The Cannon Fodder of Fast Time Travel, She Chooses To Farm

Chapter 938: Selfish vanity female supporting role (34)

  Chapter 938 Selfish and vain female supporting role (34)

  With this plan, not a single fruit on the tree was missed, and all the fruits were picked before transplanting, and these fruit trees were grafted after the house was built.

   At that time, a two-meter-high courtyard wall will be surrounded, and these fruit trees will take root along the courtyard wall.

  Although transplanting in summer is easy to cause dehydration and death of plants, it is not that Xu Yin has not transplanted in summer.

Trim off excess branches and branches before transplanting, pour mountain spring water soaked in spiritual mist several times to ensure that enough water is stored in the trunk, and there are no excess branches and leaves to absorb, and then choose a cool morning, use Taoyuanxing soil protection Then move into a new pit.

  With the **** of Lingwu, the transplanting of fruit trees went extremely smoothly.

  When the fruit trees next to the house were transplanted one after another, Xu Yin’s family’s cherries were finally sold out.

  Speaking of cherries, Uncle Xu and his wife brought a few catties of cherries to the factory on the second day after Xu Yin sent the cherries to the factory, and distributed them to the leaders and colleagues to taste.

  In fact, I have been doing this in previous years, but no one asked him to buy it.

  This year, quite a few colleagues asked him to buy it. Even the factory manager smiled and asked Little Cherry how much a catty. He wanted to buy some, and said that he could consider giving it to customers as a gift.

  He happily called back to his hometown. Unexpectedly, his brother said on the phone that all cherries have been ordered this year, and there are still several batches waiting to be picked by the tourist group.

  Uncle Xu was surprised: The supply of little cherries, which were always worrying in previous years, is actually in short supply this year?

  Father Xu: "Maybe this year's Little Cherry is particularly competitive."

  Uncle Xu: "..."

  After the cherries were sold out, Father Xu began to dig the foundation.

  Dig a little every day, Xu's mother packed her luggage and moved to the village committee.

  The village committee has a warehouse, which was used to store public grain, but it has been idle all these years. If someone builds a new house and has no place to stay, they move here for a transition. There is no need to pay rent, as long as the house is not damaged and cleaned up before moving out.

  After the luggage was packed, Xu Yin drove to the village committee warehouse in one trip.

  Leaving Mother Xu to clean up slowly, she went home to help Father Xu dig the foundation.

  Digging by yourself can save a lot of labor costs. Building a house now is no more expensive than materials in the 1980s and 1990s.

   After digging a new foundation, start to demolish the three old houses.

  The village chief called his son to help.

  Now, only the people in the village know—Xu Mingkang’s family is going to build four rooms!

  When Wang Cuihua heard about it, she was so angry that she missed a bowl for dinner that day.

  Xu Mingfu was not as narrow-minded as she was. He took a bite of vegetables and chewed and said, "There are only four rooms. When my son gets married, we will build a building."

"You have to be rich!" Wang Cuihua glared at him, "After my son gets married, how much money do I have left? I have to save for several years. And Shanshan, it's time to talk about marriage. Dad, why are you not worried at all? You can still eat!"

   "People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. You can lose weight if you eat one bowl less. I will be skinny if I eat one bowl less."

   "Xu Mingfu, what do you mean? Do you think my wife is fat?"

   "Isn't this what you yelled not to eat?"


   A few days later, a standard construction contractor team drove into the village and drove to the door of Xu Yin's house to build a house for her.

  The foundation was dug deep enough and the scaffolding was erected. Only then did the villagers know that what Mingkang's family built was not a one-story house, but a two-and-a-half-story self-built villa.

   "What is a self-built villa?" Some villagers asked if they didn't understand.

"I heard from the contractor that it is as beautiful as the big villas in the city when it is built, but the developers in the city build it together and sell it to rich people after they are built. This is built with their own money, and the land is still their own. "

   "Wow! So, the Mingkang family is going to build a villa?"

   "The two and a half floors of the four major rooms! It's amazing!"

   "Mingkang made a lot of money this year?"

"Isn't his family only three hundred small cherry trees? Where can he earn more? I heard that his daughter made a lot of money in Anshi, and bought a car and built a house. Mingkang and his wife are just waiting to enjoy themselves! "

   "I've seen it for a long time, his daughter is promising."

  The villagers surrounded Mingkang's villa under construction, envious for a long time and refused to leave.


  Wang Cuihua was so angry that she dropped her chopsticks, and this time she couldn't even eat a bowl of rice.

  Xu Mingfu was shocked: "My cousin's house is going to build a big villa? Be good! So, Yinyin has worked in Anshi for two years and really made a lot of money?"

   "Fart! I think it's a debt!"

  Xu Mingfu enviously said: "It is also her ability to borrow money to build a villa for the family."

  Wang Cuihua was so angry that she wanted to pinch him: "Which side are you on?"

   "I'm telling the truth."



  In mid-July, Xu Yin received the first quarterly bonus of barbecue recipes.

  She thought that on a quarterly basis, the first dividend would not be settled until mid-to-late August. I didn't expect that the accountant would make the accounts according to the monthly statistics of the bookkeeping.

  It was already late May when the contract was signed. For the convenience of statistics, the first quarterly bonus was only settled for five or six months, and May was not even half a month. After that, it will be settled on a full quarterly basis.

  But even though it was only a month and a half, the money she received was much more than she expected, 60,000 yuan.

   There were 60,000 in one and a half months, wouldn't it break 100,000 in that quarter?

  She called Chen Jiao: "Sister Chen, you didn't pay much, did you?"

Chen Jiao laughed loudly: "I'm a businessman. How can I give more for the contents of the contract? Even if I want to thank you, I can treat you to dinner and tea when you come to Anshi. Don't worry about it." ,This is what you deserve."

  Xu Yin raised her eyebrows, so the seafood beer bar business is very good?

"It's more than good! Now people who come to the restaurant to eat on weekdays have to wait in line. Master Yang can't make it by himself, so I recruited two more people to help him. The roast whole lamb business you proposed is very good. It is impossible to roast two heads every weekend." Not enough regular customers. I plan to fly to the grassland in a few days and ask the herdsmen to order directly. When the weather turns cold in November and February, I will roast ten heads a week... The business of the self-service barbecue restaurant is also very stable, and the customers who come to consume , I often ask me if I sell barbecue seasoning, haha! In addition, I found a store next to the Academy of Fine Arts, and plan to open an all-weather barbecue bar. At that time, I will hire your classmate as the store manager, and it will officially open after the students register in September. "

  Xu Yin wished her a prosperous business.

The two chatted about each other's current situation for a while, and learned that Xu Yin's house would be completed in one month. Chen Jiao was not surprised: "The efficiency of building a house in the countryside is really high! The villa can be erected in less than two months." gone?"

  Ask again when the beam will be fixed?

   "I'm definitely going to come on such an important day as Shangliang. Have you bought the electrical appliances at home? If you haven't bought them, leave them to me. I have a friend who is the leader of an electrical appliance company, and he can get a discount that is lower than the internal price of the employees."

  Xu Yin said happily: "Then thank you!"

   With an extra 60,000 yuan on hand, you can get internal discounted prices, so you can buy all the home appliances at once.

  She was not polite to Chen Jiao.

  A real girlfriend is one who wants you to help me and I to help you, so that the friendship will become deeper and deeper.

  (end of this chapter)

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