He is now very worried about Lu Lin's consumption concept. In order to save more money, he had studied for a long time how to make Lu Lin agree to leave the money from selling the ox cart to him.

But now, Lu Lin did not mention this matter at all.

"Alas, what's wrong with the boss..." Lan Jie couldn't help but sigh.

As soon as he sighed, Lu Lin suddenly shouted: "Lan Jie."

"Ah?" Lan Jie responded immediately, "What's wrong?"

Lu Lin asked: "Have you heard of the colorful forest?"

"Colorful forest..." Lan Jie repeated the term and touched his chin, "Well, it sounds familiar, colorful forest, colorful forest...ah! Erga City!"

"Erga City?" Lu Lin asked in confusion.

"Yes, I remember the most famous attraction in Erga City is called this name," Lan Jie said, "I heard him talk about it when I was transporting goods in the past."

"Do you know where it is?" Lu Lin asked.

"I know roughly that place is on the border of the empire, but it's easy to find," Lan Jie said, "but why are you asking this, boss?"

"Because I plan to go to the colorful forest," Lu Lin said.

"Ah?" Lan Jie was shocked, "Why?"

"Huh? What's wrong?" Lu Lin was stunned for a moment, "Why are you reacting so strongly?"

"Because, that's the city of Erga," Lan Jie swallowed his saliva, "the legendary fallen city that devours people's souls..."

Chapter 69 New Home

The fallen city that devours people's souls.

When Lu Lin heard this description, he almost sneered at the first time.

Because this statement is too strong, it's just short of writing the five words "the Holy Church doesn't like it" on his face.

So Lu Lin just shook his head at the first time, didn't talk much, and said he would go to see the earth dragon first.

When they got outside the city, as expected, the earth dragon that Lu Lin had chosen before, carrying a two-story dragon on its back, was already waiting for him in the grassland. The person in charge of the handover was still the shopping guide girl. From her smiling face, it was not difficult to see that Lu Lin should have given her a considerable commission for this business, otherwise she would not have been so happy after waiting for so long.

The shopping guide girl asked the staff on standby on the earth dragon to put down the folding plank bridge on the earth dragon, and took the three people along the plank bridge into the two-story building on the earth dragon's back.

The first floor of the small building is a complete large room. Lu Lin's things and his twin mud puppets are now here. There is no furniture for the time being, and there is no room division. According to the introduction of the shopping guide girl, according to their after-sales service, they can provide furniture and interior decoration within a certain budget for free.

After seeing the first floor, everyone came to the second floor.

Because the overall design of the small building is small on the top and large on the bottom, the area of ​​the second floor is smaller than that of the first floor, but if it is used as an independent room, the space appears to be very large.

Lu Lin took a look and found that the space on the second floor should be enough for him to put down the alchemy cauldron, set up a large alchemy table, and leave enough space for array formation.

There is also a small attic on the second floor. It is relatively narrow and may be too difficult for people to live in, but it can still be used as a storage warehouse for alchemy materials.

"How is the insulation of this top attic?" Lu Lin asked the shopping guide.

The shopping guide was obviously very smart and immediately gave a plan: "If you need it, you can add a top insulation layer, or even add a constant temperature array to the top floor of the whole house. As long as the magic stone supply is continuous, the temperature in the house can be maintained in a habitable range all year round, and it is also convenient to store various alchemy raw materials. This may use up most of the gift budget."

"It doesn't matter. This thing is very important to me," Lu Lin said, "If the budget is not enough, we can just add money."

When Lu Lin said this, Lan Jie's mouth twitched again.

He knew what his eldest brother's current financial situation was. His pockets were cleaner than his face. Isn't the extra money his money?

However, he couldn't say anything, after all, he also wanted the constant temperature magic circle.

Think about it, who wouldn't want to live in a house that is warm in winter and cool in summer?

After deciding that the second floor would be used as an alchemy studio and the attic would be used as an alchemy material warehouse, everyone returned to the first floor to plan the house.

Now that there is a place for the studio, the first floor must be arranged as a living area. The shopping guide provided several decoration plans, all of which are complete from the kitchen, bathroom, dining room to the living room.

However, the first floor is said to be relatively large, after all, it is just a house on the back of the earth dragon with a very limited area.

Lu Lin used up the second floor and the attic himself, and the area left for the living area was in jeopardy. After thinking about it, Lu Lin chose a two-bedroom apartment.

The kitchen and dining room are connected, and the partitions are minimized as much as possible. The bathroom and toilet are separated. The bathroom is slightly larger, and the toilet saves as much space as possible.

Anyway, on the back of the earth dragon, the main feature of the toilet is to throw the fallen objects directly into nature after use, so it doesn't matter if it is small.

But even so, these things together occupy half of the space on the first floor. Minus the area of ​​the corridor, the remaining area is all the living room.

Neither room is too small, but because there is no reserved warehouse, these two rooms are estimated to be used as a warehouse for daily necessities in addition to placing the beds.

Not only these two rooms, but also the dining room has to allocate a lot of area for storage.

As for the allocation of these two rooms, Lu Lin plans to give one to Li Mi and the other to Lan Jie, and he himself will just find a place in the alchemy studio to put a bed.

In the end, after Lu Lin drastically reduced the furniture configuration in order to save storage space, the budget was only slightly exceeded.

The shopping guide was also very polite, saying that they were big customers and took the initiative to waive the excess.

Everything was settled, and just when the shopping guide was about to leave, Lu Lin suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, I remember you said before that magic stones are needed to power the constant-temperature array, right?" Lu Lin asked, "I wonder what the monthly cost is?"

"If you build the whole house, you may spend about ten silver coins worth of magic stones every month, which is not cheap, but I believe that with your ability, it shouldn't be a problem," the shopping guide said with a smile, "And you are originally Even an alchemist should be able to make magic stones by himself, right?"

"No, I don't have the magic stone refining formula in my hand yet. I wonder if you sell it?" Lu Lin asked.

"Huh? Ah, of course there is. You don't need to pay. The magic stone formula is a public formula," the shopping guide lady said hurriedly, "I'll just have someone deliver it to me later."

"Reveal the formula?" Lu Lin's heart moved, and he immediately smelled something cheap.

"Well, don't you know the public formula?" the shopping guide asked puzzledly.

"I stayed in the Diling Town below the canyon for a while, and I really didn't know that there was a public formula here," Lu Lin answered honestly.

"Ah! So that's it," the shopping guide smiled and nodded, "That's it. Although Binses Gaoya City has a developed business and abundant supplies, there are still some things because the demand is too high. Large and in short supply, in response to the shortage of these items, the City Business Federation will deliberately disclose the refining formulas of these items to facilitate the alchemists or alchemists and their apprentices in the city to learn and improve the properties of these items. Shipments."

"I see," Lu Lin nodded, "Then if I want all the public formulas, what should I do?"

"If you need it, I will have all the public formulas delivered to you in a moment. You don't need to do anything," the shopping guide said with a smile.

Upon hearing this, Lu Lin quickly nodded in agreement.

Listening to this statement, these things whose formulas are disclosed must be particularly popular and practical.

For someone like Lu Lin, who only knew the formulas for various contrabands, he definitely didn't know any of these formulas.

Being able to get so many practical formulas for free can be said to be a huge profit.

The shopping guide bowed again and then left.

Lu Lin and Lan Jie temporarily moved everything in the house to the second floor.

After that, the first floor needs to be renovated, and the second floor only needs to be moved in with some furniture. It will be convenient to put things upstairs so that people from the chamber of commerce will come to do the work later.

After the things were moved, people from the Chamber of Commerce also arrived. After Lu Lin asked them to deliver the furniture on the second floor first, he started to tidy up the second floor.

As for Li Mi, as soon as Lu Lin's bed was made, she lay down on it immediately, closed her eyes, and fell asleep on the spot.

Lan Jie, on the other hand, was completely idle and could only sit in the middle of the room with nothing to do.

Just when he was considering whether to go downstairs to supervise the work, Lu Lin suddenly said: "You can tell me more about the colorful forest and Oga City."

Chapter 70 The Legend of the City of Endless Desire

"Actually, I really don't know much about the Colorful Forest. I only know that it is a famous attraction in Oga City."

Lan Jie sat back on the chair, resting his hands on the backrest, looking at Lu Lin who was arranging various high-end instruments, and spoke eloquently.

"As for Oga City, I have heard a lot of rumors."

"The city of Oga is the name of the people. The word Oga is a dialect from the Eastern Territory, which means 'endless desire'."

"In other words, it is called the 'City of Endless Desire'?" Lu Lin touched his chin.

"Yes, this is also the most widely circulated name," Lan Jie nodded, "its official name is Fantasy City. According to them, you can experience thousands of different fantasy experiences there. ”

"It just sounds like a tourist city boasting," Lu Lin shrugged.

"Not to mention, at least in the eastern part of the empire, Oga City is indeed recognized as the top amusement city," Lan Jie said. "There are countless theaters, countless minstrels, and various acrobatic circus performances that don't stop every day. There are non-stop singing and dancing comedies every night. In addition, there is also the largest casino and the largest brothel nearby. Almost all the entertainment you can think of, ranging from dragon riding to novels and picture books on the street, where There should be.”

"Hey..." Lu Lin glanced at Lan Jie with some surprise, "With the level of productivity and transportation capacity in this world, can such a city be supported?"

"Huh? Productivity level?" The sudden appearance of the term made Lan Jie a little confused. "What about transportation capacity?"

"Well, let's put it this way, according to you, almost everyone in this city is engaged in the entertainment service industry and cultural industry... Well, I mean, the people there are either waiters or entertainers," Lu Lin said, "That means that almost all the food, drink, daily necessities, clothing, food, housing and transportation in their market have to be transported from outside. The cost of transporting goods is so high these days, how can they have so much money to support this? A city works?”

"This... well, I don't quite understand it, after all, I haven't been there myself," Lan Jie scratched his head, "Maybe it's because there are too many rich people with such a big reputation? No, that's not the point. The point is that there is a legend about this city. It is said that there is a fruit called 'Xishi Fruit' there."

"Xishi Fruit?" Lu Lin repeated the name.

Xishi, Xishi, reminded him of the four words "Zhaohua Xishi".

"So what is this fruit for?" Lu Lin asked.

"It is said that this fruit is the most delicious fruit in the world, but anyone who has eaten it will have part of their soul taken away by it," Lan Jie said, "As for the reason... After leaving Erga City, all those who have eaten this fruit have forgotten everything they have enjoyed in Erga City without exception."

"Including all the performances they have seen, the food they have eaten, the various entertainments they have experienced, and what the Xishi fruit tastes like."

"But they will not forget the fact that they have 'experienced incomparable beauty in Erga City and enjoyed the supreme delicious Xishi fruit'."

"Moreover, it is said that those who have tasted the Xishi fruit will go to Erga City again in no time because they want to experience the beauty and deliciousness they have forgotten again."

"Because the expenses in Erga City are actually quite expensive, most of these people will work hard to make money outside. When they make enough money, they will immediately go to Erga City and repeat this cycle."

"This sounds a bit weird..." Lu Lin frowned slightly, "If this is true, it can explain why this city can It has been maintained, but it sounds like a rural legend. Are you sure it is not a rumor? "

"I am afraid it is not, because I have really met such a person," Lan Jie sighed, "Didn't I say before that I heard about Erga from a merchant I escorted, and he had eaten the Xishi fruit."

"The legend was actually told to me by him, and he himself is the living example. He can't remember what he experienced in Erga at all, and he can't remember the taste of the Xishi fruit."

"But he still wants to go, he works hard to run business , in order to save enough money as soon as possible and go to Erga City again. "

"But, he clearly wanted to go, but he told me not to go to Erga City in this life."

"He said that part of his soul had been lost in Erga City, he had fallen and was hopeless, but he told me not to be like him, not to go there, and not to lose my soul."

At this point, Lan Jie took a deep breath and said seriously: "So, boss, even so, do you still plan to go there?"

Lu Lin stopped packing his things.

He felt the seriousness in Lan Jie's words, which not only showed his fear of Erga City, but also his deep concern for himself.

Lu Lin felt that he should not continue to fool Lan Jie.

As he said, since Lan Jie recognized him as the boss, it would be better to speak directly instead of hiding some things.

"I understand. Although I'm not completely sure about some things, I should tell you," Lu Lin said. "When the construction team below finishes, I will explain everything to you."



"Here, this is the public formula you want," the shopping guide girl smiled and handed Lu Lin a stack of papers full of words. "In addition, the interior construction of your house has been completed, and the money for purchasing your obsolete alchemy equipment has been given to you. Our service should be over. I won't bother you any more. Thank you for your patronage and look forward to your next visit."

The shopping guide girl bowed to Lu Lin and left happily.

Looking at her rather brisk steps, Lu Lin was really curious about how much commission she could earn from this order to be happy; @like this.

"Finally everything is done," Lan Jie in the dining room lay on the dining table, looking weak, "Ah, I feel like I'm starving to death."

Beside Lan Jie, the twin mud puppets were turning around.

This thing is made of mud all over, and it looks like it will dirty the floor, but in fact, because it will constantly gather the dust around it to restore and supply energy to the sleeping mud puppet, it can achieve the effect similar to a vacuum cleaner, and it can clean up all the dust wherever it goes.

The house has just been renovated, and there is a lot of dust, so Lu Lin let it act as a sweeping robot.

As for Lu Lin.

He has to cook.

Although he actually wants to go to the second floor to play with his new equipment, there are three people here, one only knows how to sleep, and the other has only been to the kitchen a few times in his life. If he doesn't cook, no one else can.

"Don't worry, I'll prepare dinner now," Lu Lin said, and walked towards the kitchen.

Although the newly renovated kitchen is not big, it is still much better than Lu Lin's wild stove in the past.

The kitchen knife was newly bought, the chopping board was made of solid wood, the pot was cast iron, and even the stove was heated by the magic circle, and even the water supply was; # The magic power was condensed out of thin air through the magic circle. As for this kitchen, Lu Lin felt that it was no different from a modern kitchen except that there was no range hood.

After preparing the ingredients for today, Lu Lin said while washing the ingredients: "Lan Jie, didn't you want to know why I went to the Colorful Forest before?"

"Yes," Lan Jie nodded.

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