entrance of the village, it is close to the back mountain, and several families have been added to the surrounding area. They are not desolate and spacious, much more comfortable than the cramped and narrow courtyard of her house.

"If that piece of homestead was replaced by my home, I would build a few more rooms, build a courtyard wall to enclose the land, raise more chickens, and sell them in the city during the Chinese New Year. Shanshan said, now the city Farm-raised chickens and ducks are very welcome, and the price is very high.”

   "You are not Mingkang's wife, how do you know that his house only has three rooms? Maybe it will be expanded." Xu Mingfu put down his pipe and rubbed the tobacco leaves.

   "Will his house be expanded? Impossible!" Wang Cuihua was furious when she heard that.

  There are only three main rooms in my house, if Xu Mingkang's house builds four rooms, wouldn't it surpass my own house? When I think that my family's limelight will be overshadowed by poor relatives, I feel very unhappy.

   "At most one small wing room can be built, and it is impossible to build four! By the way, why hasn't old man Xu come back yet? Are you really planning to retire at Mingrui's house?"

   "Why do you care so much about other people? It's not your father-in-law, so it's not your turn to take care of the elderly."

   "I'll just ask." Wang Cuihua curled her lips, "Their two brothers have a good relationship. If we are the boss, let the father-in-law live with your brother? Try to write Wang Cuihua's name upside down for the first half of the year."


  Xu Mingfu's face was flushed red, and it took him a long time to hold back a sentence: "The name Hua Cui Wang is not good."



  Just when everyone in the village thought that Xu Yin's family was going to build three brick and tile bungalows on the original foundation, Xu Yin pulled back all the building materials needed to build the house.

  I took the cherries to Anshi in the morning, and took the building materials home in the evening. The carts moved like ants.

  In the pile house of bagged building materials, the open space next to the pile house of bare cement bricks, stones, stones, etc.

  The open space is also her homestead.

This time, the house will be expanded from the original three rooms to four rooms with a depth of 12 meters. The foundation needs to be expanded a lot. Xu Yin gradually transplanted the fruit trees next to the house to the edge of the house site. .

  According to Xu's father, the fruits of these fruit trees are sour and astringent, and they are not worth eating, and they still take up space if they are kept, so just cut them down and forget it. Why bother to transplant them.

  But Xu Yin intends to keep the graft.

   It doesn't taste good now, but it doesn't mean it won't taste good after grafting. Cut it off and it will really be gone.

   Take the time to pick off the fruits on the tree, make fruit wine with the big ones, and make candied fruit with the small ones.

  By the way, doesn't she have a fruit dryer? It can be baked into dry slices and made into tea.

   It is sour when eaten raw, but when it is dried and made into tea, it will be more fragrant and palatable with a little sour taste, so it will not be considered a waste.

  (end of this chapter)

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